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Level 3

Items for Excavator

Hello All,

We are a growing company that does a wide variety of work and transforming into a GC.  I'm a bit stuck on how to setup my items.  I have a lot of heavy equipment, so if I setup an item for the different sub phase of excavating do I need to setup an item for each piece of equipment & corresponding labor for each phase that the equipment might possibly be used for?  I think this could be overwhelming for my guys to get the codes right (using tsheets).  I'm looking for the best approach to tracking the general labor, equipment & equipment labor for each phase that equipment may be used (Bobcat, Dozer, Haul Truck, Excavator, Backhoe...etc).  I don't think I will be able to track material by the subphases (if we get loads of stone it would be impossible to separate it to the subphases).  We use the equipment in other ways (bobcats for snow removal for example).  Does anyone have any advice how how to setup my item lists?  


Also, is there a way to get the Time by Job summary report to show in a hierarchy instead of it showing the header:subphase:subphase? It is difficult to read this way.


Thanks in advance for your valuable input.  We are using QB Premier contractor edition - Desktop

13 Comments 13
Level 15

Items for Excavator

Let's take a bit at a time:


"I have a lot of heavy equipment, so if I setup an item for the different sub phase of excavating"


You would only do this if it Matters to you; if you charge different Rates for the different Services; if you need to use that level of detail on Estimates and Purchase and Sales. Otherwise, it might just be "Service item = Excavator, rate per hour." Then, you can put some short description, such as on an Estimate:

Excavator, 5 hours, Clearing

Excavator, 1 hour, Foundation Prep

Excavator, 1 hour, Driveway Prep


Or, you want:

Clearing, rate might or might not be different

Foundation, rate might or might not be different

Driveway/Paths, rate might or might not be different


That's up to you, for what you want to see and use in reporting and data management.


"& corresponding labor"


Again, that's up to you. Example: Labor. Or, Landscape Labor vs Roofing Labor.


"for each phase that the equipment might possibly be used for?  I think this could be overwhelming for my guys to get the codes right (using tsheets)."


You also get to use them differently. Example:

On the Estimate, you listed the Excavator. On the Timesheets, the People list their Tasks, which might be Operator, or General Cleanup. These people are Not the Excavator. They use the excavator.


"I'm looking for the best approach to tracking the general labor, equipment & equipment labor for each phase that equipment may be used (Bobcat, Dozer, Haul Truck, Excavator, Backhoe...etc)."


Again, it's up to you. for what matters to you. I have an attached example of "Appliance" that is generic as Item, used specifically for quotes, purchase and sales entries.


"I don't think I will be able to track material by the subphases (if we get loads of stone it would be impossible to separate it to the subphases)."


Well, stone is stone, unless you Need to see it, quote it, buy it and track it as "noninventory item types" for Pit Run, 3/4", Stone Dust, etc. Again, only you know what matters in your operation. It is all provided for. Here's what I teach: You cannot report what you did not track. If you find yourself doing lots of freeform text, then you should have made more items, and not Notation and memos and freeform text.


"We use the equipment in other ways (bobcats for snow removal for example).  Does anyone have any advice how how to setup my item lists?"


Snow Removal is what you Charge me. Bobcats are what you Used to do that work. Someone Drove that Bobcat around. You won't track the Bobcat using the Employee's timesheet. You track the Employee's tasks, spent working at my location, doing that Snow Removal service. If you want to see "Snow Removal Driver" and "Snow Removal Labor" to track, report and manage your Staff, that means you need those two, separate, service items. You might be charging me "Monthly Maintenance Contract Fee" which is the same summer and winter, because you blow, mow, and generally maintain my property under a monthly contract fee.


See how what you manage is up to you, what you call it, how many different things you need, whether you job track it or not, and if that is billable or not?


"Also, is there a way to get the Time by Job summary report to show in a hierarchy instead of it showing the header:subphase:subphase? It is difficult to read this way."


That's the designation that a hierarchy exists. Run the different reports: Time by Item by Job by Name. Time by Name by Item by Job. Time by Name by Item. Time by Item by Job.

