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Level 2

My contractor cannot enter his data.

I have set myself as a contractor. I have received the email, but the link is broken. I cannot receive another one.
19 Comments 19

My contractor cannot enter his data.

Hi gdequillacq,


I'll help you with your subcontractor's information.


If you still see the option to send a reminder, click on that one so your contractor will receive a new email. Otherwise, you'll want to ask for their W9 form and click on Wating for info to enter the details by yourself.


send a reminder and waiting for info.PNG


Should you be needing help with subcontractors in the future? Simply send us your concerns through this thread.

Level 2

My contractor cannot enter his data.

Hello JessT,


Thank for your reply. I had difficulties posting THIS reply to your reply. Ha.


I have tried this. I clicked on the "send a reminder" link to resend, but the email unfortunately never arrived. And now the link is not visible in QBO anymore. With support, we amended the email address and resaved, changed to an entirely new email address... to no avail, the "Send a reminder" doesn't show in QBO.


One of my contractor cannot enter her data. We are both struggling on this. Weirdly enough it worked perfectly for another contractor.






Level 2

My contractor cannot enter his data.



Thank for your reply. I had difficulties posting THIS reply to your reply. Ha.


I have tried this. I clicked on the "send a reminder" link to resend, but the email unfortunately never arrived. And now the link is not visible in QBO anymore. With support, we amended the email address and resaved, changed to an entirely new email address... to no avail, the "Send a reminder" doesn't show in QBO.


One of my contractor cannot enter her data. We are both struggling on this. Weirdly enough it worked perfectly for another contractor.





My contractor cannot enter his data.

Thanks for following up with the Community, gdequillacq.


If you're not seeing the reminder email arrive in your inbox, I'd recommend checking your spam folder. Sometimes emails will be routed to this location once received.


Additionally, since your Send a reminder option isn't displaying, you'll want to look for a Send email function on the contractor's profile. If you don't see either options, I'd recommend checking your browser. It's possible this issue could have something to do with temporary internet files. Browsing applications store these types of records, but sometimes they can cause issues when viewing certain webpages. You can open a private window and see if either option displays.

Here's how to access incognito mode in some of the most commonly used web browsers:

  • Google Chrome: Ctrl Shift N
  • Internet Explorer: Ctrl Shift P
  • Mozilla Firefox: Ctrl Shift P
  • Safari: Command Option P


If you're able to see one of the two options, it's safe to say your browser's causing this problem. You can fix it by clearing cached data and Intuit-specific cookies.

In the event you're still not seeing either choice, you'll want to get in touch with our Customer Care team. They'll be able to pull up your account in a secure environment, conduct further research, and create an investigation ticket if necessary.

They can be reached while you're signed in.

Here's how:

  1. Click the Help (?) icon.
  2. Choose Contact Us.
  3. Enter a description of your situation in the What can we help you with? field, then hit Let's talk.
  4. Select Start messaging or Get a call.

Be sure to review their support hours so you'll know when agents are available.

I'll be here to help if there's any questions. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Level 2

My contractor cannot enter his data.



Yes, I have contacted support through the chat on this. We tried the cookies, the incognito windows, and the different browsers. We even used an entirely different computer. No success.


QB support via chat is a nightmare. 

- Long wait (but they have no patience if you don't answer quickly). I understand - it is tax season.

- Each time a different operator, who has no note of any past previous attempt. Every time, I have to explain the problem, redo the same identification, re-explain the problem, go through the same initial tests. Sometimes share my screen, demonstrate...


They agree. There is a problem. But every QB support has no clue. Usually, the conversation goes into  

-> "need to buy an upgrade", like payroll manager. It has been confirmed as unnecessary by another support, the sales reps, and a CFO. The advertisement confirms I don't need a different version. I was actually sold the QBO Essentials upgrade for this functionality. Plus one of my contractors went through all fine.

   -> "Who is your sales rep"? no clue, they never shared names. I had talked to sales both on QBSE and QBO to make sure it was the right upgrade for me. There was a login issue (I have two businesses and two QBSE logins). Plus, the upgrade went through as a full purchase, so the whole business (accounts, rules...) had to be recreated. Guess what, it was sold to me as a simple add-on functionality...

  -> "Did the problem happen before?". No, it's a new QBO license, created just for this.

  -> "Show me the contractor which works". Sure. Here is her name.

  -> "You need to be the account admin". I am. I am also the contractor (under a different email address). But I am still myself, the owner of the business, who paid for the license.

  -> Silence, "need to research"...

  -> The chat reaches an "end-of-day", or the operator disconnects. 


I have been through half a dozen attempts already (at least, I didn't count). Every attempt has been a time-wasting and frustrating process lasting several hours. They will never raise the issue to a more advanced support person. Did I say that I have a business to run nevertheless? Oh, I still receive the "please rank our efficiency" survey requests.


Thanks in advance.


(invalid HTML error and login problems in the QBO community system... sorry for formating issues)

Level 2

My contractor cannot enter his data.



The good news is I have managed to pass this problem, by creating a new contractor altogether.


The new contractor received an email, whose link sent him to QBSE (not QBO). He nevertheless created his profile and entered a W9.


This new contractor has now tracked time in handling his project. He would like to send his hours to the manager to get paid. How can he do that?

- The system doesn't have a "send payment request" buttton.

- The system instead allows to save/print/email the hours into a new expense/invoice (but not to send them electronically).

- The manager will receive the email and reenter the project/charge manually in QBO, before issuing a payment. It would be nice to avoid this double entry, which is the purpose of the track time function.


