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Level 1

Verify Data is running for 12+ hours

I am running 21 version, and when I verified data the process has been running for hours (10+) and is only 30% complete.


Is this normal, or should I take other steps

10 Comments 10
QuickBooks Team

Verify Data is running for 12+ hours

Hello there, @MarkZ21


I'd be glad to help you fix potential data issues in your Quickbooks company. 


First off, let's ensure your QuickBooks Desktop is updated to the latest release. Then, run the Verify and Rebuild tool again.


In case you still encounter the same thing, we can download the most recent version ( of the QuickBooks Tool Hub to help us resolve company file issues in QuickBooks Desktop. Then, follow the steps below: 


  1. Open the file you downloaded (QuickBooksToolHub.exe).
  2. Follow the on-screen steps to install and agree to the terms and conditions.
  3. When the install finishes, double-click the icon on your Windows desktop to open the tool hub.


Once done, run the Quick Fix my File. Here's how: 


  1. Select Company File Issues from the tool hub.
  2. Select Quick Fix my File.
  3. Click OK when it completes and launch your QuickBooks.


In case you'll get an error message or you can't open your company file, follow Step 3: Rund File Doctor outlined in this help article: Fix company file and network issues with QuickBooks File Doctor


I've also got you some of our good read resources with additional troubleshooting steps to help fix problems and errors: 



I'm always around here at any time if you have other concerns. Have a great day. 


QuickBooks Team

Verify Data is running for 12+ hours

Hi MarkZ21,


Hope you’re doing great. I wanted to see how everything is going about verifying your data concern you had yesterday. Was it resolved?


Do you need any additional help or clarification? If you do, just let me know. I’d be happy to help you at any time.


Looking forward to your reply. Have a pleasant day ahead!

Level 1

Verify Data is running for 12+ hours

started last night 6p, it's now 8a and my verify is only 61% (like 4% an hour pace)

and since my people need to use quickbooks, I want to cancel, but "ESC to cancel" isn't doing anything

should I just force reboot my server?


I'm using quickbooks enterprise v24.0.4011.3401 (and my tool hub is v1.6.0.8)


company file stopped opening yesterday towards end of work day

note that it pulled up a link to download file doctor, but that link is bad (so I found file doctor via web search)

tool hub's quick fix didn't help, so tried file doctor, but it won't pull up (so I tried a quickbooks repair (via appwiz.cpl) which didn't help file doctor to pull up, so I installed tool hub on another computer (copied my company file over to that machine), and it ran fine on there: was able to open file doctor and repair my company file

copied the repaired company file back to the server and quickbooks opens

but then just trying to be good about the process, and verify the file (but wow is it taking waaaaaay too long)


what's up with the decoy cancel?


Level 6

Verify Data is running for 12+ hours


How big is your file size?

Level 1

Verify Data is running for 12+ hours


Level 1

Verify Data is running for 12+ hours

and the .tlg is 257MB

Level 6

Verify Data is running for 12+ hours

The file size is large. If you can't get through the Verify process easily, your file is corrupted. You also can't run the Condense Data utility. You'll need to contact Support and have them fix it. Be prepared to wait more than 3 business days for them to check and (hopefully) fix it. If you really want to avoid too much downtime, consider purchasing a third-party file repair service.

Level 1

Verify Data is running for 12+ hours

I was able to cancel: when it hit 62% (thinking the ESC key was queued somehow)


I want yesterday's work, but the file doctor-ed company file is MISSING vendors and customers (it opens, but want all of my info)


I also tried using the adr company file, coupled with the live transaction log file, but it borks about needing to use file doctor (so I suspect our .tlg is also corrupt, not our .qbw)


my backup from the day before works fine (but again, I want yesterday's data)


1) can we send you the .qbw and .tlg and you have some higher magical power than file doctor (so it can be fixed and retain vendor/customer data)?


2) or what's my options for keeping yesterday's data?




Level 1

Verify Data is running for 12+ hours

does the verify process bring back the vendor and customer data (after performing a file doctor repair)?


(I can open the company file after doing file doctor, but e.g. the vendor and customer data is gone; not that cancelling mid-verify removes the vendor/customer data)

Level 6

Verify Data is running for 12+ hours

You need to complete the Rebuild process after the Verify.

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