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Level 2

Default date preference in QBO

Lately my QBO has been defaulting the date to the last used instead of today's date.  I never made any changes, it just started doing that.  I want everything to default to today, not last date entered.  I can find fixes for other versions of QB, but not QBO.  How do I change this default?


Thank you!

15 Comments 15

Default date preference in QBO

Hello there, lakeshore.


I've got a way on how you can change the date preference in your account. 


You may have set up the system to automatically copy the details of the previously created transaction. You can change this by going to the Automation section. Let me guide how:


  1. From the Gear icon, select Account and settings.
  2. Go to the Advanced tab.
  3. On the Automation section, click the edit (pencil) icon.
  4. Toggle to off the Pre-fill forms with previously entered content button.
  5. Click Save and then Done.


Also, if you want to process payments right in your QuickBooks account, you can check this guide: Take and process payments in QuickBooks Online.


I'm just around if you need help in setting up payments. Have a good one!

Level 2

Default date preference in QBO

Thanks for the suggestion.  This was already off, so that doesn't seem to be the issue.  The only thing that prefills is the date, everything else stays blank.  Like I mentioned, this just started recently and only with the if I enter a bill that is due 8/25/21 and then I go in to write a check, the date defaults to 8/25/21.  This happens with everything I do in QBO now.  Is there a way to shut off this new automated prefill of the date?


Default date preference in QBO

Allow me to join in this thread and share some information on the pre-fill form feature, lakeshore.


QuickBooks remembers the items and payee we've entered and saved before. That's why when we create a new transaction for this payee, the system will ask if you'll want to overwrite the information that was created before.


Since you've already turned it off, you can clear the browser's cache and cookies. It helps refresh website preferences that might be causing problems when you use QuickBooks.


Follow the steps to clear cache for your browser:

After clearing the cache, make sure to restart your browser for changes to take effect. 


You can also use other supported browsers to have the most secure experience with QuickBooks Online. Please browse this link to know what browser to use: System requirements for QuickBooks Online, Accountant, and QuickBooks Self-Employed.


Then, check again your transactions. If the same issue persists, I recommend contacting our QuickBooks Live Support Team. They can take a look at this matter and forward it to our Product Team for further investigation.


Let me know if there's anything else you need by commenting below. I'll be right here to help manage your transactions in QuickBooks.

Level 2

Default date preference in QBO

This didn't fix it.  It is just the date...not anything else.  The cache didn't fix it either.  I will have to contact support since there doesn't seem to be a way to change this setting anymore.

Level 2

Default date preference in QBO



I would like to know this as well. It has nothing to do with the pre-filled option. It's just that if I forgot to record something yesterday & I do, I want the next transactions to be today's date by default. But QBO's default will be the last transaction's date, which will be yesterday in this example. Would make things way more accurate & easier if this can be an option.

QuickBooks Team

Default date preference in QBO

Thanks for looping in this thread, @tukan. Let me share some information about the default transaction date in QuickBooks Online (QBO).


QuickBooks Online (QBO) use the most recent transaction date as the default date for any transaction. For an instance, if you write a check and manually set the date to 05/04/2021, once you've saved and closed that invoice, you'll see that the date will be set automatically the next time you make one.


Since you’re having issues with the date, you’ll need to manually set the date of the transaction. This way, it’ll be on the current date.


Since it’s showing the incorrect date instead of the current one, this could be a cache issue with the website. We can verify this by using the incognito mode in your browser. This won’t use the existing cache files, so it's a good spot to check if this is a browser issue.


Here are the shortcut keys:

  • For Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge browser, press Ctrl + Shift + P
  • For Google Chrome, press Ctrl + Shift + N
  • For Safari, press Command + Shift + N


Once done, select Taxes on the left pane to check if the forms are visible. If this works, you’ll need to clear your browser’s cache and cookies to refresh the system. You can also switch to other browsers to see if the problem is with the one you're currently using.


Let me know if there’s anything else I can assist you with managing your QuickBooks. Tag me in your reply and I’ll sprint back into action. Have a good one and keep safe.

Level 2

Default date preference in QBO

I am also experiencing a problem with this. It's a real problem when you are entering future pending invoices and then you do a current invoice and the date doesn't default to today's date. I would think this is a software issue not a browser issue if many people are having this problem.

