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Level 1

Quickbooks Desktop Payroll


This is a long post but I'm so tired of calling and explaining to tech support over and over what's happening only to NOT have the issue resolved. I haven't been able to process a payroll with direct deposit in a month. And now none of the payrolls are being sent in to Intuit for taxes, etc. BIG issue. Please read it and suggest some actual tangible help!

Almost a month ago we decided to upgrade to Assisted payroll. I called sales, started the process, had an issue with the direct deposit connection, but in a few days that was resolved and I was working with a rep to make sure all our payroll items were correct, etc., in order to move up to Assisted Payroll from Enhanced. Midway through this process (by this time I was several hours into the process) the rep let me know that actually we cannot upgrade to Assisted Payroll because it does not support any payroll that has an employee in Wyoming. The ONE employee that was paid through payroll is only contract (1099), not taxable but I was told that did not matter. While I realize they should have not been paid through payroll, it happened, and therefore we can't upgrade. SO, halfway through the upgrade they just stopped the process, tried to tell me how to proceed and finish the corrections that they had started (small variances between tax, by the way, nothing major) and downgraded me back to enhanced. 

I attempted to complete the corrections they instructed me to do, but it was so screwed up and confusing I decided to restore a backup from five days prior to that time and re-do all the non-payroll work I had done that week; it was easier than trying to figure out was the Assisted payroll rep screwed me up.

Then I tried to run a payroll with Enhanced and discovered that the direct deposit was NOT connected, and when I tried to re-connect it I received the message saying there was an issue with the bank. I contacted support and was told it would be resolved in a couple days. I called back in a couple days because I hadn't received anything and I was told I had to fill out a change in bank; EVEN though there had never been an issue with the original enhanced payroll subscription direct deposit, but since this was a "new" (not new!!) subscription, it had to be done no matter what. I turned in the form, I'm still waiting for the issue to be resolved in order to use direct deposit....however...

In the meantime an employee asked me why he couldn't access his paystubs that were usually uploaded to his Intuit account. I realized that it was probably due to the changes in the subscriptions and I went through the normal process to upload the paystubs to the "My Cloud Payroll Services." I went to File, print forms, paystubs, I selected the full year of paystubs, then "Send file," normally this would just send the paystubs to the employee's Intuit accounts so they can view them online. 

Guess what happened! It created a PAYROLL FILE REPORT for the FULL 2021 year to date net payroll. Now payroll is stuck saying that this HUGE payroll can't process because it exceeds the bank account, I did nothing that would activate a payroll report, right?? What would cause the creation of that file?

So now I'm on my third day of trying to get someone in tech support that can actually help me, but everyone keeps trying the same thing, which, by the way, do not make any sense at all. I was also actually told to delete ALL the paychecks and re-enter them...uh...wouldn't that cause a few more issues? Such as actually, such as creating new tax liabilities that were already paid throughout the year, as well as reporting stuff to Intuit that should be reported because it already was? That sounds like a lot of unnecessary work that I'm just not going to do. 

Needless to say I'm frustrated and stuck and ready to move over to Gusto payroll at the beginning of 2022. Is there no one that can actually fix this issue? Has this happened to anybody else? I "ran" payroll but the file is stuck, and therefore the tax prepayment is probably going to be late unless this is resolved ASAP. Really frustrated.

I've worked with QuickBooks Online and Desktop for the last six years for multiple clients, multiple payroll scenarios, etc., and I have never ever experienced anything like this before.

Please help me!

6 Comments 6
QuickBooks Team

Quickbooks Desktop Payroll

Hello there, DMCAB2003.


We'd want to make sure that we get this sorted out. Let me share some info about upgrading your subscription and running payroll through direct deposit.


Before you can run payroll seamlessly, just ensure that your payroll settings are all active after upgrading your subscription. Also, QuickBooks Desktop is updated to its latest release and the payroll tax table is up-to-date. Here's how to check your payroll settings.


You also mentioned that you were in contact with our Technical Support Team about this issue. I'd recommend reaching out to them again during business days. They have the resources that can fully help you and look into your account setup. 



