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Why did my expense entry get split ? How do I fix this?

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Why did my expense entry get split ? How do I fix this?

Hello crittersitterpet,


I wanted to help, however, I'd need to get more information to assist you better.


Are you looking at a report that shows split columns? When you say the expense entry get split, are you referring to the transaction in your Banking page?


Thanks in advance!  

Not applicable

Why did my expense entry get split ? How do I fix this?

Hello crittersitterpet,


I wanted to make sure that your question gets answered. So, I came back to add more information.


If you're referring to your bank transaction that splits to multiple categories, we currently don't have a way to add/match them to an expense record. You'll need to exclude them and manually place the letter "R" in the register. This way it'll show that this expense was already been reconciled from your bank. To exclude them, please go to the For Review page and select the transactions. Then, click on Batch actions and choose Exclude Selected


Otherwise, expense transaction that has multiple line items will show split entries in some reports like Transaction List with Splits report. 


Let us know if you have any questions. We'll be right here to help. 

Level 1

Why did my expense entry get split ? How do I fix this?

I am having the same issue and I called Quick books and they couldn't even fix it. If they can't fix it I will cancel my subscription. I am simply inputting expenses for my business that have already been paid in full. Now and then Quickbooks decides to combine some of them. No rhyme or reason. Sometimes it's the same vendor. Sometimes they were paid on the same credit card, Sometimes they were paid on the same day. But in none of the examples above is it consistent. There are others paid t the same vendor, same day, same card etc and are not clumped together. 

This is very annoying. I simply want a running list of expenses, with as many details as possible listed individually. I can input 10 of them and suddenly I look up and is combined several and now says "split" and has added the totals of the items it's combined. 

So far I am no liking Quick books and hope they let me out of my subscription tomorrow if they can't fix it. After 30 plus minutes on the phone she offered to send me articles that might help. I said, not acceptable. I prefer she just explain it to me. She then admitted she had no idea what the issue was. The employee sais she would need to call me back tomorrow when someone was there who might know the answer. 

QuickBooks Team

Why did my expense entry get split ? How do I fix this?

This isn't the kind of experience we want you to have, and I'm here to make it up with you, @neversitsstill.


The reason why your expense entries are showing "split" on the report is that the transactions have multiple line items. Let me share a few information and help you from there.


The Transactions List by Vendor or Transactions List by Date report will show you the word "split" if the transaction has multiple items. This report will combine the total amount of your expense transaction. You can consider running these reports to show the list of your expense transactions.


However, if you're running the Transaction Detail by Account report, it'll show you each amount of the accounts or items used to the transaction. That's why you're seeing the same vendor, credit card, and day. If you want to show each account or item used, you can customize the report. Here's how:


  1. Go to the Reports page.
  2. Search for Transactions Detail by Account.
  3. Select the date range from the Report period section.
  4. From the Group by drop-down, choose Vendor.
  5. Click Customize.
  6. In the Rows/Columns section, click the Show column link.
  7. Put a checkmark on Account.
  8. Click Run report.

Here's an article to learn how to customize reports: Customize your Reports in QuickBooks Online.


I've attached screenshots below to show the difference in the reports.


In case you want to memorize reports, you can check out this article for your future reference: Memorize Reports.


Please know that you can always get back to this post if you have further questions. I'll be more than happy to answer them for you.

Level 1

Why did my expense entry get split ? How do I fix this?

I just started with Quickbooks and I'm having the same issue.  However, for me, I am entering multiple invoices for the same vendor.  Some will be added together and marked "split", but they may leave one of the added invoices added in the "split", but still leave that invoice as a separate item.  This is totally unacceptable, this is the main function we want Quickbooks for and if we can't see our items at a glance, we will cancel.


Why did my expense entry get split ? How do I fix this?

Hi there, @lowreyfinancialgroup.


I recognize your need for this feature, and I'm taking note of it so I can pass it along here on my end. While there's no definite time on when this will become available, you'll want to learn how to customize reports in QuickBooks Online through checking this article: Customize Reports in QuickBooks Online.


You can also check out this site to get you in the loop about the latest product updates: Latest QuickBooks Updates.

Feel free to post any concerns here in the Community by leaving a comment below. 

Level 1

Why did my expense entry get split ? How do I fix this?

I'm running in to the same problem. Automatically split my entries when it has been okay with my entries since last year? Why is this happening?

Level 1

Why did my expense entry get split ? How do I fix this?

