A contractor was added to Quickbooks Online - Stand Alone Payroll. We attempted to set up Direct Deposit and recurring payments, but this is not an option. There was no place to Void or Cancel the payment. As this was not an option we turned Direct Deposit Off, and Deleted Contractor.
This removed ALL information from Quickbooks. It's literally now just a blank screen. Nothing exists in the contractor screen.
A week later, on Friday at 8:32 PM, an email stating Quickbooks sent the money to the contractor- Email says Contractor Name (deleted). After receiving Friday’s email I attempted to find the payment processing in the system. Hoping maybe it was somewhere else, but there was nothing. I had to add test or repeated names of contractors to see if I could see the information. All showed no payments and no direct deposit turned on.
I spoke with Customer Service Monday morning and was told I had to wait 3 business days and call back for a refund. Called back today and was told there is NO - ZERO ways to get a refund. Sent to escalation and I find this article.
https://quickbooks.intuit.com/learn-support/en-us/help-article/direct-deposits/reverse-direct-deposi...Explain why our company should pay $75 to be refunded for a Direct Deposit you should have never sent and I have screenshots showing the system showed nothing. Payroll sends early notifications before money is sent. No early or pre-notification or emails that money was being sent. There was no way to access the record or data.
The Contractors tab is broken in your system online. We were charged the ACH fee on top of all this too.
Extremely poor customer service, taking money from accounts with no way for the customer to correct the issue or even find the data.