Level 3

Items for Excavator

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my post.  I appreciate your response.  I am trying to accomplish multiple layers of things.  Using the items to create our estimates and also be able to present job progress reports to our foreman to better manage the job in the field and of course analysis from a financial perspective.  Yes stone is stone but what the foreman has told me they would like to see is how each phase is going as compared to what was estimated (Needed 20T of stone, is at 23T now and job not done) but when I haul stone it it will be for the job as whole not specifically for a specific phase so I will not be trying to separate the material. We of course expect this to help us better estimate and better manage the projects.  All of our team are multi faceted, meaning I don't have just an operator, the operator may perform many tasks while on the jobsite.  While they would select a labor code of course I need to know what piece of equipment they were using not just that they were an operator.  This is also for multiple reasons - the equipment is billed at different rates, the equipment has different operation costs, I want to know how much each piece of equipment is utilized, and if we are working a prevailing wage job then the labor rates can be different depending on which piece of equipment the are using.  This is essentially what is driving the equipment question, when my team is using the bobcat, I need to know that is the piece of equipment they were on so I can't just have an operator code in the phase.  But I didn't want to have Equipment, subphase bobcat equip and subphase bobcat operator (effectively two codes for each piece of equipment) under every single phase.  


so for simple example:


Phase - Strip Top Soil 

              General Labor



                    Bobcat Operator


                    Excavator Operator


Phase - Subgrade

              General Labor



                    Bobcat Operator


                    Excavator Operator

Phase -Snow Removal\Salting

              General Labor (salting sidewalks)



                    Bobcat Operator

                    Salt Truck

                    Snow Plow


                    Spreader Salt

                    Bag Salt


And so on.  I would then have this for every Phase and Every Main category of work (Septic, Snow Removal, Excavation, etc). I think I must just be looking at it wrong, at least I hope that I am as I don't like the way I am approaching it.  I'm trying to gather enough information to provide the foreman running the job, to input the estimate in a meaningful way to analyze where we are doing well and where we need to work on but not make it ridiculous or crazy to collect the data in this way.  


Setting up multi tiered phases\subphases is also what makes the Time by Job Summary difficult to read as it it strings it all together Strip Top Soil:Equipment:Bobcat Operator





Items for Excavator

Greetings, overtaxed72.

Allow me to step in and provide some information about items in QuickBooks Desktop.


You can manage your Inventory by creating and building Inventory Assembly item, which can be a combination of inventory part items and/or sub-assemblies into a single item. An assembly is usually used for a unique item you make from other items.


To build an inventory assembly item:


  1. From the Inventory menu, choose Build Assemblies.
  2. From the Assembly Item drop-down, select an assembly item to build.
    Note: Depending on Inventory Preferences settings, you may or may not see the Quantity on Sales OrderQuantity Reserved for Other Assemblies, and Quantity Available information. The table in the middle of the Build Assemblies window lists the components (BOM) needed to build this assembly item. For each component, the quantity on hand and the quantity needed for the current build quantity are also shown. The quantity needed automatically updates as you enter different quantities to build. With Advanced Inventory, components can be selected from multiple sites. Directly below the table is the maximum quantity of this assembly item that you can build, given the current quantities of the components on hand.
  3. (With Advanced Inventory) Choose the Finished Assembly Inventory Site drop-down and select the site where the assembly will be stored after it is built. You can track multiple inventory sites with the Advanced Inventory add-on available in QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise US or Canada.
    1. From the Site drop-down, select the site each component will come from.
    2. Enter a quantity in the Quantity to Build field and press Tab to update the Qty Needed column in the components table.
      Note: If you enter a quantity greater than the quantity indicated by Maximum number you can build from the quantity on hand, you will be prompted to mark the build as pending. After marking the build as pending, you'll need to wait until there is enough inventory on hand before marking the build as final.
  4. (Optional) Change the build date only if you need to. The ability to complete a build is directly dependent on the quantities of component items available in inventory on the date of the build. Changing the build date could have any of the following effects:
    • Any or all quantity information displayed in the Build Assemblies window could change.
    • Your ability to complete the build could change.
    • The status of other completed builds could change to pending.
  5. (Optional) Enter a memo about this build.
  6. Select Build & Close to finalize this build or Build & New to finalize the build and start a new one.

Here's an article that contains detailed information about inventory assembly items:


Also, you may find this article helpful:


If you require more information about inventory items, don't hesitate to drop a reply below.

Level 3

Items for Excavator

Thank you for your reply.  Can you clarify why I would be using inventory to solve identifying the equipment used in the different phases?  I'm unclear what inventory items have to do with my post but I guess I am probably just not understanding but I don't think I want to use inventory to do this?