I am using AutoEntry to upload my invoices (purchases) in to QBO. And it is coming up split when each line is a purchase they do lot have freight or shipping.  Can you help me

QuickBooks Team
QuickBooks Team

Why did my expense entry get split ? How do I fix this?

Let me share some information about splitting entries in QuickBooks Online (QBO), Mattsdugout.


If you are referring to splitting of your purchases is showing "split" on the report, this happens when the transactions have multiple line items. This is the reason why the freight or shipping items are showing as split when running the Transactions List by Vendor or Transactions List by Date report. This report will combine the total amount of your expense transaction. You can consider running these reports to show the list of your expense transactions.


You can also run the Transaction List with Splits report that'll show split transactions. Here's how to pull up this report:

  1. Go to Reports on the left side menu. 
  2. Type Transaction List with Splits in the search bar.
  3. Change the Report period.
  4. Click on Run report.

However, if you're running the Transaction Detail by Account report, it'll show you each amount of the accounts or items used to the transaction. That the reason you'll not see the split transactions. Feel free to visit our Expenses and vendors page for more insights about managing your expenses in QBO.


I'm just one click away if you need a hand with customizing your reports or any QBO related. I'll be here to ensure your success. You have a good one. 

Level 1

Why did my expense entry get split ? How do I fix this?

i am having the same experience.  I enter a vendor expense and assign a category.  the next time i assign an expense to that existing vendor, the category changes to "split" that entry.  it seems to be random and is VERY frustrating.  I have used Quickbooks since 2012 and it has only gotten more and more difficult to navigate/use every year that it has changed.  Looking into other services for sure.

Level 1

Why did my expense entry get split ? How do I fix this?

This is exactly what I needed answered, no worries, I found what I needed. Thanks for your responsiveness. I appreciate it!

Level 1

Why did my expense entry get split ? How do I fix this?

@BlackSoil can you please share what you did to fix the problem with the entries splitting automatically? Thanks,

Level 1

Why did my expense entry get split ? How do I fix this?

This was driving me crazy. Finally found the issue.

Go to the vendor(s) that automatically split any charges you enter. Go to edit vendor > Account Settings. If there is a pre-filled account, it automatically entered part of all of the charge there and splitting the rest, something like that. Remove the pre-filled account. Enter you charges without them being pre-split going forward.

Level 1

Why did my expense entry get split ? How do I fix this?

I want my charges from quickbooks to automatically split into different departments/classes. I keep setting up a rule when it comes in from the bank but the expense the QB automatically creates does not allow the rule to work.

It sends the expense to "bank charges" which it is not and has no class/dept. I want all the QB fees broke out to my classes/departments.

How do I fix this?


QuickBooks Team

Why did my expense entry get split ? How do I fix this?

Let's make sure your charges are accurately assigned to your chosen category and classes, carolann.

In QuickBooks Online (QBO), you can create a bank rule that automatically categorizes transactions for you. However, if you want to manually categorize your transactions, you can turn the suggestions off. Here's how:


  1. Go to Transactions and choose Bank transactions.
  2. Click the small Gear icon beside the Export to Excel button.
  3. Uncheck the Enable suggested categorization box.

    gear bank transac.PNG

    suggested categorization.PNG

Then, we can also review the mapping of your bank rules so that the QuickBooks fees are designated to the appropriate classes and categories. Please refer to the steps below:


  1. Click the Gear icon and choose Rules.
  2. Select the rule and tap the Edit button below the ACTIONS column.
  3. Review the setup of your rules. Check the Category account and Split details. Make sure the right Class is selected.

    gear icon then rules 1.PNG

    edit icon rules.PNG

    edit rule.PNG 


Additionally, I'd also appreciate it if you could provide us a screenshot of how your rules are set up so that we can further check.


If you have more questions about setting up bank rules, carolann. Just tap the reply button below, and I'll circle back to you.

Level 1

Why did my expense entry get split ? How do I fix this?

The enable catagorization is not checked. My rules work except for this one because QB automatically creates and expense so it matches the fee to the expense instead of using my rule. I need QB to stop creating an expense and just let it come through the bank feed so it will match to my rule.

QuickBooks Team

Why did my expense entry get split ? How do I fix this?

Hello, @carolannpea1.


It seems like you have encountered a similar issue to the one you previously posted about QuickBooks Online automatically creating an expense instead of using your rule. One of my colleagues responded to your original thread, and we can continue our discussion from there. 


Let me know if you have more questions. 

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