Feel free to check out these articles that will help you in managing your payroll: 


Please know that the Community forum is always open if you need further assistance in QuickBooks Desktop. Have a good one.


Level 1

Quickbooks Desktop Payroll

Clearly you didn't read my post at all, or just parts, or this is just a canned response based on key words in my post. So frustrating. I can't wait to move to a different payroll provider, but these next two months are going to suck.


Quickbooks Desktop Payroll

Hello @DMCAB2003.


I'm so sorry you haven't received the assistance you need on this.  I'm here to help. I have sent you a direct message so we can get this sorted out.


I look forward to helping get this resolved! 

Level 1

Quickbooks Desktop Payroll

A second level tech contacted me last Friday about this issue  he and collected information to look into this issue. He didn't give me a case number, and I don't remember his name.

I received this email on Wednesday 11/10/21: 

We wanted to follow-up to advise that we were able to confirm the resolution in the "You have paychecks to send" window as being to delete/re-create each paycheck within the CTRL+F > Online to send > online status window. Whenever re-creating, it is advised to print the paystub/capture a screenshot of the current paycheck to ensure that you have the original amounts for your historical data. Once the paychecks are deleted completely, please send a zero payroll by doing Employees>Send Payroll Data > Send All to ensure that we receive a successful connection before re-creating. 


However this left me with several questions. I tried contacted support again for more information but now my case isn't visible by anyone so I feel like I'm at ground zero trying to get back to the 2nd level support again. The person I spoke to yesterday said someone would call me back right away, that was yesterday at about 11 am, and no one called me back at all. I had my phone on and with me all day, I didn't miss any calls.

Here are my initial questions in response to the email I received:


This process is going to mess with liability payments and create new ones. Do I just delete those new liability payments? How will I know if something gets messed up?

Am I supposed to delete all first, send the zero file, and THEN recreate the paychecks, or delete all, recreate all, and then send the file?

Am I to delete the checks or void the checks.


This process is going to take hours and was something that is an issue on Intuit's end and not something I did. This is due to the change in subscription key, so the fact that Intuit's failing has become my problem is really sub-par customer service that I don't appreciate at all. This process makes me very uneasy as it's manual and could cause clerical human errors that will snowball into other greater issues. I really would appreciate some better instructions and guidance with this process.


Quickbooks Desktop Payroll

Hello, DMCAB2003. 


I appreciate taking the time to post your updates here about the payroll issue. I would also want to make sure that the advice I'm given would lead to the solution and avoid creating more problems. 


I would give some information regarding the process given to you by the support agent. However, I'm unable to do so since I don't have access to the complete details of the liability payments and other payroll transactions that might cause issues if you do the steps. 


Abruptly doing the process might cause further issues (which we want to prevent as much as possible). So, we need to take a look at the bigger picture and review the payroll transactions before doing the steps. 


In this case, you'll want to follow-up with our support agents to securely pull up your account and file information. 


Since you don't have a case number, you can let the next agent know about the email you received. Instruct them to check on your account, and look for the records regarding your previous interactions with us (preferably the one created by the second level tech). 


You can use the same phone number you used to call us. 


Our agents can also review your subscription key issue, and fix it as soon as possible. 


If you need to check on your employee's total wages and payroll summary, this article will help you with the process: Create a payroll summary report


Once again, I appreciate you for taking the time to visit our Community forums. I'm more than willing to listen if you have other concerns with the payroll processes or any features in QuickBooks. 

Level 1

Quickbooks Desktop Payroll


I was not given a case number or a phone number. I gave my number to the admin who replied in this thread last week and a second level tech called me last Friday. I never received an email with a case number with this issue and when I tried calling support to request to get connected again, in relation to this issue, they said they couldn't find the case number for this issue, but someone from the second level tech team would call me back in 15-30 minutes. That was on Wednesday this week (maybe even Tuesday) and I have not gotten a call back at all yet. Yes, I am not about to jump blindly into deleting a voiding up a storm only to cause a bunch of additional issues. Any help you can provide would be appreciated.


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