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Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

Hi there, @heazim1.


In QuickBooks Online Accountant, the Clients tab lets you quickly see your client's info and tasks. Though the tab on your client's name only shows what QuickBooks products they have, documents you've sent them, and tax return info.


That said, the numbers and bank links is unavailable to view in the clients menu. I can see how this option would be helpful for you and your business. You can send these suggestions to our product developers. This way, they can review your request and most likely include it in our future updates. 


Here's how:


  1. Select the Gear icon at the top, then Feedback.
  2. Enter your comments or product suggestions. Then, click Next to submit feedback.


You can track feature requests through the QuickBooks Online Feature Requests website.


I've included these articles that will guide you in tracking your client's and review their tasks:



If you have any other concerns, feedback, or questions, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm always here to help you. Have a great day

Level 2

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

Yes, but at the top left corner of the screen there is an option to go into the client accounts. That is where you will have full access to the accounts.

Level 1

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

Agreed. I will be moving to another accounting software at the end of this year. 

James Reardon
Level 1

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

Not having this undo reconcile that can be done simply by unchecking boxes like the desktop version is absolutely nothing but GREED on Intuit's part. I have been using your software for 25 years but now am looking at other solutions. Intuit is nothing but a money grab and I consider Intuit as evil as Putin. WHoever is making this unreconcile hard for us should be terminated and sent to work at McDOnalds.

Level 1

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

here u go watch this video i had same problem not sure y qb wont  tell u this . A  holes.. they say qb so simple the hell it is.! they make everything so diffcult for small bussiness an others,  this will help u do all reconcilitaion   took them all off an icould restar over again   yay

QuickBooks 30-day free trial + 30% off for 12 months: Bank Reconciliation Discrepancies video: Timeline: 00:00 Why non-accountants cannot UNDO bank reconciliations 02:25 Invite an accountant 03:11 Create
Level 1

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

After reading tons of questions and responses for undoing a rec's dated 2019. It's now 2022 and still no Undo option for a full rec. This is very frustrating.

Level 2

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

This is crazy! I used to have that feature in whatever version I was using. Inituit, stop messing with these settings, and stop constantly changing little things and making thing worse for us. This feature was incredibly useful and is a mainstay of any accounting system. Get it back into all versions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Level 2

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

This is beyond crazy - my QBO account does not match my bank account.  I need to be able to undue the reconciliations to find the error so that I will not bounce checks.  End users have been complaining about this for more than 3-years. It now is obvious to me that Intuit does not care and the whole point of QBO is to force us to pay more money.  I am regretting making the switch to QBO and will now look for other alternatives for my bookkeeping software.  The simple fact these are my records and if I screw them up by undoing a reconciliation so what?  But going to through one by one undoing 3-years of transactions is more than frustrating.  Are you listening Intuit???

QuickBooks Team

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

Hello there, @jazzy4now.


Please know that this is not the service we want you to experience in the Community. We are here to sort things out for you. Please accept this reply as my help to aid with this error you encountered while reconciling in QuickBooks Online.


I know how crucial it is to reconcile the bank balances and QuickBooks Balances. Let's get this started on how to undo reconciliation. However, you can do it manually, one data at a time, if you only need to undo reconciliation for a few transactions.


Here's how:


1. Go back to the Gear icon at the top, then pick Chart of Accounts under Your Company column.

2. Locate the appropriate account for the transaction and select View Register in the Action column.

3. Identify the transaction to edit.

4. In the reconcile status column (indicated by a checkmark), repeatedly click the top line of the transaction to change the status, then Save.

  • - Cleared.
  • - Reconciled.
  • Blank - Not cleared or reconciled.


Additionally, if you need to undo the entire reconciliation, QuickBooks Online Accountants are the only ones who have access to the Undo button in the Action column. You can authorize your accountant to reverse the reconciliation for you. Here is the article with all the detailed instructions: Undo a client reconciliation in QuickBooks Online Accountant


Most importantly, if you need to invite your accountant, I've got this article on how to add them to your QuickBooks Online account. With this, your accountant can review your books, make corrections, and work with you on any problems if they have access to your business: Add accountant users in QuickBooks Online.


You can do it, @jazzy4now. Never hesitate to come back here. We are always ready to assist you, especially with reconciliation concerns. Keep safe.