So I called I requested a support call. Luckily enough, QBO support was able to bring in a support from QBSE online. Unfortunately, a client called, and the conversation had to be interrupted. I called back QBSE. A different operator told me that that the case number is a QBO reference, and that the "Time" function is in Beta mode and is therefore not supported. I called QBO support, which can't find the reference number. We started a new case, but the line was suddenly interrupted.


Thank you for your advice & suggestion.


Best regards,




My contractor cannot enter his data.

I got you covered here in the Community, @gdequillacq.


Since the line was interrupted, you can ask for a callback request to speak with one of our representatives and continue where you've left off. Your case number has the previous agent's notes according to what happened to your issue. This way, you won't be repeating yourself.


For ways on how to connect with us, just follow the steps shared by ZackE on how to reach them.


Once everything is fixed, please visit this article: Prepare and file Federal 1099s. This link guides you e-file the 1099 forms and how to update the contractor's email address in QBO.


I'm also adding this link here in case you need help with other tasks in QBO. It has our general topics with articles, just choose the title that fits your concern.


Please know that the Community is here ready to help if you have questions or concerns about QuickBooks. Feel free to reply anytime. Thanks for posting and have a nice day.

Level 2

My contractor cannot enter his data.

The case number I have is incomplete and not recognized. 


This article shows how employees can be turned into "Time-tracking users" who then can log their time in QBO (and which I can use to invoice clients). 


This functionality is not possible for contractors ("Vendors with 1099 tracking turned on can’t be added as time tracking users at this time.").


-> Is this impossibility due to the version of the QBO I am currently using? 

-> If I create my contractors as W2s in the systems, will they be able to enter their hours? Will I be able to create a 1099 for them at year-end? Will their employee status attract taxes and othe rissues?




My contractor cannot enter his data.

Good to see you again, gdequillacq!


It seems like you have many contractors. I can see the convenience of letting them track their time data. However, this option is not available for 1099 contractors, and this is true to all QBO versions, not just yours.


On the other hand, I wouldn't recommend adding the contractors as employees for the sake of time tracking. They have different reports, and you'll have issues with their 1099s.


I'm just around if you have other questions about time tracking or subcontractors. Have a good day ahead!

Level 2

My contractor cannot enter his data.

A CFO tells me that contractors are able to track their time directly in the manager's QBO.

How do they do that?


Best regards,


Level 2

My contractor cannot enter his data.

Here is the CFO's comment:

The contractors can track time directly in your QBO and then you will have all the hours

or they can track it in their own QBO and invoice you. Then you just enter the total as a vendor bill/payable. You can attach the PDF they sent you to the vendor bill to keep it all organized.

QuickBooks Team

My contractor cannot enter his data.

Hello there, gdequillacq.


Were you invited to track time in your manager's QuickBooks Online account? Let's ensure that the one who invited uses the correct email so you can access the invite o the correct account. You can check out this link for more details: User roles and access rights in QuickBooks Online.


Let me know if you're referring to somethin else. I'm just here to help. Take care!

Level 2

My contractor cannot enter his data.

I am the manager trying to give access to the contractor.

The contractor has received an email when his profile was created. That link brought the contractor to QBSE, not QBO.

How can I give the contractor access to my QBO?

Content Leader

My contractor cannot enter his data.

Thanks for following up on this thread, gdequillacq.


I'd be glad to lend a hand and show you how to give your contractor access to your QuickBooks Online account. Here's how to get this done:


1. Click the Gear icon in the top right corner.

2. Choose Manage Users.

3. Select Add User.

4. Select a user type. Then select Next.

5. Choose the access rights for the user. Then select Next.

6. Choose the user settings, if applicable. Then select Next.

7. Enter the user’s name and email address, and then Save.


The following linked article provides even more info about adding and managing users in QuickBooks Online.


Please don't hesitate to reach back out if you have any other questions. I'm always happy to help. 

Level 2

My contractor cannot enter his data.

You cant add 1099.jpg

Let me know how to get over this. If you read the exchange above, I suggested using W2 employees, which was ruled out. How should I create my 1099 contractors? Is there a way to add them as vendors? I will still need the 1099 at year-end.

Level 2

My contractor cannot enter his data.

I may have found the solution. I created the vendor as a user FIRST (instead of cerating the contractor as a 

He receives a link in QBO (not QBSE).


Next problem, the link doesn't work:


User created first.jpg

Content Leader

My contractor cannot enter his data.

I appreciate you getting back to me, gdequillacq.


Yes, there is an option to add the contractors as a vendors. Here's how:


1. Hover over the Expenses tab, then choose Vendors.

2. Select the green "New vendor" button in the top right corner.

3. Enter all of the necessary info and be sure to check the box labeled "Track payments for 1099"

4. Click Save when you're finished.


I recommend checking out this link for even more info on setting up contractors and tracking them for 1099s in QuickBooks.


You know where to come if you have any other questions.

Level 2

My contractor cannot enter his data.

Hi MorganB,


I followed the steps. The problem persists.

Thank you for letting me know what to do.


Best regards,

G de Quillacq


My contractor cannot enter his data.

Thanks for getting back to us, @gdequillacq.


Since the issue persists after following the steps shared by my colleagues above, I highly suggest contacting our Support team. They have tools that can pull up your account in a secure environment and check the cause of this odd behavior. They can also perform other troubleshooting steps if necessary.


Here's how to reach them:


  1. In QuickBooks Online (QBO), click the Help (question mark) icon at the top right.
  2. Select a suggested option, or type a question or topic you need help with.
  3.  Tick  Contact Us and choose a way to connect with us.


For tips and other resources, I recommend visiting our website for reference: Self-help articles.


Please let me know how it goes or if you have any additional concerns. I'll be here to help. Have a great day!

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