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Level 2

Custom Report - Estimates with Individual Line Items/Milestones/Services

Hi All,

Was wondering if you could help set up a Custom Report.

I would like to generate a report template, where I can pull out the estimates (Filtered by Pending, Accepted, Rejected etc) but also has the details of the Line Items of those Estimates:


E.g.  Service Date, Description, Rate etc. 


So essentially I need to be able to generate a report in excel (which is emailed every week) where I can see an estimate, the status of the estimate, and the individual line items such as service date, description, rate etc.


Any help will be much appreciated.




Best answer July 01, 2020

Best Answers
QuickBooks Team

Custom Report - Estimates with Individual Line Items/Milestones/Services

Thank you for getting back to us here on the Community page, @Sajeel.


Though we can run reports that list the estimates created in QuickBooks Online, we aren't able to customize the report to display the individual items used on each transaction.


I understand the importance of this feature for you and your business. Rest assured our engineers are continuing to develop QuickBooks for our customers' needs. Just visit our blog to stay current with the latest QuickBooks news and updates.


As always, feel free to skim through our help articles in case you need additional references while working with QuickBooks in the future. Here's the link: Help articles in QBO.


Let me know if you have any other questions by adding a comment below. I'll get back to you as quickly as possible. Have a great day!

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20 Comments 20

Custom Report - Estimates with Individual Line Items/Milestones/Services

Hello @Sajeel,


You can pull up your Estimate by Customer report to see the list of our estimates and its status. But you'll have to open each line items to check the product or service used and its details.


Lastly, here's a few articles you can read for ideas in managing your reports and transactions: Reports and Accounting for QuickBooks Online.


If there's anything else that I can help you with, please let me know in the comments below. I'll be happy to lend a hand.

Level 2

Custom Report - Estimates with Individual Line Items/Milestones/Services

Thanks for you response.


So I went to Reports - Standard Reports - Sales & Customers - Estimate by Customer


I get a list of the Estimates (With other details if I customise or add details).


With Quick Books Online, I can click on the Estimates and get further details of the line items. However I cant get a direct list of the Line Items for each estimate. This is also true with the Export (Using Excel).


Is there a way of getting a report to list out the individual service line items?

QuickBooks Team

Custom Report - Estimates with Individual Line Items/Milestones/Services

Thank you for getting back to us here on the Community page, @Sajeel.


Though we can run reports that list the estimates created in QuickBooks Online, we aren't able to customize the report to display the individual items used on each transaction.


I understand the importance of this feature for you and your business. Rest assured our engineers are continuing to develop QuickBooks for our customers' needs. Just visit our blog to stay current with the latest QuickBooks news and updates.


As always, feel free to skim through our help articles in case you need additional references while working with QuickBooks in the future. Here's the link: Help articles in QBO.


Let me know if you have any other questions by adding a comment below. I'll get back to you as quickly as possible. Have a great day!

Level 4

Custom Report - Estimates with Individual Line Items/Milestones/Services

We have been asking for this for 15 years...  I REALLY wish the engineers would actually implement the things people here say they need. There are barely any new features from one year to the next and we have to spend the same amount to upgrade each year that NEW users have to pay. Please give us something for our money. We have QB Pro Desktop. We will not switch to Quickbooks Online.

Level 1

Custom Report - Estimates with Individual Line Items/Milestones/Services

i need to have custom invoices & estimates


Custom Report - Estimates with Individual Line Items/Milestones/Services

Hello there, cool1025. 


You can have custom invoices and estimates by running the Transaction Detail by Account report. Then, customize the report by following these steps:


  1. Open the Transaction Detail by Account. Go to Reports > enter the name of the report in the search box.
  2. Click the Customize button.
  3. Select the Group by drop-down arrow. Then, select Customer.
  4. Add the Customer column as well as the Product and Service.
  5. In the Filter section, click the Transaction Type drop-down arrow. Then, select Invoice and Estimate.
  6. Then, hit Run report.


You'll see the invoice number will show up multiple times depending on how many line items are added to it, as well as the estimate. To make a custom report, utilize the Save customization button. Check here to view the complete steps and information on how you can do it.


Here's an article that you can check anytime to learn more about QuickBooks Online reports: Learn how to get the most out of your financial reports


Post again if you have other questions about QuickBooks. I'm right here whenever you need help. Take care always.

Level 2

Custom Report - Estimates with Individual Line Items/Milestones/Services

This report will not run for estimates.

Kristine Mae

Custom Report - Estimates with Individual Line Items/Milestones/Services

I'll add a few details, Rlambert0412.


You can pull up Estimates by Customer report instead. It will let you view the estimate and its status. Here's how:

  1. Click Reports.
  2. Enter Estimate by Customer in the Find report by name field.

Feel free to customize the report so you can focus on the details that matter to you.


If there's anything else that you need, don't hesitate to let us know. Take care!

Level 2

Custom Report - Estimates with Individual Line Items/Milestones/Services

It will not give you the line item detail needed.

QuickBooks Team

Custom Report - Estimates with Individual Line Items/Milestones/Services

Welcome back, rlambert0412.


For now, you'll want to open each transaction to see the line item details. Then, export the Estimates by Customer report to Excel and manually add the information.


I'll leave you with these articles for more details:


If you have any follow-up questions or other concerns, please feel free to get back to us here. We're always here to help you out. Stay safe. 

Level 1

Custom Report - Estimates with Individual Line Items/Milestones/Services

Seems like people have been asking for this report in QB Online for years now. It is offered in other QB versions, but not QB Online. This is now going to be a very time-consuming process for us, and I am very disappointed in the level of reporting QB Online has to offer. 