Level 3

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

jazzy4now - no, they clearly are NOT listening, and you are 100% correct. This is just their way of trying to force small business owners to "upgrade" their subscriptions to a more expensive level.
Level 3

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

@ChristineJoieR- wow, and once again, you post the exact same answer that other Intuit employees have already given multiple times over the past few years. And once again, you completely ignore and disregard the ACTUAL question and complaint that clearly MANY Quickbooks users have.

We were assured several YEARS ago that Quickbooks engineers were going to take a good look at this complaint and see about reinstating some kind of unreconcile option - and they have done NOTHING about it.

So just stop with the nonsense and just admit that you guys simply don't care that we small business owners are extremely dissatisfied with what you've done with this feature and that you have zero intention of ever fixing it for us.

Level 2

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

I know this is an old post, but I'm just now feeling the pain of this obviously intentional software flaw that we all know is just another way that the QBO fat cats have found to squeeze more money from it's hard-working small-business customer base.  Anyway, stepping down from my soapbox for a min...I found a workaround.  It isn't perfect, like being able to under a past reconciliation would be, but its quicker than manually unclearing a ton of transactions.


My situation:  Our bank account in QBO was reconciled as of 12/30/22 with an uncleared deposit transaction on 12/6/22 of $150.  Upon auditing our accounts, I discovered the uncleared deposit was a JE entered in error.  I don't feel like answering a million times over in the coming year the question of 'why is there a $150 uncleared deposit for Dec?', when the deposit shouldn't have existed in the first place.  


So to fix this, I entered a JE as of 12/31/22 that credited the $150 in our bank account and debited it in the correct expense account.  


Next, I went to the Reconcile page and selected by bank account from the list of accounts I wanted to reconcile.


It brought up that blue note that says 'Last Statement ending date 12/30/22'.  I ignored it.


Dropped down below that and entered the Ending Balance amount that was the same as the Beginning Balance amount.  


Tabbed to the right and entered 12/30/22 as my Ending Date.  (Yep, you saw right.  You can totally do more than 1 reconciliation for an account on the same day!!...poof! I blew ur mind!!)


I clicked on 'Start Reconciling' and when the next screen opened up, I checked just my 12/6 deposit of $150 and my 12/31 payment of $150.  They cancelled each other out, so my Difference was $0.  I clicked 'Finish Now' and the reconciliation report now shows the 'unreconciled transactions as of 12/30/22' as $0 and my statement ending balance still matches to the actual bank statement .


If I go to the History by Account it shows both reconciliation reports dated 12/30/22 (like I said, not a perfect work-around).  This I can handle and will raise less (if any) questions from our Accountants than the unreconciled deposit would.


I hope this helps some of you!  Keep doing what you're doing and fighting the good fight!  

Level 2

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

I am one of those unsatisfied qbo user who can’t understand why on earth I am not able to unreconcile previous reconciliation and redo it which I was able to do it in qbd. 
It is totally ridiculous 

Level 1

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

It's 2023 and STILL don't have this as an option. It's truly mindboggling.

Level 4

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

This is a horror show.  my balances matched a month ago.  quickbooks online had a data error which I have to fix and there's no batch undo!?!  This is unethical.

Level 1

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

I completely agree.  Why is that a small business who does their own book not have access to the undo reconciliation button. On the desktop version it is available. I have used it in one or more occasions with one company. I have now started working with another company which books are a mess and there are lots of corrections that need to be made. I have reached out to the accountant to undo it as the QB online protocol is and not only does the company get changed to use QB online now they have to pay an accountant to spend time to to do something simple as this.  Not to mention the accountant is new to QB online and spent more time than necessary to figure it out. QB is supposed to be user friendly especially for small businesses. A simple task as this has turned into a 2 weeks of emails and delays making it not so quick bookkeeping.


All I can say is do better QuickBooks!

Level 1

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

One workaround is to add your other email as an account. Once you receive the invite and create an account, you can follow the steps to under reconciliation described in the first comment in this thread.

QuickBooks 30-day free trial + 30% off for 12 months: Undo Bank Reconciliation in QuickBooks Online Accountant by Hector Garcia CPA
Level 1

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

Typical useless corporate response. Nothing went to engineers. They're not doing anything to change it because it's not a difficult request. They want to rob us as much as possible. I sincerely despise this software and the extremely poor answers they give combined with "solutions" that are still crap. 

Level 3

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

It is absolutely absurd that this has not been fixed.  We should not have to pay an accountant to undo a reconcilation. QBO should have the same features as QBD, and there is no reason for that to not be the case.

