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Level 2

How do i turn off the business feed?

24 Comments 24
QuickBooks Team

How do i turn off the business feed?

Hello there, Zxx.
Could you please confirm whether you want to remove the notification about upgrading your feed or if you need to disconnect the bank feed completely? Knowing this would help us provide the appropriate solution to your concern.
Please feel free to leave a comment below. We're always here to help you out. Stay safe.

Level 2

How do i turn off the business feed?


I'm trying to get rid of the new AI item called Business Feed. It appears at the top of the screen with a blue symbol in front of it--sorry-my screen shot is not loading.

It sends annoying notifications that it wants to send reminders that I have to click out of before working.




Level 2

How do i turn off the business feed?

Trying to get rid of the pop up that asks if I want to send reminders. Photo attached.

QuickBooks Team

How do i turn off the business feed?

I understand the importance of controlling your user experience, Zxx. The additional details and screenshot of your concern is greatly appreciated. It's beneficial for me to see what you're referring to. Regarding the new AI assistant in the upper corner of your screen, I'd be happy to provide you with more insights. I'll also let you know if you can opt out of this.

At this time, the AI assistant is accessible to admin users who are Beta customers. If you choose not to utilize this feature, simply avoid clicking the Intuit Assist button. This ensures you can navigate our platform without engaging with its functionalities.


For now, I recommend sending your feedback to our product engineers, as there's no option to opt out of this feature yet. This way, we can improve our processes to align with your needs and preferences. Here's how to send one:


  1. Once you're in the Intuit Assist window, click Give us feedback.
  2. Enter your comments and suggestions in the designated box.
  3. Hit the green Next button to submit.

    intuit assist feedback.PNG


We highly value your feedback and sincerely appreciate your input. Understanding your perspectives helps us refine our strategies and offerings to ensure they are relevant, impactful, and beneficial to you. Please continue to share your thoughts with us, as they are integral to our commitment to serving you better, Zxx.

Level 2

How do i turn off the business feed?

How do I stop being a beta user? The assist keeps throwing me notifications I have not asked for and I have to click the x before continuing my work.

QuickBooks Team

How do i turn off the business feed?

Thanks for getting back to the thread, @zxx.


If the option to opt out of being a beta user is unavailable in QuickBooks and being a beta tester is randomly assigned.


In addition, beta testers play a vital role in finding bugs and offering feedback, which helps developers enhance the software's stability and usability before its official release. This benefits all users by ensuring a smoother experience with the product.


Please let me know if you have further questions about turning off the business feed. I'll be here to help.

Level 2

How do i turn off the business feed?

This is unacceptable. I'll reach out to support to get removed as a beta user. I never agreed to test your new and unimproved ideas. And they are impeding my workflow. 

Have a great evening.


Probably NotHappy
Level 3

How do i turn off the business feed?

I agree with zxx that “This is unacceptable.” It’s bad enough that we have to have our screens assaulted by your advertising for products and services that have zero interest for most of us, based on what I read on these Support pages. Now you are cluttering our screens by something that some people might like but the rest of us despise, and you don’t have the courtesy to make it optional. And you didn’t ask if I wanted to be a Beta customer, I should be able to opt out of that, too.

The QuickBooks Team people who respond to these postings go on and on about how much QuickBooks cares, but it is screamingly obvious that QuickBooks cares about me as a user not at all, and I say so in every survey I receive. I submit as many Feedbacks as I am able to, but two out of three times when I click on Feedback nothing happens.

Level 2

How do i turn off the business feed?

Hi There-

The short answer is you cannot stop this from happening. The long answer is...I called customer support and refused to take no for an answer. After holding for an hour for a supervisor, after multiple attempts tog et me to stop doing so, I was finally told they could put me on a supervisor call back list. About 24 hrs later I got an e-mail. This person tried to get me off the beta list then came back and said I'm not on the beta list but instead had the bad fortune of being randomly picked for this new wonderful feature. When I asked to have it turned off, I was told to send feedback and the engineers would take care of it. Which as untrue. I sent feedback and got a generic reply thanking me for sending feedback. I reached out to the supervisor again and got no reply. I'm tenacious but I've got better things to do than stay on the phone all day. So I've opted to keep clicking "x." My advice is to either get used to clicking an x a million times, or find another accounting software. I'm looking for others but again, time is limited. And that is what Intuit is counting on.

Level 4

How do i turn off the business feed?