Items for Excavator

Hi @overtaxed72,


As to what QbTeach have mentioned, what you charge or enter on your estimate or sales depends on what you choose, there is no need to show the equipment on your estimate, but if you wish so, then you can create an assembly as @Rose-A stated with your operator so they can be easily enter in your estiamtes/sales, creating an assemply does not meant you will be tracking inventory.


You can also use the suggestion of QBteach by creating a service item that you will be charging and the further details will be stated under the description.


We highly recommend to check this with an accountant to seek guidance of what to decide on your transaction details.



Level 15

Items for Excavator

It isn't typical to use Phase as a Parent Level Item, and then expect to list Items under this. As you see, the same Service item for Labor cannot appear in multiple places.


This is easy to do and manage in reporting, including the Costs to Complete reporting: "Yes stone is stone but what the foreman has told me they would like to see is how each phase is going as compared to what was estimated (Needed 20T of stone, is at 23T now and job not done)"


But you cannot reiterate Stone in various Parent Service items as a Sublevel.


This is the type of thing you decide, that drives why you want More Items: "While they would select a labor code of course I need to know what piece of equipment they were using not just that they were an operator."


Excavator Operator, Grader Operator, Dump Truck Driver, etc. That's what is meaningful to you, and you will use it. You might also need that for Separating labor by worker comp, too.


"the equipment is billed at different rates"


I can use a Service item for the People and a Service item for the Equipment. In Desktop, I set up the Equipment on the Other Names List. Then, I list the Name at the top of the Weekly Timesheet and enter the Customer (job tracked) tasks, the item, the Time on each task, and billable or not. This is great for managing maintenance on equipment that is done based on on Mileage, but Hours in operation. You can enter this in advance, to keep a Calendar for Site Planning = this equipment, how long on which dates at which project site.


"then the labor rates can be different"


But that is Payroll Item; not Service Item. The reason to set your preferences to Job Track Per Earnings item, and the Employee Default to Pay from Time Data, is so that you can see Both Columns: Service item and Payroll Item. You select the right Service item = the task. You select the applicable Payroll item = what Payroll needs to be. Example:

You set up one Hourly Pay item; you set your starting wage as the default, such as $12. You add that item to each employee who is Hourly, and put their specific rate there in Edit Employee. You also set a Davis/Bacon Wage item. In the Timesheet, for jobs subject to Davis/Bacon, not the regular Hourly Item, but the same Service item that would be used for any job, because this is the Task, and not the Payroll Wage tracking.


The Service item gets its cost for Job Reporting from that Payroll Item, in this example, when the timesheet details are passed to the Paycheck function, or when running the projected costing Excel report, for each line, because Both Fields were populated. The Payroll item still flows the data to the Expense account, by the way.


You also can use Different Estimates to track Phases, and Job Names. Example:

New Hospital (customer name)

Job Name = Phase 1, list the Scope on an estimate

Job Name = Phase 2, list the Scope on an estimate

Now you can Progress Bill each phase and they can overlap; or you are charging for Actuals, but you have the specific Separation, and the Customer and the Job names are the full hierarchy for tracking. Your Crew needs to know what they are working on, of course: Phase 1 and Phase 2, perhaps jumping back and forth in the week, is now provided for. This is how Change Orders are done, as well:

Hospital <==Customer name

Phase 1 Landscape and Site work prep <== Job

Change order to Site prep, due to finding a buried oil tank needing remediation <== SubJob, third level in Customer Center. The Change order gets its Estimate for that additional Scope.


All work is done tracking to Job level that applies. So are Charges = Sales.


Yes, it might take you a bit of pencil and paper mapping to come up with a plan that works.


Please see my attachment.

Level 15

Items for Excavator




Please Learn from this input. Nothing here is Inventory Products. Please stop suggesting Assemblies for Labor.




There is a function for Grouping the tasks and scope under a Parent Level name, called Group Items. That won't really work for you, because the Group Item doesn't show on any reporting.


Group = Garage. listing the labor and materials I need for a Garage, means I have the entire list done once and can list that on Quotes. Or, I can memorize an Estimate that has no name and is the listing for Garage. I can then use that Memorized transaction to refine it to quote you the 2-car garage you want but want 1 rollup door to be RV sized. Group doesn't work as well for this.


