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Level 2

How to remove the Pay Invoice button on PDFs in QBO?

The Add payment link to PDF. STILL does not appear after doing what you suggested.


I have absolutely no intention of contacting your support team. The last time I called they just referenced this thread, and then told me to submit feedback if the suggestions in this thread don't work.

Level 2

How to remove the Pay Invoice button on PDFs in QBO?

Thank you for this, Kyle.

Ridiculous that we have to rely on other users to get the invoices to work the way they're supposed to!!

Level 1

How to remove the Pay Invoice button on PDFs in QBO?

Thank you Kyle!!! This is great. Like others on this thread it's kind of pushed me over the edge with QB.

Level 1

How to remove the Pay Invoice button on PDFs in QBO?

I agree! i noticed it on all our invoices now and have had to answer several of our customers already about how we dont have that option. Very poorly done Intuit!

Level 1

How to remove the Pay Invoice button on PDFs in QBO?

This is the stupidest thing ever QuickBooks Online!!


Not all your users utilize the 'modern' way of emailing invoices and accepting payments online!!

We are a small business, and do not utilize the "PAY" option for customers to pay online. We

give them an invoice, they write us a check!  Many clients are older and do not want to go the

online/modern way of doing business.  I get it!!


Give us back the ability to print out an invoice that doesn't have a link/Pay button on it!  I am

so fed up with quickbooks online.  I can't even believe this.  Getting rid of desktop was another

one of the dumbest things you ever did in my opinion.


Here's to you, QuickBooks........get a clue

Naomi Fowler


QuickBooks Team

How to remove the Pay Invoice button on PDFs in QBO?

I am aware of the advantages of businesses like yours to be able to remove the payment button, @nkf. I want QuickBooks Online (QBO) to have this feature as much as you do.


But QBO still doesn't have this feature. However, I strongly urge you to share your thoughts with our software engineers. They carefully examine customer feedback, especially when determining how to improve QuickBooks.


Here's how:


  1. Sign in to your QuickBooks Online account.
  2. Go to the Gear icon and select Feedback.
  3. Type in your suggestion and click Next.


For future reference, you can read this article to help you record invoice payments in QuickBooks Online: Record invoice payments in QuickBooks Online.


Don't hesitate to comment below if you have questions about managing invoices in QuickBooks Online. I'm always here to help. Have a great day.

Level 2

How to remove the Pay Invoice button on PDFs in QBO?




I'm quitting quickbooks!

Every time you upgrade, I have to find workarounds and none of the options listed have worked this time!


Level 2

How to remove the Pay Invoice button on PDFs in QBO?

Couldn't have said it better!!

Level 1

How to remove the Pay Invoice button on PDFs in QBO?

Thank you. Very helpful and better than my work around (edit pdf to remove link, then place a white masking rectangle over the pay now image).

Level 2

How to remove the Pay Invoice button on PDFs in QBO?

"I am aware of the advantages of businesses like yours to be able to remove the payment button, @nkf. I want QuickBooks Online (QBO) to have this feature as much as you do."



So what have you personally done top fix this problem?

Level 1

How to remove the Pay Invoice button on PDFs in QBO?

I found a work around here...

After saving, close the invoice and go to the 'Sales > Invoices'.

In the invoice list, click the invoice number.

Invoice info will pop up on the right side, click 'More actions' and choose 'Print'.

Then, there will be no 'Pay Invoice' button on the PDF.

It's still annoying than printing directly from the invoice window but I couldn't find any other...

I don't understand that Intuit cannot fix this yet even while printing here has no problem...

Maybe they don't want to fix it as they want us to use QB Pay things...

I really feel like QBO is getting stupid every time they change any.

i.e. why the Quantity fields on invoice show "1" as default every time open it, even when I saved it without any numbers on it. I have to delete them everytime. It's so annoying. And, why is the 'Quantity' changing to 'hours' in the printed invoice? What should I do to fix this...



