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Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

quickbooks online price increase again?

@Chris827 wrote:

Being a 10+ year customer of them, it's time to move one. It was nice meeting you QBO.



They have announced their plan to increase the price for QBO US version this year. You can switch to another accounting app and purchase a 3rd party conversion service if required.

Level 1

quickbooks online price increase again?

30$ a month now… raised not even a year ago to 25$ no new features or benefits. Just a 300% increase in cost since I originally signed up, to access MY DATA.

Level 1

quickbooks online price increase again?

I'm right there with you.  I don't need payroll, in fact I barely need quick books at all anymore since we're in retirement mode.  However, taking away our ability to send our company file to our accountant is what has me infuriated.  I just want to mine my own business and not have my info on the cloud and send my info to my accountant.... period.  The price they are charging for me to stay on board with them is crazy!!!

Level 1

quickbooks online price increase again?

I am currently using QB desktop and was told by your customer service that I could no longer send my company file to my accountant.  Evidently I will have to use a USB to accomplish this now.  I don't need any frills or payroll just doing basic entry.  I don't mind updating every couple of years or so even though I don't need anything new.  But I was told that I cannot do that anymore by your representative even though I have a desktop version.

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

quickbooks online price increase again?


Which QB Desktop year version do you run? You can still create the QBX file and send it manually to your accountant.

Willis Solutions
Level 3

quickbooks online price increase again?

This is such a bummer. If you're using the 2021 Desktop version you have until 2024 before it stops working as normal and being supported. You have to buy the new subscription based model. I'm very bummed about this being a subscription based model for a desktop application. They already had the online subscription and the Enterprise subscription version. It appears to be nothing more than a money grab at this point. Oh well, I'm moving away from QB to a different desktop product that does not require a subscription. I can then pass a monthly price reduction down to my clients. QB thinks they have the market cornered and can do this but i know more than 100 companies moving away in the next year which is most everyone I know. QB can do what they want and we can certainly do what we want by moving away from them. Reach out to me as I can recommend some good software based on your needs that won't require subscriptions. 

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

quickbooks online price increase again?

@Willis Solutions wrote:

Reach out to me as I can recommend some good software based on your needs that won't require subscriptions. 


@Willis Solutions 

One of QB Desktop's closest rivals has decided to offer only subscription products this year. I'm not sure there's a viable replacement for QB Desktop Pro/Premier. How do I contact you to get your recommendation?

Level 1

quickbooks online price increase again?

can a representative successfully explain to me the following:

I pay annually for Intuit Payroll services  (almost 44.00/month) - which is slow with Maine updates

     and I am told this take cares of my monthly,  quarterly and annual reports to Fed and State gov.


why am I being charge per employee monthly?

     I do not use direct deposit

     Payroll processing and check printing is done in house

QuickBooks Team

quickbooks online price increase again?

Hi there, @PS032


Thank you for all the details. I've come to share some details about your concern, so you won't have to worry about being billed with unnecessary charges.


You'll be charged $4 monthly for each employee with direct deposit turned on, even if you don't pay them during the month. I recommend checking your employees' direct deposit setup to see if they're enabled. Then, turn it off to avoid getting charged.


  1. Go to the Payroll menu in the left panel.
  2. Select Contractors.
  3. Next to your employee's name, select the dropdown to toggle the direct deposit off.
  4. Repeat step 1 through 3 for the rest of your employees.


You'll want to read this article and go to the Turn off or change your contractor’s direct deposit section for your reference: Set Up and Manage Direct Deposit for Your Contractors. You may also review our payroll plans and pricing. You can click on each of the listed features to learn more.

I also encourage you to get in touch with our Payroll support. They can check your billing information securely and perform any necessary action.


Here's how:


  1. Click the (?) Help icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Dashboard.
  2. Select Talk to a Human.
  3. Enter a short description of your concern and press Enter.
  4. Click I still need a human.
  5. Select Contact Us to connect with our live support.
  6. Choose Get a callback.


I hope this information has shed some light. Please let us know if you have further questions or concerns about direct deposits. We're always here to help.

Level 2

quickbooks online price increase again?