Group would be, for instance, when you do a new Septic tank, you know it always includes:

Service item for Digging labor

Service item for Equipment Time

Building Permit as Other Charge type item

Materials as Noninventory Type items (pipe, vault, etc)

Optionally, a pump or lift might be included or deleted on the fly, when listing this Group Item on a quote or charge to the customer.


And the Group Item never reports; think of this as an envelope concept. Or, Kit = Box of stuff that sells together.

Level 3

Items for Excavator

Thank you all for your valuable input and taking the time to walk me through this.  I appreciate everyones perspective.  I wanted to use all service items as that dictates in what order they show up on the job reports (if I understand correctly) If I may, I would like to try to clarify a bit further.


For the Prevailing wage, I agree with all of what you shared.  I have a different payroll item for the PW.  In order for me to know which PW rate they should be paid, I have to know which piece of equipment they were on, if they were using the roller they would be paid operator - group 2.  If they were on the excavator they would be paid operator - group 1.  So if I am following your post correctly then essentially I need a service items like the following (as I believe you suggested):


Bobcat operator

Excavator operator

Roller operator


and so on.  While I can't use the same service item (bobcat operator) under multiple subphases, I can create a separate service item called bobcat operator under each subphase, which I believe is what I would want to do in order to keep the costs separated.  Yes I agree, I do want this breakout for w/c reasons as well.


I also believe that I do want to include the equipment when creating the estimate as that is part of the estimation process and something I want to track (est vs actual) - I don't want to show that to the customer of course and having been working with groups to accomplish this.  I created a "Proposal" group and put the "General Conditions" items in it as those should apply to all jobs that are being bid.  


The thing with the groups though is that the items are either displayed or they are summarized by checking the check box in the group setup.  I want them to roll up for the proposal sent to the customer but I would also like to print the detail out to give to my foreman at the start of the job so he has what was estimated and has the benchmarks he needs to hit as he performs the work.  I looked at how to accomplish both of these - I could print the proposal (which would be summarized but include the scope\descriptions) and the time by job summary for the quantities and the job est vs act for $ (for materials, subs, etc).  But then my foreman has all this extra paperwork.  So my current route is:


Start an estimate

1st line type the scope details

next line insert the proposal group and enter the appropriate info, deleting any lines that don't apply and inserting additional items I want to roll up into this fixed number.

Add additional scope lines or alternates that I want to show separately 


I can then print the proposal for the customer and go to the send/ship tap and create the detail estimate letter that will give all the details (qty, rate, amounts by phase) including the scope typed

all on one page for my foreman.  Its fairly limited in formatting ability because it pulls the whole "estimate" block and I had hoped not to have to manually format it (numbers need right justified, Tax column removed, rates removed) but this might be workable.  This allows me to use the "group" to provide the summary to the customer and the detail letter to give to my foreman with the group being set to not show the line items.

However, if I do this when I print the Time by Job Summary it will show a negative one for the phase headers since there isn't an estimate on this line.  I want to include the phase headers for my foreman.  So I created a memorized report where I went through and selected all the items except the phase & subphase headers.  This could be problimatic if addtional items are added later and the memorized report is not modified as it would change the quantities.  Alternatively I have played around a bit with using Access and qodbc to generate the reports how I want to see them.  Its a bit of work to do so and I really hope to get this all setup not doing things outside QB just for ease of use long term.  Pros and cons both ways.


I believe I followed your illustration on using timesheets to allocate the equipment hours to the job in concept but I still need to know from the field guys what piece of equipment they used and for how long to do so.  I guess I wouldn't need to setup an item for each piece of equipment (I was going to do so because they have different operating costs  but I can have a cheat sheet for this) and then I would need to do a zero check to convert the equipment timesheet hours to costs to job, correct?


Can you elaborate on how I would progress bill mutlitple estimates (if the phases were setup as sub jobs) on one invoice?  We discussed separating the phase in this manner but I don't know how to do one progress bill for multiple estimates in sub jobs.


I attached some screen shots of my current approach if that is helpful.  I didn't format  the letter, I left it like it prints to illustrate the additional work that would need to be done before I could give it to my foreman (disclaimer - none of the information in it is real numbers, just numbers I was throwing in to test how this would work).  I don't like how there is an "other" for all of the phase headers and don't know how to suppress that.


