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Level 3

Invoice creation: Two sources of payment for one client

I work in the senior services industry. In the communities where I work, another service provider company (the Sponsor) may pay all or part of the program cost for me to work at the community (the Client). When the bill is paid by the Sponsor and the Client - how do I tie the two together when invoicing? One invoice? Two separate invoices?


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QuickBooks Team

Invoice creation: Two sources of payment for one client

Hello there, @radar-9628.


We can create a customer profile for the sponsor. Then, make a sales receipt or bank deposit to receive the money. 


Here's how:


  1. Go to the Customers menu.
  2. Click the New Customer & Job drop-down arrow.
  3. Choose New Customer.
  4. Enter the customer's name and other information needed.
  5. Hit OK.


Once done, create a sales receipt. I'll guide you on how.


  1. Go to the Customers menu.
  2. Click the Manage Transactions drop-down arrow at the bottom.
  3. Choose Sales Receipts.
  4. Select the customer from the Customer: Job drop-down arrow.
  5. Choose the item, then enter the other information needed.
  6. Click Save & Close.


Also, create a bill and then make it billable to the client.


  1. Go to the Vendors menu.
  2. Select Enter Bills.
  3. Choose the vendor from the drop-down arrow.
  4. Select the account, then enter the amount.
  5. From the Customer: Job drop-down, select the client's name.
  6. Click the Billable checkbox.
  7. Hit Save & Close.


I've added this link about customizing customer sales reports in QuickBooks. It can help you easily track your sales and expenses using predefined customer: Customize customer, job, and sales report.


Let me know if you have other questions about creating invoices in QuickBooks. I'm always around to help you anytime. Have a great day.

Level 3

Invoice creation: Two sources of payment for one client

Hello Maybelle,

Thank you for your reply.

I already understand how to create a customer profile and an invoice for both the Sponsor & Client. Where a Sponsor and Client share a job - is there a more efficient way of tying them together regarding shared payment?  I was imagining that one invoice for a job could somehow show the Client and Sponsor all in one place. I could be wrong.


I am not sure how the receipt guidelines help me connect a job to a Client and a Sponsor who are both helping to pay for the job. Currently, I don't issue receipts for payments.




QuickBooks Team

Invoice creation: Two sources of payment for one client

Hi there, @radar-9628


QuickBooks Desktop has a great feature for managing reimbursable expenses. I'd be glad to go into further depth on this.


You can turn on the Billable Expense feature to track the expenses you incur on your customer's behalf when you perform work for them. This way, your customer can reimburse them when they receive their invoice.


Here's how:

  1. From the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Select Time & Expenses.
  3. Go to the Company Preferences tab.
  4. In the Invoicing Options section, check the Mark all expenses as billable option.
  5. Enter the Default Markup Percentage. You can leave this blank if there isn't a default percentage for the markup.
  6. From the Default Markup Account drop-down menu, choose the correct account. If you don't have one yet, you can always scroll up and select Add New to quickly create a markup account.
  7. Click OK.


Then, follow these steps on how to create a check and bill it to the customer:

  1. On the Home page, in the Banking panel, click Write Checks.
  2. In the Write Checks dialog box, from the Bank Account drop-down list, select the account to write the check on.
  3. From the Pay to the Order of drop-down list on the check, select the vendor to pay.
  4. Go to the Expenses or Items tab. Enter all the necessary information.
  5. Enter the name of a customer or job in the Customer:Job field.
  6. Mark this expense as Billable.
  7. Click Save & Close.


After that, link the billable expense to your customer's invoice to reimburse the cost.

  1. Go to the Customers menu, then select Create Invoices.
  2. Select the customer or job that you entered on the bill.
  3. On the Billable Time/Costs pop-up window, choose Select the outstanding billable time and costs to add to this invoice.
  4. Go to the Expenses or Items tab.
  5. Mark the expenses or items that you'd like to add.
  6. Click OK, then Save & Close.

Once done, you can enter the payment once the customer pays you for the invoice.


Keep in touch with me here should you need further assistance in recording all these. I always got your back. Thanks for reaching out, wishing you and your business the best.

Level 3

Invoice creation: Two sources of payment for one client

Thanks for your feedback. I need to touch base with my bookkeeper to see how she wants to handle this.



Invoice creation: Two sources of payment for one client

You're welcome, Paula!


You can post back when your accountant has instructions that you find challenging to reflect in QuickBooks. We'll be here to help.


On the other hand, if you want to see more references for QuickBooks Desktop, you can visit the main support page, scroll down a bit, and click More Topics.

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