Candice C
QuickBooks Team

Default date preference in QBO

Hey there, @Barefootpam


It's great to see you back in the Community. I appreciate you joining this thread about default date preferences. 


If the troubleshooting steps my colleague provided didn't help in your case, I recommend contacting our Customer Support Team. They'll be able to use a screen share tool to walk you through some more steps and take a closer look at your account to see why this is happening. Here's how: 


  1. Go to the Help icon in the top right-hand corner. 
  2. Hit the Contact Us button. 
  3. Enter your question and tap Let's talk
  4. Scroll down and choose to Get a callback


It's that simple! 


Feel free to keep us updated on how the call goes. We're always here to have your back. Take care! 

Level 1

Default date preference in QBO

It's really annoying that this simple issue cannot be fixed.  There should be a simple setting that allows a user to select "default to current date" or "use last transaction date".  There are many times we must go in and add a backdated invoice (example: when we receive the shipping cost from a vendor to charge to the customer) and then every invoice done from that point on is defaulting to the last transaction date.  This causes issues when trying to balance the days books and the invoices/payments are missing when running the report for the current date and the cash in the register is not matching the report.


Default date preference in QBO

I think allowing the user to select the default date is a good idea, Kcav.


I know a lot would benefit from having the option to choose their preferred setting in QuickBooks Online. For the time being, the software defaults to the last transaction date.


Our engineers are constantly looking for new ways to improve the product. This might be a fantastic feature for future enhancements, so please send your suggestion within QuickBooks. We do have a team that collects customer requests for reviews. They can incorporate it in the next update once it has been approved.


Here's how:


  1. Go to the Gear icon.
  2. Select Feedback.
  3. Enter your product suggestion.
  4. Once done, hit Next to submit.


For your reference, here is a link that will walk you through changing your settings and turning features on and off in QuickBooks Online: Edit company settings in QuickBooks Online.


In addition, I've included this article to help you personalize your report to displays only the data that is important to your business: Customize reports in QuickBooks Online.


We're always available to help you if you need anything else. Have a great day.

Level 1

Default date preference in QBO

I am having the exact opposite problem that just started about a week ago. It used to default to the last date I entered (which is what I want) but now defaults to today's date each time I enter a new sales receipt (or invoice or refund, etc). It is driving me crazy. I have gone into settings and toggled on for "Pre-fill forms with previously entered content" but it has made no change. Help!

Candice C
QuickBooks Team

Default date preference in QBO

Good evening, @enwsinatx


I appreciate you coming in on this thread about the default date preference in QuickBooks Online.


To clarify, have you tried the troubleshooting steps that are listed on this thread already? If not, I recommend you do so we can narrow down the cause of the problem. 


For future reference, check out this guide: Edit company settings.


Reach back out if you've already done the troubleshooting or if you're still having issues after. I'm always here to lend a helping hand. Take care! 

Level 1

Default date preference in QBO

I hate to sound so curt but of course I followed the ill advised instruction.  How about telling us where the feature is to set the date preferences instead of referring back to an instruction that doesn't work and asking if we have followed it.  Have you found it?  I'm guessing not since nobody from support has provided the location of the date preference field.

Level 1

Default date preference in QBO

Well it's now 2024 and still no way to switch the date preference from today's date or last used date. We just switch to online from years of using desktop where there is a simple easy to find way to select either of those options. So what is the timeline for making such a simple useful function available.

QuickBooks Team

Default date preference in QBO

Hello there, QHNC-GP.


I can see how important it is to have a way to switch the date preference based on your preferred one. However, we’re unable to provide you with a specific time frame as to when this will be available in the program as future releases will still have to undergo several tests to ensure its functionality. For now, you can send your own feedback so it'll forwarded to the Product Development Team.


I encourage sending feedback on the ability to change the date based on your preferences. Any suggestions are forwarded to our engineers to be considered in future updates.


Here's how:


  1. Click the Gear icon at the top.
  2. Choose Feedback.
  3. Enter your comments or product suggestions. Then, select Next to submit feedback.


In case you need steps on how to run different reports in QBO that give you the complete details of your recorded entries, you can read this article: Run reports in QuickBooks Online.


Let me know if you have other queries about managing any preferences in QuickBooks. I’ll always have the time to assist you, QHNC-GP. Keep safe!

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