Again thank you all so much for assisting me


Level 15

Items for Excavator

You don't want All Service Items: "I wanted to use all service items as that dictates in what order they show up on the job reports"


You want to utilize how they are Different Types. Examples: Service Items are the only item Type that is seen in Timesheet entries = great for labor or Services. Inventory items are only used for managing something on hand, counted, never sold unless on hand, and restocked generically. Noninventory Item Type is useful to segregate Materials from Services. Other Charge Type is great for Mileage, Shipping, Freight, Equipment Rentals, and for things that hit the Balance Sheet, such as Deposits as liability or Escrow as Other Current Assets, retainers and retention (vendors and customers). That way, the Job Reporting helps you see your Segregated activity. For instance, a Job Report would be helpful when it shows Retention assessed has been returned, not buried in Services, but in the Other Charge Type Item section of the reporting.


"if they were using the roller they would be paid operator - group 2."


What you determine is if you need more Payroll Items, if the Service item isn't giving the level of detail you need. The thing to avoid, is to not micro-manage accounts or using more payroll items, when the service item is available as the cross-reference for reporting. For instance, all my Subcontractor Service items link to one Expense account for contract labor and to one Income account for Sales. The Tax form the entity files has only one income account for sales, and that is your best reference for the chart of accounts.


"If they were on the excavator they would be paid operator - group 1."


So, it seems you would have:

Service item and Payroll Item on the Timesheet, to see the links. The service is Grader Operator or Excavator Operator or Roller Operator or Crane Operator. The Pay Item is the Grade or Group #.


I have had lots of clients where we set up for a Crane Business, and where we set up for a Road Contractor. It takes a bit to work out what you want to see. If you already use Excel, look at what you like there for the reporting. You would want similar details in your Setup and use of QB. But there will be limits, as well. Obviously, it depends on the size of your operations. Keep this Bookmark:


"While I can't use the same service item (bobcat operator) under multiple subphases"


You can if you Name them more completely:

Phase 1, Bobcat Operator, might be Item Name = "1-Bobcat Operator" and Phase 2, Bobcat Operator, might be named "2-Bobcat Operator." That gives you Great reporting and makes it easier for staff.


"I also believe that I do want to include the equipment when creating the estimate as that is part of the estimation process and something I want to track (est vs actual)"


That's why I described using Other Names List for Equipment, set up one or more Service Item(s) and use Timesheets for tracking. The first time I did this, it was Horses at a boarding facility where the horses were also used for Riding Lessons. It works great. You can even use this to track and later, allocate overhead by equipment used to the Job Cost tracking. The method is called "$0 Bill."


"I don't want to show that to the customer of course and having been working with groups to accomplish this.  I created a "Proposal" group and put the "General Conditions" items in it as those should apply to all jobs that are being bid."


Yes, that is a great use of Group Items. And remember that an estimate does not have to be provided to the customer, to be used by you as an internal tool. I can Bid the project for Fixed Fee, then estimate my breakdown of the scope and Job Track all details. Everything I enter is not billable, of course.


"The thing with the groups though is that the items are either displayed or they are summarized by checking the check box in the group setup.  I want them to roll up"


They do not even show for purposes of Reporting. Think of Envelope.


"for the proposal sent to the customer but I would also like to print the detail out to give to my foreman at the start of the job so he has what was estimated and has the benchmarks he needs to hit as he performs the work."


I can make Two Estimates. One is using Group items, set to Not Print Item Details, for the Customer presentation. The other is Listing the scope as individual line items. You also have Sales Orders. While their power is in using them to manage demand on Goods, optionally including that in inventory management reporting, you can use them for Service and Noninventory and Other Charge items just fine, as well. For estimates and SO, you can mark them Closed at any time, to use their Planning Functions, and to manage Not Using them to invoice from, or "turn this off now that I don't need it."


You also have Purchase Orders, for services you would Swap the rate and quantity. If you contract for Soils Engineering $5,000, you make the PO for that service item as quantity = 5,000 and Rate = $1. Now you can manage partial payment requests and watch for over-billing. And you can list Scope here, such as Site Prep Engineering and Landscape Design and Drainage Plan, but that would be Description; the Service Item would be the same item on each line.