QuickBooks Team

How to remove the Pay Invoice button on PDFs in QBO?

Thanks for taking the time to share your concern and the workaround you found here in the Community, Ted. Let's perform some troubleshooting steps together to isolate this issue.


A cache-related problem could be causing some pages in QuickBooks Online not to load properly. To address this, I recommend opening your QuickBooks Online account in a private browser to allow QuickBooks to start on a clean slate.


Here are some keyboard shortcuts you can use:


  • Google Chrome: Ctrl + Shift + N
  • Safari 11 or newer: ⌘ + Shift + N
  • Mozilla Firefox: Ctrl + Shift + P
  • Microsoft Edge: Ctrl + Shift + N


Afterwards, print a dummy invoice. If everything works smoothly, I suggest going back to your regular browser to clear its cache. Alternatively, you can also use other supported browsers.


Once the issue is resolved, here's a guide on receiving your customers' payments: Record invoice payments in QuickBooks Online.


Let me know how the troubleshooting goes in the comments below, Ted. I'll be around to provide further assistance.

Level 1

How to remove the Pay Invoice button on PDFs in QBO?

It's not cache related, so please stop with that advice. Since the "new" templates for invoices this "pay invoice" button has been popping back into invoices every time even when turned off. Make it an option to completely turn off this feature company wide, that is the solution. It's so infuriating to have to spend double the time on an invoice to try and remove this button I am seriously considering moving to different software to spare me the frustration.

Level 1

How to remove the Pay Invoice button on PDFs in QBO?

Great work around solution ... thanks Kyle. IMO a real black mark for Intuit! Designing software with roadblocks to generate fees is destructive to subscriber trust in your company!!! Why would I want to send an auto-generated message to my clients offering to remind me to use a service I don't want!



Level 1

How to remove the Pay Invoice button on PDFs in QBO?

I removed the button by -- in the invoice -- where it says "customer payment options", click Edit. That opened a panel on the right, where I could unclick all the payment types, save, and the button was gone. 


My problem now is that I do want it show for a different customer, but I can't get the button to show again! I've had that and/or a QR code in the past, and now, nothing.

QuickBooks Team

How to remove the Pay Invoice button on PDFs in QBO?

I'd also feel the same way when a button is missing in my QuickBooks Online (QBO), @kikiviolet.


I'll lay out some troubleshooting actions to get the button working again.


First, ensure that your existing QuickBooks Payment account is connected to your QBO. If it's already linked, but the button is still not showing up, try to access your account using a private window. Too much stored historical data from the browser causes discrepancies that affect the view and performance of your QuickBooks.


You can use either of these keyboard shortcuts to open an incognito window, depending on your browser:


  • Google Chrome: Ctrl + Shift + N
  • Safari 11 or newer: ⌘ + Shift + N
  • Mozilla Firefox: Shift + Ctrl + P
  • Microsoft Edge: Ctrl + Shift + N


If it works, you can return to your original browser and clear its cache, not the cookies, for a fresh start. You can also use another supported, up-to-date browser to narrow down the results.


To learn more about accepting online payments for online and in-person sales with QuickBooks Payments, check out this resource: Receive and process payments in QuickBooks Online with QuickBooks Payments.


Click the Reply button if you need more help managing your invoices or any QuickBooks-related concerns. Take care and have a pleasant day.

Level 1

How to remove the Pay Invoice button on PDFs in QBO?



How to remove the Pay Invoice button on PDFs in QBO?

Thanks for getting involved with this thread, ACDVC.


I'm happy to hear my colleagues were able to help you remove your Pay Invoice button from PDF copies of invoices.


I've also included a detailed resource about customizing sales forms which may come in handy moving forward: Customize invoices, estimates, & sales receipts


Please feel welcome to send a reply here or create a new thread if there's ever any questions. The Community's always here to help. Have a wonderful Thursday!

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