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Level 1

How to hide Products and Services column on the new invoice layout? Our Products and Services extensive list is for internal use only not for customers to see on invoice?

I echo all of the complaints in this thread.  QBO is the most frustrating software company - always seems like QB "experts" have no real-world experience.  This last "solution" is just as bad.  I need to be able to see the products/services, but I don't want my clients to see it.  The "fixed" functionality requires that I add and remove the product/service each time I convert an estimate.  AND add to that that I'm also changing the setting for everyone else using the system.  

Level 3

How to hide Products and Services column on the new invoice layout? Our Products and Services extensive list is for internal use only not for customers to see on invoice?


Level 2

How to hide Products and Services column on the new invoice layout? Our Products and Services extensive list is for internal use only not for customers to see on invoice?

This is an unacceptable solution. If we use your "fix" then we cannot view the products/services internally to create the invoice. If we use our own "fix" to this NEW issue, then we have to turn it on to create the invoice and turn it off to send the invoice then turn it back on to create a new invoice then turn it back off to send the invoice then turn it on to create the next invoice and turn it back off to send the invoice (repeating the same thing over and over again that we know doesn't work = INSANITY). As another member called to your attention, while I turn on the Products/Service to create the invoice, my colleagues who are sending their invoices are sending them with the Products/Services showing to the customer and when I turn off the Products/Services to send an invoice my colleagues cannot see the Products/Services to create their invoices. It's a tug of war situation here that has created an NEW problem, rather than a solution. QB is sinking into the gutter of all online financial management software for business. Due to the terrible NEW invoice style (I've said it before, it's worse than HTML 2.0 for those who don't know that's back from the late 1990s) to the lack of basic options such as showing/hiding Products/Services from the invoices for customer's view, to not allowing custom banking info. to appear automatically when creating a invoice template. I used to be able to select the template for Prepay customers with our Trust account bank info. on it, while Non-prepay customers received invoices with our standard income bank account info. The "new" invoice template leaves the field blank, so for each invoice I send I need to manually enter the banking account info. which as careful as I can be, I have accidentally copied and pasted the opposite banking info. into an invoice and sent it to the client which causes internal and external issues and extra work (due to more likely a human error vs. setting up certain invoice templates for specific customers). Do you understand that everything that was great about the "OLD" invoice which was working perfectly, has been discarded and we're going through the mud trying to individually come up with new processes to work around all the problems with the "NEW" invoice template? I can create better Invoice templates in Microsoft Word than in QuickBooks, but I cannot connect those to our bank, so I'm still stuck using QuickBooks for customers who want to pay online. If any software company out there can do a better job than this one since the May '2024 forced update in QuickBooks, I want to know about it. I also agree with the others that the answer to share our feedback is a waste of time. The only reason I come back to this thread is because it makes me feel better to hear I'm not the only one experiencing this disturbing inconvenience with QuickBooks' "new" invoice. If anything becomes of the feedback we're discussing on this thread, then it was worth our time to continue the thread. Unfortunately, I don't think the developers read this thread. Sales cannot help us. Customer service cannot help us. We have too much invested in QuickBooks with our existing company to stop using it at this point, but I promise I will not use QB for any of my new businesses nor refer others to use this financial software for their businesses. I'm certain others are researching alternative software that not only functions better but likely charges far less for the subscription plus the fees to send and receive money (QB continues increasing their fees despite this setback in the "new" invoice template). I do not feel that I'm on a high horse with my reports of issues with the "new" invoice template. Rather, I feel that the horse has bucked me off and I'm leading the horse by the rein.

Level 2

How to hide Products and Services column on the new invoice layout? Our Products and Services extensive list is for internal use only not for customers to see on invoice?

This is an absolute disaster of a "work around" in place of true functionality. We were misled to think that Quickbooks Online had more features than Desktop. I hate it. Absolutely hate Quickbooks Online

Level 2

How to hide Products and Services column on the new invoice layout? Our Products and Services extensive list is for internal use only not for customers to see on invoice?

