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Level 2

Filter to Exclude Closed Sales order from Sales Order report.


I am trying to create a report that lists detailed Open Sales Orders per client with a determined item filter.

When I launch the report, it shows both Open and closed sales orders.


What is the specific filter that excludes Closed/invoiced Sales orders from the report ?

When I compare the filters of "Open sales orders report" and my custom report, they are the same, yet show different outputs.


Thanks for helping !




9 Comments 9

Filter to Exclude Closed Sales order from Sales Order report.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention, @Gaetan64.


Usually, when running Open Sales Orders by Customer or Item report, it will only show open sales orders. In your case, the closed sales orders also show on the same statement.


This way, I suggest running verify and rebuild tool to find potential issues so that QuickBooks will self-resolve them if it finds any errors. Before that, make sure to back up your company file in case of any issues.


Once done, you can rerun the Sales Order report specified for an item or customer.


I've added an article for more details to customize sales, financial, and expense reports: Customize reports in QuickBooks Desktop. It includes how to display specified columns and filter specific data.


Keep me posted for additional questions or other concerns with running sales reports in QuickBooks or any system-related questions. I'd be more than happy to help. I wish you the best of luck and more power to your business!

Level 2

Filter to Exclude Closed Sales order from Sales Order report.

Hi Jovychris, 


Thank you for your feedback, however it does not quite fix my issue.


In other words, what is the filter to exclude all closed and invoiced sales order from a Sales order report ?

I can't use the "Open sales order" report as it is lacking flexibility in the filtering and information display.


I want to run a Sales Order report where I filter out Closed & Invoiced Sales order.


The Output from my own report should show a detailed list of All Open Sales orders per client, filtered by item category.





Filter to Exclude Closed Sales order from Sales Order report.

I'm here to guide you on how to filter your custom reports, @Gaetan64.


I have here some steps on how to exclude the closed and invoiced transactions in your Sales Order report. This way, you can review all the open sales orders without a moment's delay. 


Let's make sure to filter the Paid Status to Open only. Such that the closed and invoiced sales order will invisible on the report. Let me guide you on how. 

  1. Go to the Reports icon, then choose your custom Sales Orders report. 
  2. Select the Customize Report tab on the upper left side. 
  3. Choose Display, then check the Paid option to see the status. 
  4. Click Filters, then type Paid Status in the box and pick Open
  5. Tap OK


For more details about customizing reports, check out this article: Understand reports in QuickBooks.


If the issue continues, I'd recommend contacting our technical support. They can further investigate the main cause of the problem and provide other troubleshooting steps. Thus, you can review your open sales order swiftly. 


Here's how: 

  1. Go to this QBDT help link. 
  2. Select your product and click Continue
  3. Enter your concern in the box and tap Continue
  4. Choose either Chat with us or Have us call you.  
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions.


Ensure to check our support hours to know their availability.


Visit these articles below to know more about the pick, pack, ship, and other sales order topics.



You can always leave a message below if you have further concerns about your sales order. I'm glad to help you. Take care. 

Level 2

Filter to Exclude Closed Sales order from Sales Order report.

Hi, Thanks for the step by step you provided, however it does not solve the issue.


I can see that all my sales order still show on the report and appear as "Unpaid" - whether their status is  'open' or 'closed/invoiced'.






Filter to Exclude Closed Sales order from Sales Order report.

I’ll make sure this Sales Orders report issue will get resolved, Gaetan.

Since the recommended instructions provided by my colleagues doesn't make a difference, it would be best to contact our Technical team. They can investigate the issue further. And if need be, they can escalate it for you.

You can follow the steps above or simply use this information to get in touch with our representatives.

You might want to visit this guide that helps track sales and expenses using predefined customer, job, and sales reports: Customize customer, job, and sales reports in QuickBooks Desktop.

If you have other questions or report concerns, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We’ll be here to assist you. Always take care!

Level 3

Filter to Exclude Closed Sales order from Sales Order report.

I'm having the same issue.  Did this ever get resolved?  Were you able to exclude closed sales orders?



QuickBooks Team

Filter to Exclude Closed Sales order from Sales Order report.

It's nice to have you joining in on this thread, @Luckyme502. I'll be happy to guide you on how to customize the Open Sales Orders report in QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) to exclude the closed sales orders. 


In QBDT, you can customize reports to include or exclude data, filter information by date range or account type, and format them to your liking. It doesn't only save time by providing users with the exact information they need, but it also ensures that the data is presented clearly and concisely. 


Please refer to these steps on how to customize the Open Sales Orders report:


  1. Go to the Reports menu, select Sales, and click Open Sales Orders by Customer/Item.
  2. Select Customize Report and go to the Filters tab.
  3. Search for Paid Status and click Open
  4. Click OK.


Furthermore, customized reports can also be saved and reused by memorizing them. Doing so eliminates the need to recreate them each time they are needed. 


Feel free to mention me in the comments sections whenever you have further queries about Sales Order reports in QBDT. I'm always available to assist you further. Take care and have a great one!

Level 3

Filter to Exclude Closed Sales order from Sales Order report.

Thank you, but this is not the report or the info the OP or myself needed.  The Open Sales Order Report is not even the report being discussed.  

QuickBooks Team

Filter to Exclude Closed Sales order from Sales Order report.

Let's make sure that you have the right data when running reports, Luckyme502.


All Open Sales Order report (Open Sales Order by Customer and Open Sales Order by Items) will automatically filter out all sales orders that have been fully invoiced. However, sales orders with open balances or partial invoicing will still be included in the report.


Since closed and invoice transactions are showing in your report, a possible data issue might have caused the unexpected behavior. You'll want to use the QuickBooks Tool hub that can resolve and fix minor bugs and file issues when working in QuickBooks Desktop.


I'll share these steps with you:


  1. Download the most recent version ( of the QuickBooks Tool Hub.
  2. Open the file you downloaded (QuickBooksToolHub.exe). You can look it up in your Downloads folder or in the location you selected when you downloaded it.
  3. Follow the on-screen steps to install and agree to the terms and conditions.
  4. Double-click the icon on your Windows desktop to open the tool hub.
  5. Once opened, look for Program Problems, then select Quick Fix my Program.
  6. Start QuickBooks Desktop and open your data file.


Please check out this article for additional details: Fix Common Problems and Errors With the QuickBooks Desktop Tool Hub.


After that, go back to the report and check if closed sales older transactions are no longer showing up.


Just in case you need additional resources when creating SO and running reports, I have more articles to share with you: 



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