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Level 1

Project Manager User Access

Granting Employee Access to Projects in QuickBooks Online


Hello fellow QuickBooks Online users,

I'm reaching out to the community for help with a couple of issues I'm facing in my QuickBooks Online account. Hopefully, someone here can provide some guidance.


Accessing the Projects Section


First and foremost, I need to give one of my employees access to the Projects section within QuickBooks Online. However, I cannot seem to find an option to select this user type under the User Roles settings. It appears that QuickBooks rolled out the Projects feature without properly implementing the necessary user permissions.

This is quite frustrating, as I need certain employees to be able to manage and view project-related information, but I don't have a straightforward way to grant them access. I would appreciate if the QuickBooks team could address this oversight and provide a clear path for granting selective access to the Projects section.


Inconsistent Banking Information Access


Secondly, I've encountered a concerning issue with user permissions and banking information access. I've limited a user's ability to see banking information when they access QuickBooks Online through the web view. However, when that same user logs in on a tablet, they are able to see the banking information.


This inconsistency is a huge problem for me, as I need to ensure that sensitive financial data is properly secured and accessible only to authorized personnel. It's concerning that QuickBooks seems to have a glitch in the user roles and permissions system, which is a fundamental aspect of the software.


I would expect QuickBooks Online to have a robust and reliable user management system that ensures consistent access control across all platforms. This issue needs to be addressed promptly, as it poses a significant security risk for my business.

I hope the QuickBooks team can look into these problems and provide a solution. Many users, including myself, are eagerly awaiting improvements in these areas to enhance the overall user experience and security of QuickBooks Online.


9 Comments 9

Project Manager User Access

I appreciate you for sharing your concern and providing additional details. Your efforts help me understand how you wish to handle your data and the permissions you want to grant to your employees, nicholsond92.


Having a clear process for granting selective access to the Projects section would be highly beneficial for your business. However, this option isn't available in the access lists. 


You'll want to invite them as Limited (customer-only) user access. This access level will allow your employee to manage and view the Project section. This access privilege already has default choices listed on what can and cannot be done. You can visit this article for more information: User roles and access rights in QuickBooks Online


I also suggest sending feedback directly to our product developers. You can share your thoughts on how crucial the choice is for the project. Here's how:


  1. Click on the Gear icon.
  2. Select Feedback under Profile.
  3. Enter your suggestion, then click Next


Regarding your second concern, could you please provide some details on the role and access permissions that you have assigned to the user? 


While waiting for your response, if the user is unable to view banking information when accessing QuickBooks Online through the web view but can view it when logging in on their tablet, their device may need to be refreshed to reflect any changes made to their permissions. To resolve this, you can ask the user to log out and log back in to refresh the system.


If the same thing happens, please give us a short call by clicking Help (?) in your QBO company homepage. We want to look at this more thoroughly. 


Additionally, you can check this article for more details about usage limits in QBO plans: Usage limits by subscription


If you have more concerns about user access and anything related to QBO, please utilize this thread anytime. I'll be around to respond and help you. 

Level 1

Project Manager User Access

This is not a solution. You advertise that you are for contractors but lack the basic ability to set user access. This is basic stuff that a rookie programmer could do. What am I missing here? 

QuickBooks Team

Project Manager User Access

Hello there, @nicholsond92.


I understand how important it is to manage user permissions in QuickBooks Online efficiently. This isn't the experience we want you to have, and we assure you that we'll help you get this fixed as soon as possible.


In managing your employee's access to your projects, you can consider using a third-party app, that has this feature. You can browse through the app market: QuickBooks App Store.


I recommend contacting our QuickBooks Online support to have them investigate the banking information access issues. They have the right tools to examine what has caused the problem and apply a solution as soon as possible.


Here's how:


  1. Head to this link: Contact Us.
  2. Select QuickBooks Online product and click Continue.
  3. Select Contact Us and choose a way to connect with us:
  • Start a chat with a support expert.
  • Get a callback from the next available expert.


If you're using QuickBooks Online Advance, you can consider assigning custom roles to your users in QBO.


Let me know if you need additional assistance in managing your users' access to your QuickBooks Online account. I'm always here to help.

Level 1

Project Manager User Access

I have a similar issue, was this ever resolved? 

