Oh, and another observation: Most of the time I see them reply with these lengthy steps to rectify this or that.... and it's insulting. We just want things back...
I am so with you. No, Feedback DOES NOTHING. I've wasted more time and energy on the stupid changes and implementations they've made and putting forth feedback,...
This UNWANTED and IRRITATING change just happened to me with my invoices. I do NOT do anything international, and I want my phone number in the format I CHOOSE ...
Negative. I have Essentials. As of mid to late October (I believe it was), I was sent an email that I am no longer able to rever to old invoice as I had been do...
And I would also like to make clear that I wasn't coming at you...... I agree with this post.... and I was just incensed when I typed the above (still upset), a...