This is much like other issues people have with QBO.  It is much more important to them to upsell you and force you to make unnecessary clicks for their google love than to show any level of respect for the professionals they "serve."

Their responses are consistently "Follow these useless instructions that actually solve a different problem" or "we have absolutely no control over our system...suffer (ie send feedback that will be ignored)."

There are too many more threads for me to continue...

Level 2

How do i turn off the business feed?

I absolutely agree with zxx & others who hate the business feed "enhancement"!  It's utterly annoying and useless to most QBO users.  Same complaint applies to all the other suggestions that pop up to suggest the wonderful things QBO can do for me.  Please offer the option to disable or opt out.


See the following screenshots for examples.

Level 2

How do i turn off the business feed?

Camelle T,


Your reply is total BUNK!

QuickBooks Team

How do i turn off the business feed?

Hi there, sja3. I can see how significant it is to have an option to turn off the business feed in your QuickBooks Online (QBO). I can provide the steps in submitting a feedback request to our product developers.


For now, the option to opt out is unavailable in QBO. I recommend sending feedback to our product developers to let them know about your request to have an option to turn off this feature. This way, our Product Engineers can consider adding this in future updates.


Here's how:


  1. Sign in to your QBO account.
  2. Click the Gear icon at the top, then Feedback.
  3. Enter your comments or product suggestions.
  4. Press Next.

Once done, our designated team will review it. You can track your future requests through the QuickBooks Online Feature Requests website.


In addition, you can refer to these articles to learn how to match and categorize bank transactions in QBO:



Reply to this post if you have any other QuickBooks-related concerns. I'm always here to help.

Level 4

How do i turn off the business feed?


Kinda like communists.  No matter how much you call them out, they still keep doing the same thing as if you are too stupid to know the difference. (see my post above)

Level 8

How do i turn off the business feed?

@ReymondO  You do realize that most product testers are paid for their services.


When can these randomly selected beta testers expect to receive their payments or, in lieu of that, discounts on their QBO monthly fees?



Level 1

How do i turn off the business feed?

We need the option to turn it off. I want to easily see open/past due invoices and if I want to send a reminder, I'll do it myself. I am a bookkeeper not a computer programmer. Keep Quickbooks simple!!

Level 2

How do i turn off the business feed?

I agree. Please create an option to opt-out or remove.

Level 4

How do i turn off the business feed?


Disgruntled AF
Level 2

How do i turn off the business feed?

another useless reply on a forced function NOBODY WANTS.  I swear, since QBO has been on a mission to add more crap to justify their routine price increases, the program has more useless popups than a cheap porn site.  Go ahead, keep putting the emojis up asking my how much I like it....

Disgruntled AF
Level 2

How do i turn off the business feed?

Typical nothing answer.  More trash nobody wants with no way to turn it off.    I'm not sure what the end game is here but lately QBO has more useless popups than a cheap porn site.  But you go ahead and keep posting those emoji surveys asking to rate QBO,  I'll be more than happy to tell you what I really think!

Disgruntled AF
Level 2

How do i turn off the business feed?

Here's a novel idea....QBO could reverse everything they've done over the past two years and accountant users will stop looking for alternatives.   Wake up day we're going to find one that does what we need and want.

Level 2

How do i turn off the business feed?

Dear RhoiceW,


First, I don't need help matching or categorizing online bank transactions in QBO. That has nothing to do with my complaint.


Secondly, I realize you are caught in the middle between the end users and product designers/Product Engineers.  Please have one of them respond to our feedback!  We need a direct line to the brilliant designer or design team whose bright idea it was to implement all the AI enhancements!!


We're all waiting...

Level 2

How do i turn off the business feed?


New Member

How do i turn off the business feed?

Found this thread while trying to figure out how to shut this feature OFF!

QB need to go back and KISS (keep it simple stupid).

Just because AI exists does not mean it needs to be in EVERYTHING!

Does not help - and don't get me started on these ridiculous paragraphs it writes up for "reminders" for clients.

Instead - just say, "hey you owe money - pay up" - but it's a whole thing...  "oh maybe you have financial hardships, etc".... hey look, I'll deal with my clients on case by case but let's not get all personal with clients when collecting money 60+ days overdue. IT'S BUSINESS. It's embarrassing.

Pop ups - annoying reminder notices - how about make it easier to search for specific items client by client.

I'm typing to a wall. Or AI. same. 

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