Wow. I currently pay $430 per year for QB Online and got notification that it will raise to $915.00 upon renewal. I doubt that ANY innovation is going to be worth my company paying over double the cost of our subscription price. We will certainly be looking to transition elsewhere.  


Who has recommendations for new vendors? 


quickbooks online price increase again?

Thanks for joining this conversation, @TQ_Miami.


Allow me to jump in and help ensure this is taken care of for you.


We continue to invest in improving QuickBooks Online (QBO) speed and automation, and have recently released innovations, like:



We understand that not all businesses have the same needs at the same time as others. And while some may not use features, growth and change may find them using features down the road. For more details about the price increase, consider checking out this article: 2022 QuickBooks Online price update.


I also recommend visiting our website for tips and other resources you can use in the future: Self-help articles.


Please post again or leave a comment in this thread if you have additional questions about this or anything else. I'm more than willing to answer them. Take care.

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

quickbooks online price increase again?

@TQ_Miami wrote:

Who has recommendations for new vendors? 



How much budget do you have? You will also need to consider purchasing a 3rd party conversion service.

Level 1

quickbooks online price increase again?

I am so with you. One person LLC's don't need all the bell's and whistles. And because we're so embedded with the software switching is not easy. Two increased in one year is extorsion, as are increased by more than 20%. Not impressed. 

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

quickbooks online price increase again?


If you are running a business with revenue <50K USD per annum, you can switch to another accounting app with a starter plan for free..


Level 3

quickbooks online price increase again?

I'm having all my small business clients use ~ Apps since they're free and their software has been working much better than QBO.


I'm SHOCKED at the price increases. My client's new price is $140 / month for QB Advanced.


They don't need most of the features advanced provides except for user control. Now either they're paying $140/month for this software (they were paying close to $35 before), or their sales staff can now see all the business data.


What a horrible horrible marketing and sales scheme by Intuit. I am thinking this is the downfall of QuickBooks Online. They're money hungry and have some delusional sales / marketing team. Nobody wants your 6 months promotions then the price is doubled. I'm just so unimpressed with QBO.

As an Intuit shareholder it hurts twice as much.

Willis Solutions
Level 3

quickbooks online price increase again?

I'm in agreement with using apps as well. You can also just cancel the payroll service attached to your QB Desktop 2021 version to avoid any subscription fees like I'm doing. I'm going to be using something else for payroll until I transfer out of QB totally. When not using payroll you can still use your software even though there's no support and it'll give you more time past May of 2024.


I might try creating accounts in QB for payroll outside of the employee function and do the calculations myself. There's other things you can use for Direct Deposit and some have said they are good with going back to depositing checks that I can send directly from the bank account in bill pay. I'm so not happy that I'm ready to just go back to spreadsheets and use the free apps for processing invoices. There's other software that's less expensive that you can use and incorporate those different apps as well. It might come down to trying various solutions before one sticks. I have no intention of buying into the subscription platform for a desktop product.


I think QB jumped the shark by making the desktop version a subscription especially when they charge so much for the annual payroll addon. They already had the subscription versions with QB Online and Enterprise. Maybe it's time we all just go back to spreadsheets and use the free apps available to help streamline things. 


Willis Solutions
Level 3

quickbooks online price increase again?

Export all your data to Excel spreadsheets. Most programs can upload excel into the software. A company called Big Red Consulting does converting for around 250 I think it was. We also saved everything to PDF files all the reports and data. There's other accounting software companies that are less expensive and there are other solutions. Use free apps in conjunction with other methods. If you need cheap accounting software look into. Wave is free accounting software, invoicing and receipting but you do pay for payroll, ZipBooks which is also free but it does have some features you can purchase, Money Manager Ex- also free, GNU Cash is another one that's pretty decent, VT Cash Book is also free and if you don't need VAT you won't need to pay for anything. Look around and see what combo of products can work for you. 

Level 2

quickbooks online price increase again?

Yes they know its difficult to switch so Quickbooks is banking on that fact while they continue to raise their subscription prices without offering any new advantages. Definitely just a money grab. If they raise it again I'll do the pain in the neck work of switching over to Wave since its free and offers 99% of what Quickbooks does anyway.


Level 2

quickbooks online price increase again?

