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In QB Desktop, it was simple to record a bank fee when recording a customer payment - enter the amount rcvd, and QB would ask if a bank fee. How can this be done in QBO?

in Desktop, the above behavior took place if the payment was under the invoiced amount.  I cannot figure out  using QB Online how to similarly, EASILY, record a bank fee when entering a customer payment / deposit.  HELP!
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QuickBooks Team

In QB Desktop, it was simple to record a bank fee when recording a customer payment - enter the amount rcvd, and QB would ask if a bank fee. How can this be done in QBO?

Navigating a new product can be challenging, tanstaafl2011. You can record the bank fees on the bank deposit window, and I'll share the details below.


Since some financial institutions include processing fees, it's best not to modify the original transaction in QuickBooks. What we can do is add these charges while you're on the bank deposit window. Follow the steps below:


  1. Go to the + New and select bank deposit under Other.
  2. Add the necessary information.
  3. Scroll down to the Add funds to this deposit section, then enter the fee as a line item.
  4. Choose the Bank that charges these fees.
  5. In the Account dropdown, pick Bank Charges.
  6. Type the fee ($.50) as a negative number (–.50).
  7. Review the deposit total along with its fee, then click Save and close.


If you haven't set up a bank charge account, create one by following the steps below.


  1. On your Bank deposit page, go to Add funds to this deposit. 
  2. Click the Account dropdown, then select + Add new.
  3. A window pop-up will show. Once there, choose Expenses in the Account Type and Bank Charges in the Detail Type.
  4. Add a name you can easily remember, such as Bank Fees.


Scan this article for complete information on managing payments: Record and make bank deposits in QuickBooks Online.


Additionally, you can check out these resources to learn more about handling entries:



Aside from working with your bank deposits, I've got you covered for any other banking-related concerns. Use the Reply button to leave a comment. Take care always.

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