Good morning, @kellyr2.
I'm happy to help you download the report data into Excel.
It sounds like you might have some corrupted cache in your browser. Web browsers collect cache to save time when loading repetitive data and images. Over time these files can become outdated and corrupted, causing issues like zero amounts in downloaded excel files. I recommend Clearing the cache of the browser, then Exporting the report again.
I also wanted to mention we do have a Sales by Location report available for QuickBooks Online Plus and Advanced. If you have Plus or Advanced, feel free to use the steps I've included below to use this report.
Before we start, let's ensure the Track Location setting is turned on. This ensures you can track your transactions by the state in your report. Also, this lets you specify the location every time you create a transaction, like an invoice, sales receipt, etc.
Here's how:
- Go to Settings, then choose Account and Settings.
- Tap Advanced.
- Click on the Edit icon in the Categories section.
- Select the checkbox to track locations.
- Hit Save, then Done.
Then, you'll have to add the location you want to track and reflect it in your report.
Here's how:
- Let's go to Settings again, then tap on All Lists.
- Choose Locations.
- Click New, then add the Name of the location you want to track.
- Hit Save and Close to confirm the action.

Once done, you're ready to run the Sales by Location Detail report.
Here's how:
- Go to the Reports menu on the left pane.
- Look for and key in Sales by Location Detail in the search box.
- Pick a Report period, Group by Location, and Accounting method.
- Hit Run report to display the desired info for this report.
That should do it. For additional details about tracking location and using this report, check out the help articles I've included below.
Don't hesitate to let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns. Have a good one!