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Level 2


I would like to know how can I create a summarized report which will help me to check in one place the invoice numbers and invoices SENT dates for a specific period in Quickbooks online. I am able only to create reports that contain the invoice Created date but do not see any method or report that helps to show when the invoice was sent, other than having to go to each customer invoice one by one and checking the history after opening the invoice. 

5 Comments 5


Hello there, @gjergj.


I can guide you on how to have the report that you need.


In QuickBooks Online (QBO), we have run and customized the Transaction List by customer report to display all sent invoices together with their invoice number.


Let me show you how:

  1. In the left menu, click Reports.
  2. In the search box, type in Transaction List by customer
  3. Click the Customize button. 
  4. In the Report period, set the date. 
  5. From the Rows/Columns section, put a checkmark to the Sent and Number box.
  6. In the Filter section, tick the Transaction Type box and select Invoice.
  7. Tick the Sent box also, and in the drop-down, choose Sent.
  8. Click Run report


To know more about personalizing your report, I recommend checking this article: Customize reports in QuickBooks Online.


If you want to save your latest customization settings on your report, you can memorize your reports.


I'd be glad to help you out again if you need further assistance running the report you need. Just leave a reply below, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Have a good day.

Level 2


Hi there,


Thanks for your answer but that does not solve my problem. I already know how to filter and show which invoice is sent or not. I need the report to show me the initial SENT DATE for each of the invoices (please refer to the screenshot). 





Thanks for providing a screenshot, gjergj.


In QuickBooks Online, you can run the Transaction List by Customer report and filter it to show which invoices are sent or not. However, including the initial sent date is unavailable. You'll need to open each invoice to see the details.


As a workaround, you can export your report to Excel. From there, you can manually add the Sent Date column.


Here's how:


  1. From the report screen, select the Export icon.Capture.PNG
  2. Choose Export to Excel.
  3. Save the file somewhere you can easily find it.


I've included this resource for more details: Export your reports to Excel from QuickBooks Online.


You can also memorize your reports to save them with the most recent personalization settings.


I'd be glad to help you out again if you need further assistance in customizing your report. Just leave a reply below, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Level 2


Hi there,


Thanks for your feedback. As I previously mentioned, I know how to export in excel from Quickbooks but the idea was to have the SENT date exported too and not add it manually for each invoice. I have quite a lot of invoices to process monthly so its not an effective solution to spend hours and click each of them and put manually the date in excel. Not sure why quickbooks does not offer this as an option. I have used several other accounting software and they all had it as an option.... :/



I appreciate all the details you've shared in this forum, @gjergj.


I can see how this feature would be useful. As a team with a massive roadmap, we have to pick new features based on the value they’ll add to the most users possible.


While this feature is unavailable, I'd recommend sending feedback to our Product Development Team. We value your suggestions. This way, it helps our engineers determine what features to be added in QBO future enhancements.


 Here's how:


  1. Go to the Gear icon at the top, then select Feedback.
  2. Type in your feedback or product suggestions.
  3. Click Next to submit feedback.


Also, you can track feature requests through the QuickBooks Online Feature Requests website.


Feel to check out these links and articles for additional guidance reference when dealing with reports in QuickBooks:



Drop me a comment below if you have further questions about reports. I'll always have your back. Take good care, @gjergj.

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