"So my current route is:


Start an estimate

1st line type the scope details

next line insert the proposal group and enter the appropriate info, deleting any lines that don't apply and inserting additional items I want to roll up into this fixed number.

Add additional scope lines or alternates that I want to show separately"




"Its fairly limited in formatting ability because it pulls the whole "estimate" block"


It is using Word Mail Merge, so if you know Word, you should be comfortable modifying, formatting, etc. You also can open the Estimate and use Ctl Y, or Journal View. Now you see this as a Report View. Customize it to get the columns you want, in the positions you want, then you can Export to Excel. Now you have all of the Office tools for integration and presentation of that Row Data.


And you can use different Templates or Designs. For example, my Estimate Template has not got the Boxy look; I removed all that stuff and use Text Blocks and mine, when viewed on the screen, looks like Estimate; when Print Preview or printed or emailed to you, looks like a Letter; a Contract with Scope, a signature line, etc. You can selectively Print on the fly selecting a different Template. That doesn't change the transaction; it changes the Output Design.


Please see my attachment.


"and I had hoped not to have to manually format it (numbers need right justified, Tax column removed, rates removed)"


That's why you use different Templates in QB.


"However, if I do this when I print the Time by Job Summary it will show a negative one for the phase headers since there isn't an estimate on this line."


There would be No Digit Value at all. Not Negative. I guess I don't understand this part. Time by XX reporting is based on Timesheet entries, called "Time Activity" data. There is no Value for something not entered or used at all. Time by Job Summary only shows Estimate, if you include those columns: and Estimate data comes from the Estimate. The Time data from the timesheet won't pull every service item on the Estimate. It pulls what is there that matches what you asked it to include from the Timeshseet. For example, if I quote Subcontractor Labor, but timesheets have Staff/Crew time, then the Subcontractor items don't show in timesheets. I can use them for Vendor Names, of course. That is provided for.


"and then I would need to do a zero check to convert the equipment timesheet hours to costs to job, correct?"


The Cost isn't Direct or Actuals, though. Let's review "$0 Bill Method" but in your case, "$0 Check Job Allocation." I set up a Bank type of account and name it Job Clearing. I set up the Service Item as Two-sided, as usual. In the case of Internal Equipment, the left Expense side links to one Other Expense account for Job Cost Allocation. The Right side is Income, for when I sell this charge item. I use the Timesheet for entries. I then enter the tasks with Name of the equipment using Single View or Weekly view. I use Ctl W = Write Check for that name, top left from the Clearing Bank. I am asked if I want to Pay this "Name" for timesheet data and I select the date range. This creates the Service Item Cost as if I am paying. Everything is Job Tracked on the items tab. By the way, mark these Not Billable, if you intend to bill from the timesheet and want the individual Dates of service. Or, mark the timesheet Not Billable, and Bill from the "purchase transaction." Not Both, in other words.


Okay, now click on the Expenses tab and select your Other Expense account for Job Allocation that you know the item(s) are flowing data into. Put the Total from the Items tab here, as negative, without any Name = no job tracking. Hit Recalc. This is a $0 Check. The Other Expenses account has its own offset = did not create any Real Financial data. But you were able to add the Cost Value that you set for that item, that equipment, that use, that Cost Rate, from the Items tab, is now seen in Job Reporting. This is Allocation, not actuals.


"Can you elaborate on how I would progress bill mutlitple estimates (if the phases were setup as sub jobs) on one invoice?"


It's not One Invoice. Example: I first used QB for an architectural firm doing high-end handcrafted log homes (like you see on TV shows). We might be 75% through Schematic Design and 30% into Design Development and working on your Main House, your Guest House, your Equestrian Center, and 5 Guest Cabins. All of this is Job Tracking; everything is done for that specific "name level." I invoice everything uniquely. I run a Statement for the Customer Name, which acts as a nice cover sheet for all the attached Invoices. The Job Names are listed indented on the statement, sort of like paragraphs.


If you put them on One invoice, you have ruined the separation or Revenue comparison By Job Name and for Cost related to Revenue and for Estimates.


"We discussed separating the phase in this manner but I don't know how to do one progress bill for multiple estimates in sub jobs."


It's not One. It's Each. You already know this, because you are managing as Each. If you were not managing as Each, then you would not be this far into the thought process.


