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Standout Yacht Fittings
Level 2

Sales receipts that are importing from website sales (paypal) are showing up today without a sales receipt number and no box for a number. Any solutions?

Missing box for sales receipt number on sales receipts
3 Comments 3

Sales receipts that are importing from website sales (paypal) are showing up today without a sales receipt number and no box for a number. Any solutions?

Thanks for reaching out to us, @Standout Yacht Fittings.


To further check why the sales receipt imported today are missing the sales receipt number, I recommend contacting PayPal support. They can further investigate the root cause of the issue and assist you with the integration process, especially in setting/mapping the fields.


In the meantime, to know how connecting PayPal works in QuickBooks Online (QBO), see the below articles:

You may also find this article helpful: Common questions about importing data to QuickBooks Online.


If you have other concerns or questions when using QuickBooks, let me know by commenting below. I’m always around, ready to help you. Have a day.

Standout Yacht Fittings
Level 2

Sales receipts that are importing from website sales (paypal) are showing up today without a sales receipt number and no box for a number. Any solutions?

thank you for reaching out to me. It actually is crazier than that. I think this is a QuickBooks issue. When I print out the sales receipt it prints  an empty little box that says sales number right next to the date. When I look at the sales receipt on QuickBooks online there is no box for a sales number. Aha I thought I will just print this out and then create a new sales receipt so I can put a number in and just copy all this information over because I have nothing but free time to repeat my actions. But new sales receipts and invoices are popping up without a box to put a number in the only box that I have is " location of sale". Just for fun I tried starting a new invoice....guess what? no box for invoice number. I closed everything down - I restarted my computer - I shut down Firefox - I tried it on Chrome - I shut that down - I came to a different computer and tried it again same problem. I'm pulling out my hair!  I think most people need a sales receipt or invoice number for their records.

QuickBooks Team

Sales receipts that are importing from website sales (paypal) are showing up today without a sales receipt number and no box for a number. Any solutions?

Hi there, @Standout Yacht Fittings.


I appreciate the things you've done to see the Invoice or Sales Receipt number when printing. 


Aside from the data issues, you may also need to check if the default invoice or sales receipt template's transaction number is unchecked. I'll show you how to do that. In this example, I'm using invoice transactions. The steps to do it with the Sales receipt are the same.

  1. Go to the Settings and select Custom Form Styles.
  2. Locate the Standard or any Invoice template you're using that doesn't display the transaction number.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. Navigate to the Content tab and click on the header part of the sales form.
  5. Check the box beside Form numbers.


Once done, create an invoice or sales receipt to check if the transaction number is there. However, if you're still getting the same issue after doing the steps above, I'd recommend contacting our Customer Care Team. They have the tools to perform screen share sessions and help you get to the bottom of this.


I've added an article for your additional reference about the process I've shared: Customize invoices, estimates, and sales receipts in QuickBooks Online.


You can check out this reference page in case you want to create multiple invoices from one estimate to have organized project payments: Set up and send progress invoices in QuickBooks Online.


You're always welcome to let me know in the comment section below if you have other QuickBooks-related questions. I'll be around to help. 

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