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Level 1

If QBO was set up with classes for each expense but we no longer want to use the class category is there a way to turn off the notification that happens every time?

Every time a transaction is entered or added upon import I get an alert that I need to add the class and I have to override and bypass it and would love to turn off this notification as we no longer use "class" Thank you!
5 Comments 5

If QBO was set up with classes for each expense but we no longer want to use the class category is there a way to turn off the notification that happens every time?

Hello kristenialaccicr!


Yes, you can disable the warning if you don't wanna use classes anymore. I'll guide you through the steps.


  1. Click on the Gear icon and choose Accounts and Settings.
  2. Choose Advanced.
  3. Click the Categories section.
  4. Remove the checkmark in the Warn me when a transaction isn’t assigned a class checkbox.


If you want to see more references for QBO, just go back to the main support page. Then, select the QuickBooks Online product.


That'll do it. Let me know if you have other questions in mind.

Level 1

If QBO was set up with classes for each expense but we no longer want to use the class category is there a way to turn off the notification that happens every time?

Thank you so much for the quick reply and easy to follow steps. I did exactly what you said but it is giving me this error message.


An application error has occurred while processing your request : -70001
And no matter what I try or refresh etc I can't get it to save the changes you suggested I make. Any additional insight?
Thank you!!

If QBO was set up with classes for each expense but we no longer want to use the class category is there a way to turn off the notification that happens every time?

Thank you for the prompt reply, as well as for sharing an update on your situation, @kristenialaccicr. I'll share steps you can take to resolve this issue.


What I can suggest first is to open your browser's private window. It isolates cache, which is the common cause of unusual behaviors in browsers. 


  • Google Chrome: Ctrl + Shift + N
  • Microsoft Edge: Ctrl + Shift + P
  • Firefox: Ctrl + Shift + P
  • Safari: Command + Shift + N


If that works, go back to your regular browser and clear its cache. Otherwise, open an alternative browser that's available for you. 


I recommend keeping this article for future reference: How do I set my advanced account settings? It's a list of features available on the Account and settings page, along with their brief descriptions.


Post a reply in the comments below if you have other questions about your QuickBooks Online company. I'll be around to help you out. Enjoy the rest of the day!

Level 1

If QBO was set up with classes for each expense but we no longer want to use the class category is there a way to turn off the notification that happens every time?

Thank you! I did this but it still doesn't work. I can't turn off the class notifications in QBO. Is there a way to clear the cache in QBO? I feel like you told me how to do that but I can't find the post now. Thank you so much!


QuickBooks Team

If QBO was set up with classes for each expense but we no longer want to use the class category is there a way to turn off the notification that happens every time?

Thanks for getting back to us, @kristenialaccicr.


I'll walk you through the steps on how to clear the cache in QBO. Depending on the browser you're using, please see the steps below.


For Google Chrome:

  1. Go to the Menu: button.
  2. Choose Settings.
  3. Select Privacy and security, then Site settings.
  4. Tap Cookies and site data under Content. Then, See all cookies and site data.
  5. Type “intuit” in the search bar to find Intuit cookies.
  6. Tick Remove all shown button or the trash can icon.
  7. Restart Google Chrome for the changes to take effect.

For Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Open Firefox, then tap Firefox beside the apple icon to the top left.
  2. Go to Preferences. Then, choose Privacy & Security.
  3. Select Manage Data under Cookies and Site Data.
  4. Type “intuit” in the search bar, and select Enter to find Intuit cookies.
  5. Click Remove All Shown, and then Save Changes.
  6. Restart Mozilla Firefox for the changes to take effect.

For Safari:

  1. Open Safari, then select Safari beside the apple icon to the top left.
  2. Hover towards Preferences.
  3. Choose Privacy, then Manage Website Data.
  4. Type “intuit” in the search bar to find Intuit cookies.
  5. Tap Remove All. Then, Remove Now.
  6. Click Done.
  7. Restart Safari for the changes to take effect.


After clearing the QBO cache, make sure you uncheck the class notification settings as mentioned by my peer @JessT.


For additional resources, feel free to browse this link to go to the page: View all help for QuickBooks Online.


Still need help? Drop them below and I'll be here for you. Take care and have a nice day ahead.

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