I agree, I was mislead to think this online QuickBooks was better. It’s a totally different program and the invoices look unprofessional. 

Level 2

How to hide Products and Services column on the new invoice layout? Our Products and Services extensive list is for internal use only not for customers to see on invoice?

I completely agree!

This is absurd!

Level 2

How to hide Products and Services column on the new invoice layout? Our Products and Services extensive list is for internal use only not for customers to see on invoice?


Level 2

How to hide Products and Services column on the new invoice layout? Our Products and Services extensive list is for internal use only not for customers to see on invoice?

I also completely agree.  I was able to do this for years with my desktop version of Quickbooks.  Ever since migrating to QBO it has been nothing but frustration.  I can't believe this feature is impossible to offer in QBO.  The ability to hide internal notes in an invoice column when printing seems about as basic as it gets. Or the ability to create a custom column in invoices that can simply be toggled off for printing/PDF.  


I have had to resort to methods that take much, much longer to accomplish the same task. QBO was a dramatic increase in cost for my small business with no new benefits to me.  

QuickBooks Team

How to hide Products and Services column on the new invoice layout? Our Products and Services extensive list is for internal use only not for customers to see on invoice?

Hello there, Dustin.


I've noticed that you've already posted your concern about having the ability to add custom columns to invoices and hide them when printing twice. I recognize how this feature can further enhance your business communication. Please know that my colleague has provided relevant information to address your queries that you can check through this link:


Keep in touch if there's anything I can assist you with when customizing your invoices in QuickBooks Online. We're here to help in all possible ways to get you back to business.

Level 1

How to hide Products and Services column on the new invoice layout? Our Products and Services extensive list is for internal use only not for customers to see on invoice?

Debbie and Larry - well said.  I have been on the exhaustive search for a replacement  of this software now for over a year.  Intuit has made so many useless and unhelpful changes to QuickBooks that I began to wonder if there are ANY accountants working for this company anymore. 


Our costs to manage QBO is ridiculous.  My firm's administrative management costs skyrocketed right before my eyes and 90% of the increase is due to some of these dumb changes with QuickBooks.  I am convinced that QBO is not interested in working with accountants.  Instead, they would rather work with non-accountant users.  The software subscription discounts for accounting firms are tiny, they spend more time developing better solutions for non-accountants (that only confuse them later), and they rarely seek accountants' input on changes before making them.  Instead, they hold these dumb after-the-fact forum meetings with us (while the non-accountant users are on the call too).


When I find a good alternative, I will swing back to this thread.  But like you, I am in so deep with them (been using QuickBooks since its inception - when they were just Quicken) that it is very difficult to unravel and start anew.  Sadly, I do not see things getting better as my complaints have gone unaddressed.

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Level 2

How to hide Products and Services column on the new invoice layout? Our Products and Services extensive list is for internal use only not for customers to see on invoice?

I fully agree and starting to look at other platforms.  I am a small business and the costs keep going up on a very frequent basis with more problems.  Has anyone tried FreshBooks?

Level 1

How to hide Products and Services column on the new invoice layout? Our Products and Services extensive list is for internal use only not for customers to see on invoice?

This is an unacceptable solution to a problem that continues into the 4th quarter of the year. Please make product/service able to be hidden from the pdf form for estimates and quotes for customer viewing.  

Level 1

How to hide Products and Services column on the new invoice layout? Our Products and Services extensive list is for internal use only not for customers to see on invoice?

It's not relevant because it's not an acceptable solution. Anything that causes more time spent costs businesses more money. Don't change what already works! Makes zero sense.

QuickBooks Team

How to hide Products and Services column on the new invoice layout? Our Products and Services extensive list is for internal use only not for customers to see on invoice?

I recognize the importance of this functionality, SW16. I'm here to share an update about this one.