Level 1

Custom Report - Estimates with Individual Line Items/Milestones/Services

To have to open each line item is unreasonable for an estimate report containing 100s of line items. This is a report sent out weekly to our team who need to see individual line items on open estimates. This report is available in QB desktop which we have been using however we're trying to convert to QBO.

Are we sure there is no other way around to get this information in regards to producing an Estimate report showing the Pending / Accepted Line items?

Level 1

Custom Report - Estimates with Individual Line Items/Milestones/Services

Not being able to run a detailed report of estimates (pending sales) to compare to the inventory quantity on hand items is a huge problem with QBO. How soon with this highly important report(s) be available? This report is extremely necessary for us to run our business. We sure wish we'd made sure this reporting feature was available before we purchased QBO!


Custom Report - Estimates with Individual Line Items/Milestones/Services

I want to ensure this will be taken care of, @lwolfeva.


I know how useful it is to be able to run a detailed report of estimates for you as well as to other users. So, I suggest sending product feedback to our developers to request the addition of this feature as soon as possible. Rest assured that they are bound to improve the QuickBooks Online (QBO) features to meet your business needs and preferences. I'll guide you how:

  1. In your QuickBooks Online (QBO) account, click the Gear icon.
  2. Select Feedback.
  3. Next, enter your comments or product suggestions. Example: Run a detailed report of estimates.
  4. Then, select Next to submit feedback.


Once submitted, feel free to visit our QuickBooks Online Feature Requests website to track your suggestion. From there, you can also add votes to other product requests that you think might help optimize your QBO navigation.


In case you want to personalize your estimate forms to reflect more of your business identity, you can customize the templates you use.


I'm just around here in the Community if you have any other concerns about running a detailed report of estimates. Don't hesitate to post again here. Have a great week ahead.

Level 1

Custom Report - Estimates with Individual Line Items/Milestones/Services

Searching for this feature and noting how long people have been looking for this!  We used to have it on our desktop version and it is vital for projections-- it's all fine and great to know which customers want my things, but does not help if I can't get a clear picture of WHAT they want!  Additionally, we used to enter these as purchase orders (which has now moved into MY purchases, which I do not need to track so much).  Anyway-- PLEASE QB engineers, build in this feature which has existed in your software previously.  PRODUCT LINE ITEM ESTIMATES

Level 3

Custom Report - Estimates with Individual Line Items/Milestones/Services

I found another thread that seems to have answered this.


Use the report called 'Sales by Customer Detail'.

The trick is then when you customize it to filter by Transaction Type and select Non-Posting


(Don't filter by Estimates.)


You may still get other items showing up, but you can export to Excel and filter those out and be left with the line item detail for estimates

Level 2

Custom Report - Estimates with Individual Line Items/Milestones/Services

This is still not an option & it is desperately needed.  Please Intuit QBO, add this feature.  You have the Sales  by Product/Service, it seems that you could duplicate/edit to Estimates by Product/Service.

QuickBooks Team

Custom Report - Estimates with Individual Line Items/Milestones/Services

I recognize the relevance and convenience of customizing reports to see individual line items on estimates, btsbcl.


Please know that due to high volumes of feature requests in the different areas of the online product, our engineers might still not have reviewed your feedback and are diligently working on improving the program. I'd personally want these line items visible when running and customizing my reports to help me track the transactions on my end. Thus, I appreciate your willingness to help us enhance the online program. You can directly send your feedback to our product engineers and have this option available in future product enhancements. 


Here's how to submit your request:


  1. Go to the Gear icon and select Feedback.
  2. Enter your product suggestions or feedback.
  3. Then, click Next to submit feedback.


In the meantime, you can manually review the transactions to see the line item details. You'll want to run the Estimates by Customer report and have this information exported to an Excel file. Doing so will allow you to add specific data on the items associated with your estimates. To do this:


  1. In your QuickBooks Online account, go to Reports and enter Estimates by Customer report.
  2. Modify necessary data and select Customize.
  3. Add specific customizations and click Run report.
  4. Review its details and click the Export icon from the report. Then, click Export to Excel.
  5. Open the downloaded Excel file report and edit its data from there.


Furthermore, you save all the recent customizations you've made to your reports by memorizing them. It also includes steps on how to set schedules and email information for a group.


Let us know in the comments below if you require additional assistance managing and running reports. We're always here to back you up. Have a good one!

Level 1

Custom Report - Estimates with Individual Line Items/Milestones/Services

This issue has yet to be resolved since 2020? I was told by support last week to upgrade the Estimate to the "new layout" to fix the issue. I did that and the report still does not work. It seems counterintuitive to have those fields on the report if they aren't going to fill. I was also told if it didn't work to put it in the Feedback and the engineers would get on it. Seems like 4 years has been plenty of time so not sure that will be effective either.

QuickBooks Team

Custom Report - Estimates with Individual Line Items/Milestones/Services

Hi there, @priley1.


Before anything else, please know that it isn't the experience we want you to have when running and customizing estimates reports inside QuickBooks Online (QBO). We recommend submitting a feature request to our Product Development Team expressing your interest in having the option to rearrange, add specific details, and prepare the data using your preference. Once they see your feedback, they'll evaluate it and consider for future program updates. These are the steps:


  1. Access your QuickBooks Online company.
  2. On the top right corner, click the Gear icon.
  3. Select Feedback and then enter your comments or product suggestions.
  4. Once ready, click Next to submit feedback.


Moreover, here's an article about saving custom reports and keeping their current settings for future use: Memorize reports in QuickBooks Online.


Feel free to comment below if you have other questions regarding the program or need assistance handling estimates inside QuickBooks. We'll make sure to get back to you as soon as possible.

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