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Level 1

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

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QuickBooks Team

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

Leave it to me, @secgen42.


I'll help you get to the bottom of why that custom message isn't appearing in the Print Preview window. Begin by verifying the custom message was saved like so:


Changing Invoice Message to Customer

  1. From QuickBooks Online, click the Gear icon (⚙) > select Custom Form Styles.
  2. On the form you're using to send the Invoice > click Edit.
  3. Navigate to the Emails tab > open the Standard email section.
  4. Verify the message you created is still saved in the field that appears > click Done.
  5. Navigate to the Invoice you'd like to send > Click Customize > make sure the template you verified the message on is selected.

Check out our extensive guide on setting up and changing customer addresses for more information. I'm attaching a video below which serves as a brief video demonstration of this:


Please don't hesitate to let me know should need any additional assistance, I'm always up to talk QuickBooks. Thanks for bringing us your question and take care.

Level 1

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

I can't get the custom message to show when I print out the invoice.

QuickBooks Team

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

Welcome to the thread, @cecem3. I'm here to lend a hand with your invoice.


Since this is a new template, I'd recommend seeing if it's been applied to the invoice. Here' show:


  1. Open the invoice. 
  2. Click Customize.
  3. Select the desired template. 
  4. Click Print or Preview.


For an overview of customizing transactions in QuickBooks Online (QBO), I recommend the following article: How to Customize Invoices in QuickBooks Online.


I'll be waiting on standby should you need further assistance with the template. Have a wonderful day.

Level 2

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

I followed all the previous advice and still could not get the custom message from my template to show in the invoice. I did go to customize and pick the correct template but it still didn't show. I finally had to go into 50 invoices and copy/paste the message. This is a real problem.

QuickBooks Team

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

Thanks for reaching out, @jw_priority1,


Currently, we have an ongoing investigation (INV- 57108) about custom messages not showing on the invoice. Rest assured that our engineers are working diligently to get it resolved.


I recommend contacting our Customer Care Support team so that you can be added to the list of affected users. This way, you'll receive email updates of the investigation's status and be notified once it's been resolved. I've included the steps to contact support below. 


  1. Click the (?) Help icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Dashboard.
  2. Select Talk to a Human.
  3. Enter a short description of your concern and press Enter.
  4. Click I still need a human.
  5. Select Contact Us to connect with our live support.
  6. Choose Get a callback.

These instructions are also available from our guide: Contact QuickBooks Online support.

Please let me know if you have further questions or concerns. I'm happy to lend a hand. Feel free to reach out to the Community at any time. Take care! 

Level 1

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

Hi @LieraMarie_A 


Can we have a status on this issue please? 

I'm unfortunalely experiencing the same problem so it seems it has not been resolved yet.

Thank you! 

QuickBooks Team

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

Thanks for chiming in on this thread, CaroB_.


I've checked the status of the investigation, and it's still open. Our engineers are still working on investigating the invoicing message issue you are experiencing in QuickBooks Online. We hope to have new information for you soon.


While we're unable to provide any workarounds, I recommend contacting our Customer Care Team. They can add your company information to the affected user list. This way, you will be notified when the issue is resolved.


Here's how:


  1. Click the Help icon located in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. In the Help window, click the Contact Us button located at the bottom.
  3. Enter your question and click Let's talk.
  4. Choose either Start a chat or Call us.

If you have the new QuickBooks Assistant help update, you can follow these steps:


  1. In your QuickBooks Online account, go to the Help > Assistant.
  2. Type Talk to a human and proceed with I still need a human.
  3. Click the Contact us link.
  4. Select either Messaging or Callback.

If you have any other questions, feel free to post here anytime. Take care and stay safe!

Level 1

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

Has this been fixed yet? I am having the same issue of my custom message not showing up towards the bottom of invoices. Thank you. 

QuickBooks Team

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

Hello travsirocz!


Our team is still investigating the root cause of this issue. I know you want this to get resolve as much as I do.


I suggest you reach out to our Support Team so that your info will be included in the case.

  1. Click the (?) Help icon and enter Talk to a human (then type it again when prompted).
  2. When asked by the bot, enter "Custom Invoice".
  3. Select I still need a human, then proceed with Contact us or Get help from a human.
  4. Choose either Chat or Callback.


I added some links you can check. These can help you in running the most used financial reports and recording payments:


Post again here if you have other customer-related concerns. I'll help you!

Level 2

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

We are having this issue as well. Any updates to the fix?? 



I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

Good morning, @tm225.


The previously discussed Investigation in this thread has been resolved.


Can you share the steps you took when you got this result? If you could provide screenshots as well that would be helpful! 


I look forward to hearing from you and getting this taken care of. 