The ability to remove the products and services in PDF form of your estimates and quotes is now available in QuickBooks Online. I'd be glad to show you how:


  1. Click the Gear icon at the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Select Custom form styles.
  3. Press the New style dropdown and then pick Invoice.
  4. Go to the Content tab.
  5. Select the middle part.
  6. Uncheck the Products/Service box.
  7. Hit Done.


Once, let's use the template in your transaction:


  1. Open an estimate.
  2. Click Manage, then scroll down to Design.
  3. Select the template you've created.
  4. Once done, click Print and download to view the PDF form without the items.


Feel free to drop any questions or concerns you have about invoicing in QuickBooks. I'm always ready to assist you.

Level 1

How to hide Products and Services column on the new invoice layout? Our Products and Services extensive list is for internal use only not for customers to see on invoice?

The problem I am having is that if I uncheck that box for to hide the products/services, it also hides it for all future invoices created by other users. This is not good because some of my other users do not have access to this setting which means I have to go in and turn it on for them. This is a real bother for me since I have to drop what I am doing to go in and change this setting and then go back in when they are done so they can send the Invoice to the customer.


QuickBooks Team

How to hide Products and Services column on the new invoice layout? Our Products and Services extensive list is for internal use only not for customers to see on invoice?

You can utilize the modernized template to hide the products/service column, @ScienceMill. Let me share the steps to achieve this below.


Instead of using your own designed invoice templates, you can select Modern in the Design section to hide the Products/Service column when sending them to your customers. Follow the steps below:


  1. Navigate to your invoice transaction.
  2. A window on the left pane will appear. Select the Design dropdown.
  3. Choose Modern under the Modernized template section.
  4. Once done, select the Customization dropdown.
  5. Untick the Product/Service from the Table content.
  6. You can click Print and download to preview your invoice.


On the other hand, if you need to use your invoice template, then the only workaround possible is to uncheck the box from the template itself. For now, I recommend sending your feedback to our product development team so they can review it and might consider implementing it in the future. Here's how:


  1. Go to the Gear icon at the top.
  2. Select Feedback.
  3. Type in your feedback and product suggestions.
  4. Click Next to submit them.


Moreover, you'll want to visit this article that outlines how to document your invoice payments to keep correct financial records: Record invoice payments in QuickBooks Online.


Your feedback is highly appreciated as it allows us to improve our program. If you have any additional questions about customizing your invoices, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'm here to provide further assistance.

Level 2

How to hide Products and Services column on the new invoice layout? Our Products and Services extensive list is for internal use only not for customers to see on invoice?

Unfortunately, that is how it worked before QB updated the Invoice template and that's what we want, but it's still not working functionally. If we turn off the Products and Services then we cannot see them internally when creating invoices. When we turn them back on to create the invoice we have to turn it back off before we send the client the invoice. Then, when we turn it back on to create a new invoice, meanwhile clients opening their invoices can see the products and services turned on in real time, even if I turn it right back off, my colleagues may be using the invoicing at the same time and they turn it on when I needed to have it off to send an invoice. This is the second worst "fix" to resolving a problem created by QB mandatory invoice design which is the #1 worst "fix" ever!

Level 2

How to hide Products and Services column on the new invoice layout? Our Products and Services extensive list is for internal use only not for customers to see on invoice?

Exactly right. I don't think the QB customer service people who reply to us on this thread actually use QB for their daily accounting operations like we do. Five months later and looks where we're at with their "fixes". All that's been done is making the tool not work, when it worked fine before their updates in May. I'm frustrated with how little they do to resolve nationwide disruptions of our work that they created. It's like they're boiling a frog, or something.

Level 2

How to hide Products and Services column on the new invoice layout? Our Products and Services extensive list is for internal use only not for customers to see on invoice?

You would think if quickbooks desktop had it for many years, it would be easy to just add it to the online version that I was forced to use if I wanted to continue with quickbooks.  The invoices looks so tacky and unprofessional

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