"I didn't format  the letter, I left it like it prints to illustrate the additional work that would need to be done before I could give it to my foreman (disclaimer - none of the information in it is real numbers, just numbers I was throwing in to test how this would work)."


You can use Different Letter Templates in Word, too. The Templates in the program for Transactions and the Word Mail Merge all allow you to select, "I want it to be printed this time, using this specific format and design and styling." You Name them and Save them in the "folder" for the Letter Template Type, that is created for matching to that QB Company File name.


"I don't like how there is an "other" for all of the phase headers and don't know how to suppress that."


That is what happens with the Outline Structure. They Parent Levels are themselves actually real functional aspects of the lists: Customer, Account, Class, Item, etc. So, the provision for Reporting is to show if there is a Value at the Parent Level, as a subtotal, with the link "- Other." You want to never see any value there, of course. Here's how I teach this part of the QB lesson:


If I am outlining, I might have:





I would never make a 2.a. unless there also will be a 2.b. and if I make a 2.a. and 2.b. I will never post to the Parent level. If I want something generically as 2, I put it like this:



2.a. specific

2.b. specific

2.c. the rest that is neither


In QB, you control alot of the reporting; top left, use the Customize Button. Now, on the Display tab, bottom right. If you see a button for Advanced (not all reports have it), click it. Here is where you control, for instance, "Only rows Non-zero" or All Rows. That's up to you.


I see you are using CIS codes. It is really fast data input to set your first few characters Unique, in the item name. In other words, having lots of "74" sublevels makes it harder to do fast, specific, data entry. QB allows you, for instance, to enter "01" and then hit the COLON, to jump to the second level and hit 74. But, try thinking through something like this:


01-74 for the Cleaning level under General.

02-74 for the Cleaning level under Site.


Now you only need to start the service item entry using"01-74" or "02-74" and Tab Out.

Level 15

Items for Excavator

Your attachment for Est vs Actuals shows only Costs. Make sure All of your items are Two Sided.


Please see my attachment.

Level 3

Items for Excavator

Thank you for all of your input, I think I need to work through some examples of the information you presented to get my head around what you are saying.  A couple of comments while I do that....


I can create two estimates but I was hoping to design this so that only one entry was needed to accomplish multiple things (ie create a detailed estimate (for my estimator and for tracking the job), print the initial estimate with scope and detail costs\quantities excluding rates for my foreman on one sheet at the start of the job and print the summary scope with total price (using the groups) for the customer.  So I was looking at the different options to do this.  If I don't select to print the items of the group it accomplishes two of these (though I think the 50 item limit for a group might run into issues if my items are this detailed).  But I couldn't figure out how to get the foreman piece without printing multiple reports for the foreman, which is where printing the detailed estimate cover letter came into play - even with the group set to roll up into one line the detail cover letter still shows the details with the quantities.  So this seemed to capture all three needs with just one entry.  The detailed estimate cover letter inserts the "estimation block" so after it is output to Word it can be formatted and yes I can do that I was just looking to have it flow without having to do additional steps.  I looked at the field options to further customize it but haven't found a way to go further than what I was trying to explain.


The estimate vs actual report I attached...I intentially turned off the actual cost for the purpose of printing that report.  I was still on the thought process of the best report to give my foreman at the start of the project so it was only showing the estimated.  the items are two sided.


If I use say non inventory it doesn't allow me to attach it to the service item so I can't keep it grouped with the phase for the job, yes?

Level 3

Items for Excavator

I'm sure I am just not understanding something but I think I am still at the same point I started with, that I will need to have an item for each piece of equipment as well as an operator item for each piece of equipment...for each phase....because for the estimation cost to be correct I need to have the cost for each of these when estimating  


so it would look something like this:



    Strip Top Soil

       Bobcat Operator

       Bobcat Equipment

       Excavator Operator

       Excavator Equipment




       Bobcat Operator

       Bobcat Equipment

       Excavator Operator

       Excavator Equipment


but incorporating codes for ease of data entry as you suggested.  I could setup the names to get the time for the equipment as you suggested but I don't see how that helps on the initial estimate if I am using QB to do the estimate.  It wouldn't get the cost for each piece of equipment into the estimate, only in the actual when allocated, yes?

Level 1

Items for Excavator

I'm with you on that one.  Perhaps a mix up in replies, because otherwise I couldn't see what the response had to do with the question.  ???

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