Level 2

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

This discussion/complaint started in February of 2019.  I'm writing this in July of 2023.  More than FOUR YEARS later and there has been nothing done.  They just keep repeating the same useless non-answer.  Saying that users cannot undo a reconciliation in order to protect us from causing problems just incredible.  Hey Intuit, if you are protecting us from causing problems by undoing a reconciliation why aren't you protecting us from the problems that cause us to need to undo the reconciliation in the first place.


Come on.  Just add the feature already. 


I really wish I would have stayed with the desktop version.


Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

Greetings, @billman. I understand the value of QuickBooks Online reconciliation undo feature. This can save you a lot of time to do other tasks in QuickBooks.


I recognize the inconvenience this has caused your business and entirely appreciate where you're coming from. Having the option to redo a previous reconciliation for regular QuickBooks subscriptions is a great idea to add to our program.


That said, I'd highly suggest sending feedback to our Product Development team to help improve your experience in QBO. You can track feature requests through the QuickBooks Online Feature Requests website.


To send feedback, follow the steps below:


  1. Select the Gear icon at the top, then Feedback.
  2. Enter your comments or product suggestions.
  3. Then select Next to submit feedback.


For now, you can manually undo the reconciliation by editing them. Another option is to ask your accountant to undo the reconciliation on your account. Additionally, you can also sign up for QBOA to use this feature.


Please get in touch with us again if you have any other questions regarding reconciliation or any features you wish to suggest. I'm available to help you whenever you need it. Take care.

Level 3

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

"I'd highly suggest sending feedback to our Product Development team to help improve your experience in QBO."


That's hilarious.

At this point, they have to know about it. We've been on this thread for four years now. And previous  QBO techs have promised that they would forward the information along to their product development team.

They know about it. They don't care. It's self-evident from all of these comments over the past four years.

Level 1

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

And yet another worthless non-answer. Instead of them taking real action, they provide more hoops for us to jump through or “recommend” something that requires us to pay more. Useless quickbooks customer service. 

Level 2

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

Come on man.  Stop quoting from whatever script they give you or autocomplete that you are using. 


"...I'd highly suggest sending feedback to our Product Development team to help improve your experience in QBO."

I've sent more feedback than I can keep track of and it hasn't made any difference yet.  Besides, people have been sending feedback on this issue for more than four years.  Why would I waste my time?


" can manually undo the reconciliation by editing them."

That's the same useless non-answer we've been getting for over four years.  Lot's of people have explained why that is a bad answer.  Either tell us something useful or stop wasting time.  You are just making us more angry.


"Another option is to ask your accountant to undo the reconciliation on your account"

People can't pay accountants to do something so simple that Intuit could and should have made available years ago.  Besides, I am a Professional, designated  accountant - a CPA.  I'm my own accountant. 


"Please get in touch with us again if you have any other questions regarding reconciliation or any features you wish to suggest."

My only questions are:  1) Why oh why are there so many basic features missing from something that calls itself "accounting" software.  At best, it's bookkeeping software with a lot of missing features.  2) Why won't Intuit give its users the things that we've been asking for and that it could easily add?  3) How did I make such a big mistake by choosing to use Quickbooks?  And 3)  What is the best alternative software that does support its users?

QuickBooks Team

Why don't I have a reconcile undo option

We value your feedback and we understand that you're upset about not having the option to redo previous reconciliation as a basic feature, billman.


QuickBooks Online, like any other software, may have certain features that you feel are lacking or could be improved. This is why we recommend sending feedback. 

Please know that while your request is highly prioritized, our developers will need to make a careful study before they consider adding it to our services. 

Software development like QuickBooks is an ongoing process, and we frequently release updates to enhance our products based on user feedback and market demands. Our development team may receive numerous feedback and feature requests from users. That is why they need to prioritize which features to work on based on factors like user demand, technical feasibility, resource availability, and strategic goals. It's possible that the feature you're requesting hasn't been prioritized yet.

It's challenging for a software product to satisfy all user requirements simultaneously. That's why we’re unable to provide you with information if the option will be a feature soon or a specific time frame as to when this will roll out. Please know that the software development process involves various factors, and not all requested features can be implemented immediately or may be feasible to implement. However, rest assured that our developers are doing their best to look into this and consider adding it to future updates.


We appreciate your patience on this. Don't hesitate to leave a reply if you have further questions. We'd be glad to assist. Keep safe always.

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