Level 2

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

I went into custom forms and modified our invoice template to include a message to the customer - under content. Hit Done. Then went back into the invoice and the message is not showing. All other changes I made to the invoice template are showing except the message. 

Level 1

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

We were experiencing this same issue for some users, and Support helped resolve this by:


Gear icon > Manage Users > Edit (for affected users) >
change "Do you want this user to edit company info?"

from "no" to "yes"


This then allowed them to use the Custom templates again. All users had been using these templates for 3+ years, but they just stopped working this week for some reason. But making this change for those users now allows them to use the Custom form templates again

Level 2

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

I have the exact same problem

Level 2

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

This is still not resolved. I have the exact same problem

Level 2

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

This solution does not apply or does not work for me. I do not see that option under 'edit user'

QuickBooks Team

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

Hello CyberVerse!


Thanks for joining this post. Let me assist you in fixing the custom message on invoice.


The Edit under Action column will only show if you have other users. You won't be able to see it if you're the only user on the account or if you're trying to edit a primary admin.Capture.PNG


I checked our records and there is no new investigation with this issue. To resolve this, you'll want to use an incognito window and check the invoice from there. Incognito won't save your browsing history which can result in an error.


These are some of the shortcut keys:

  • Google Chrome: Ctrl Shift + N
  • Safari 11 or newer: ⌘ Shift N
  • Mozilla Firefox: Ctrl Shift P
  • Microsoft Edge: Ctrl Shift P  


Also, you'll want to clear the cache and make sure you're using a supported and up-to-date browser. This can fix any browser-related issues, too.


In addition, it's best to update, repair, or re-install Adobe Reader/Acrobat. Old versions can cause printing issues in QuickBooks Online.


If the same thing happens, I suggest you reach out to our Support Team so they can further check it.

  1. Click the (?) Help icon and enter Talk to a human (then type it again when prompted).
  2. When asked by the bot, enter "Invoice Message".
  3. Select I still need a human, then proceed with Contact us or Get help from a human.
  4. Choose either Chat or Callback.


I added this link if you need help in recording payments: Record invoice payments in QuickBooks Online.


The Community is always here to help. Keep on posting if you have other concerns. Take care!

Level 1

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

this is STILL  an issue. so simple how can it not be resolved by now....look like years in this thread. 


everything is updated on my system. 


your dev team need a kick in the a**

Level 2

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

Also experiencing this issue.

QuickBooks Team

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

It's our priority to ensure this issue gets resolved, JackAle.


Before providing any troubleshooting steps, I recommend sharing more details of your concern. Doing so helps us provide an accurate solution. A screenshot would be a great help too,


I hope you can respond to me on this thread so we can work on your concern together. Please know I'm ready to assist further. Have a good one.

Level 2

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

It's the same issue as described above:


Using Custom Form Styles, I have a form style that includes a "message to customer" in the Content tab. This message does not show up on the actual invoices that use this form style. 

QuickBooks Team

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

Thanks for sharing more details, JackAle.


Let me make it up to you by ensuring this gets resolved.


The missing message on the sales form is quite unusual. This could be a browser-related issue. The outdated stored cache can affect the performance of the program.


Let's access your QuickBooks account via a private window. This doesn't use the existing cache files, which makes it a good place to determine if there's an issue with the browser.  


Here are the keyboard shortcuts: 


  • Safari: Command + Shift + N 
  • Google Chrome: CTRL + Shift + N
  • Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge: CTRL + Shift + P 


Once logged in, check if the message shows on the invoice. If so, let's clear the browser's cache. This removes its stored cache to ensure the program performs efficiently.


If private browsing doesn't work, I'd recommend using other supported browsers. They'll provide the best and most secure experience with QuickBooks. 


Additionally, I've added resources that'll help you personalize your sales forms in QuickBooks Online. Doing so helps you add the details that matter most to your business:



Please keep us posted if you have other questions or concerns about managing your sales transactions in QuickBooks. It's our priority to ensure your record is accurate.

Level 2

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

Thanks for your reply. I tried loading it in a private window, same results. It wouldn't really make sense for it to be browser cache, since the invoice PDF is generated by Quickbooks serverside.

QuickBooks Team

I changed my invoice template and added a custom message but it does not show when I see the Print Preview

Hi there, @JackAle.


Allow me to chime in and share some insights on how to show added customer messages when printing in QuickBooks Online (QBO).

We'll need to add a custom message directly to the invoice to show it on the print preview page. I've included a screen for visual reference.


Lastly, I've got you these helpful articles you can read for ideas about how you can manage your customers and sales transactions: Income and Expenses for QuickBooks Online.


If there's anything else that I can help you with, let me know in the comments. I'll be happy to help.

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