QuickBooks Team

Project Manager User Access

It's good to have you joining the thread, @JonACG


May I know what specific issue you're referring to? 


If you're talking about giving your user access to Projects in QuickBooks Online, this option is unavailable in the access lists. As a workaround, you can invite them with Limited (customer-only) user access which allows them to view and edit the Project section. 


Meanwhile, I suggest sending feedback directly to our Product Developers team. They can review your suggestions and consider adding them in future releases. Here's how:

  1. Hit the Gear icon at the top, then select Feedback.
  2. Type in your product suggestions.
  3. Click Next to submit feedback.


To get updates about the status of your feedback, you may visit the Customer Feedback page.


Moreover, if you're referring to the bank information access issue, we can perform some basic troubleshooting steps to rectify it. We can start by accessing your QuickBooks Online (QBO)  account through an incognito window to rule out the possibility of a webpage issue and to ensure that the changes you made to the permission are reflected. You can use these keyboard shortcuts to save time:

  • Safari: Command + Shift + N
  • Mozilla Firefox: CTRL + Shift + P
  • Google Chrome: CTRL + Shift + N
  • Microsoft Edge: CTRL + Shift + N


Once signed in, check the access you set for your user. If everything's fine, you can return to your regular browser and clear its cache. Otherwise, you can try other supported browsers to help narrow down the cause of this behavior.

Furthermore, you'll want to visit this article to learn more about usage limits: Learn about usage limits in QuickBooks Online.

The Community is always around if you have more concerns about QuickBooks, @JonACG. Just leave a reply below and we'll surely get back.

Level 1

Project Manager User Access

Thanks for the response! 
In short, I need to setup permissions for a few of my team members.

They are project managers for the construction and engineering portions of our business. I want them to have access to projects, and more importantly, the reports for those projects. Since each of these project managers are responsible for adding expenses, tracking estimates vs. actual, and overall profitability, the ability to see this is really important. so far, only the "Company admin" allows them to see this all this information, but that means they can also see the account balances for a connected business checking account. The owner of my company asked me to remove that visibility. 

Can this be done? 

Level 1

Project Manager User Access

Thanks for the response! 
In short, I need to setup permissions for a few of my team members.

They are project managers for the construction and engineering portions of our business. I want them to have access to projects, and more importantly, the reports for those projects. Since each of these project managers are responsible for adding expenses, tracking estimates vs. actual, and overall profitability, the ability to see this is really important. so far, only the "Company admin" allows them to see this all this information, but that means they can also see the account balances for a connected business checking account. The owner of my company asked me to remove that visibility. 

Can this be done?

QuickBooks Team

Project Manager User Access

Appreciate you for coming back to the thread, @JonACGI can guide you in managing team members' roles and access in QuickBooks Online (QBO).


You can invite your team members as Standard Limited Customers and Vendors role to have permission to add expenses, edit, add or delete projects, manage project estimates, and receive payments to projects. This role prevents the user from seeing the total income and expense amounts on the Home, Vendor, and Customer pages, viewing bank registers, and adding, deleting, or editing accounts and quantities on hand.


To add them for this role, here's how:


  1. Go to the Settings ⚙, and select Manage Users.
  2. Click Add User, then enter the user's info.
  3. From the Roles dropdown, select Standard Limited Customers and Vendors.
  4. You can review the access for the role given to the user.
  5. Click Send Invitation.


If you don't have the Standard Limited Customers and Vendors role available in the dropdown, it may be because this role is being discontinued for new users as of May 2024. In this case, you can invite them to have the Standard All Access role instead. Just like the company admin, this role provides full access to the platform, except for account management. However, this role can still see the account balances for a connected business checking account.


Furthermore, this article can be helpful if you want to know the maximum number of users you can add to the QBO company: Learn about usage limits in QuickBooks Online.


You can always return to this thread if you need additional help managing user access or have other questions about QuickBooks. We're here to help.

Level 1

Project Manager User Access

@JonACG we are in the same boat. Our project manager doesn't have access to what he really needs and then there isn't a way to turn off access to the in depth company information that he doesn't need access to. Happy I found this thread, reassured me I am with so many other business owners. Hopefully QBO can resolve this soon with enough feedback.

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