Thanks Fritz. I see that perhaps Essentials versus Pro is all I need for my business. I do have payroll on my current Plus plan. If I were to downgrade the level of service, would my payroll go unaffected?    



QuickBooks Team

quickbooks online price increase again?

I have a few information that I want to share about downgrading the level of service, TQ_Miami.


In QuickBooks Online (QBO), subscription and payroll are separate. Your payroll data isn't affected when you want to downgrade your subscription unless you are downgrading your payroll. To know more about what features need to be turned off before downgrading the level of service, I've added this article for more details: Upgrade Or Downgrade Your QuickBooks Online Subscription.


Furthermore, to know more about what available payroll plans are right for you, check out this resource for more information: Available Payroll Plans.


Reach out to us if you still have questions about downgrading. We're always right here to help you all the time.

Level 2

quickbooks online price increase again?

Ours went from that to $549.00!  (As of 10.11.2022) Cannot get help because you cannot understand 98% of techs accents. One told us that that’s just the way it is. Another told us that the charge was wrong, but could not refund us. And don’t even try to ask for a higher up to talk to. Absolute crap service & we are 1 step from being done with them. I hope thousands follow suit. 

Level 1

quickbooks online price increase again?

Mine went up to $30. Considering that I'm just starting out with my business, I can't afford these increases every few months. I just want the basic quickbooks that I've been using 

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

quickbooks online price increase again?


If you are running a business with revenue <50K USD per annum, you can switch to another accounting app with a starter plan for free.

Level 3

quickbooks online price increase again?

Wow! Here's my Quickcrooks "Screw You Small Business” story… I purchased a QB Desktop Pro Plus perpetual license in OCT 2021. QB offered me a free upgrade to Desktop 2022 less than 2 weeks after my original purchase. It was already OCT 2021, so great, that is understandable and nice - but was it? NOT A CHANCE!

It turns out the 2022 version I was upgraded to was a 1-year subscription version that expired in OCT 2022. Worse still, since I converted all my company files to 2022, I cannot convert them back to 2021 perpetual! Timothy, a QB supervisor stated that he would provide me with a 2022 Desktop perpetual license, due to this license type switcharoo less than 2 weeks after my initial purchase. That STILL hasn't happened, and now when I respond to his emails, I am told there is no ticket is associated with that email. LUCKILY I MADE OF A COPY OF MY CHAT WITH TIMOTHY...and I have all of the emails regarding my original purchase and the offer to upgrade from QB as well!

I thought I might start with sworn affidavits to AICPA and other national organizations of accountants. Put in a good word for Quickcrooks to the SBA, PTAC and the VA. Also, DCAA and other Veteran Owned Small Businesses, FTC, State Atty Gen office...finally, offer my tale of woe and financial pain to Netsuite and other QB competitors.

…any other suggestions for who else should hear our stories?  


Still reading?  Well over a week ago, this is the email that Timothy sent to me:


QB posted 23OCT22:

Timothy did follow-up with an email

Sent on 14OCT @ 2050 EDT:

Follow Up [ ref:_00Di0Xs0j._5003j247yKh

Thank you for contacting us.

This is an Intuit supervisor, sending this as a follow-through upon the request of last person you chat with, to ensure that your initial or all your concerns have been covered.

Please do let us know if you still need assistance with your QuickBooks by replying to this email.

Or you can schedule a quick appointment callback through this link >>>

Thank you,


Intuit QuickBooks Desktop


When I respond back, here’s what I get:

Thank you for your email. We would love to help you with your question but are unable to find an existing open case for your request.


Timothy, for the love of credits and debits, follow-though on you promise to provide me with QB Desktop 2022 perpetual - remember, I still have a copy of the chat!

QuickBooks Team

quickbooks online price increase again?

This isn't the kind of impression we want you to have, @ahd1. I want to make sure your QuickBooks issue is taken care of, and I'd like to redirect you to the best support group available to get this checked.


Since you haven't heard anything from our support team for a week, I recommend contacting them again. This way, they can review the email that was sent to you, and provide further information about QuickBooks Desktop 2022 perpetual license.


As always, you can visit our QuickBooks Community help website if you need tips and related articles in the future. 


Our Community forum is always open to help you again if you need more help with QuickBooks. Have a good one.

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