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Mental Health tips for small business owners during the holidays

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Hello Community! As the holiday season approaches, I wanted to provide some mental health tips for small business owners that were shared in a QuickBooks blog article. We all know that small businesses work the hardest during this season, so I wanted to share these 3 tips for prioritizing your mental health so you can have a successful holiday season while also taking care of yourself.
It’s important to:

1. Manage your time: Ensure that the work time you spend is productive. Setting a routine and sticking to it can help enormously with this.

2. Accept support: It is more than ok to lean on your support system and accept help.

3. Let go of what you can’t control: It’s important to keep in mind that you will hit snags along the way and come across obstacles, but remembering that this is normal and a part of the process will help you feel less overwhelmed.

Owning a business comes with many unknown factors and feelings of pressure. If you focus on these important tips this holiday season and prioritize your mental health, then you're on track for doing what’s best for your business! I hope you found this helpful and like always, please feel free to share any other tips you may have on this topic. Make sure to check out the full article here.

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