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Level 1

Export to Excel Failure

I'm using Windows 10 home, QB Premier Contractor and Excel 2016 via Office 365 and am having the same issues.  Thank you for posting your work around - it really helped me out.  

QuickBooks Team

Export to Excel Failure

Hello there, @HeatherWat.

I’m glad you were able to resolve the issue using the recommended solution shared by @E_Martinez.

If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to let us know. The Community is here to help. Thanks for dropping by and take care!

Level 2

Export to Excel Failure

Are there any updates on when this will be fixed?  I have tried the workarounds and nothing is working.

QuickBooks Team

Export to Excel Failure

Hi there, @WCP.


Thanks for joining this thread. Allow me to provide some update about the excel issue in QuickBooks Desktop. 


I've checked the investigation status about this issue, and it's still in progress. Rest assured that our engineers are investigating and working on an immediate fix.


I also recommend contacting our QuickBooks Desktop Support Team so they can add you to our notification list of affected users to receive live email updates about this issue. Once you're with our phone specialists, please inform them to add you to the investigation number INV-24874. 


Here's how you can contact our phone support:

  1. Follow the Official Intuit Contact link.
  2. Select your QuickBooks product.
  3. Select an issue type from the menu below, you need only to select two options for the contact information to appear.
  4. Click Get Phone Number at the bottom.

We appreciate your patience as we work through this. Don't hesitate to leave a comment below if you have any other questions. I'm always here to help. 

Level 2

Export to Excel Failure

Thank you @JanyRoseB .  We were the original company to report the problem.  Do I need to make sure we are part of the investigation number?

QuickBooks Team

Export to Excel Failure

Thanks for getting back to us, WCP.


To answer your question, yes. This way, you'll able to receive an update through email once the investigation is already resolve. 


Have a great day ahead.  


Level 2

Export to Excel Failure

I've phoned QB over 4 separate times (who has the time to be on the phone with the same non-effective response) and QB keeps saying it's a MS problem.  MS did troubleshooting of my Windows (no issues) and I've repaired, reinstalled QB, turned off the UAC and even bought a standalone Office 2016 out of desperation (one agent said QB wouldn't integrate with 365 despite me using it for the pat 2 years).  This is the end of March so the problem has been floating around for two months.  I get the csv option for reporting.  Grrh.

QuickBooks Team

Export to Excel Failure

Hi there, @susan_new.


Thanks for reaching out to the Community today. Allow me to join this conversation and provide you with some details about exporting an excel file in QuickBooks Desktop.


Office 365 should work since it is compatible with the supported versions of QuickBooks. If you only have the option is to export to a CSV file, this can be caused by the following reasons:

•    Excel is not installed on your computer.
•    It's installed across a network.
•    The local Excel installation is damaged.


To single this issue out, you'll need to toggle the UAC in Windows.


Let me guide you how:

  1. Turn off UAC by selecting the Windows Start button.
  2. Go to User Account Control Settings by typing Change User Account Control Settings, then press Enter or typing Control panel and press Enter. Then, select User Accounts and click Change User Account Control Settings.
  3. Move the slider to Never Notify and click OK.
  4. Restart your computer and open QuickBooks.
  5. Go to Reports and select a report you want to export.
  6. Click the Export button.

Here's a great article that will provide you more details on how to perform the process: Export option for Excel is grayed out.


That should do it.


Please give this a try and let me know how it goes. If you have any questions, leave a reply below. I’ll be here to answer them for you. Thank you for reaching out and take care!

Level 2

Export to Excel Failure



Thank you for this information; however, I would like to point out the problem is not with the export to Excel option being grayed out or only having the option to export to a CSV file.  The problem this thread is referencing is the missing drop down menu in the State Wage Listing tab next to "Tax Tracking".  Therefore, a different tax cannot be chosen and only one tax is shown.

Following is what occurs when trying to export the information to Excel:


"Reports" - "Employees & Payroll" - "Summarize Payroll Data in Excel" - then this pops up:  "We found a problem with some content in 'QB_Payroll_Link.xlt'.  Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes."  When you select "Yes", and the dates you want to export, another window pops up that says, "Excel was able to open the file by repairing or removing the unreadable content."  Which is then followed by two lines of the same information that say, "Global PivotTable report information was repaired due to integrity problems." then select "Get Quickbooks Data".  On the State Wage Listing tab, row 3, there used to be a filter/drop-down button in column B, now all that shows is "Medicare Additional Tax" in row 3, column B without the ability to select any other taxes.


This has been a problem since January.  We will be needing to file quarterlies next month and this is part of what we use for our reports.  I am hopeful this problem will be fixed prior to needing that information as this has been a very long time for the problem to be going on.


Any updates on this specific problem would be appreciated.

QuickBooks Team

Export to Excel Failure

Hello there, @WCP.


I'm here to help you and point out your Summarize Payroll Data in Excel issue.


There's an option to select multiple items on row 3, column B on the Excel file. Just make sure to put a check mark on the Select Multiple Items box. Please refer to the screenshot below so you can have a better view:



Let me know if you have a different interface from the image above. I'd also appreciate if you can attach a screenshot of your screen. 


You can mention my name or you can click "Reply" so I'd be notified. Have a good one.

Level 2

Export to Excel Failure

This is the exact problem this thread has been about.  That option is not available anymore.  See screenshot:





QuickBooks Team

Export to Excel Failure

I appreciate the screenshot you've given, @WCP.


I'd like to share some clarifications about the missing drop-down menu in the State Wage Listing tab when exporting a report to Excel. 


I've tried pulling this report on my end using Microsoft Excel 2010, and the drop-down menu shows up. For now, you can try checking out your Excel version if it meets the QuickBooks Desktop system requirements


If so, I'd suggest reaching out to your IT professional for further assistance. This way they'll be able to check the functionality of your excel. If there's no identified problem on your Excel, you may contact Microsoft directly so they can further investigate what's causing the issue. 


This information should get you going today.


Keep me posted if you have any other questions about this concern. I want to make sure you're taken care of. Have a good one!

Not applicable

Export to Excel Failure

It's a sad state of affairs, but I appear to have found a work around. It involves uninstalling Office 365 and installing Office 2010.


I am (was) using a local version of Office 365, which has not worked for payroll exports (with pivot tables) since upgrading to Enterprise 19.0


After trying every possible fix within this thread (unsuccessfully) and contacting QB support, which had no solution, I had an idea.   I uninstalled Office 365 and downloaded Excel 2010.  I did have a product key, but have not actually activated it yet.


I was able to successfully export the payroll report "summarize payroll data in Excel" into Excel 2010 with pivot tables intact.  It's not a perfect solution, and there are still some pop ups to ignore, and likely some security risks being that it's not an updated version. But,  if you rely on this info for quarterly reports (as I do) and have struggled through every other unsuccessful attempt to export this data, it might be worth the trouble. It was for me. I intend on reinstalling Office 365 as soon as I'm finished with it.  Hopefully this helps out someone as desperate as I was to find a solution, even if just temporary, until QB resolves the issue.

Level 2

Export to Excel Failure

I was having the same issue with this report and getting our Ohio Unemployment report to run for 1st quarter 2019.


Our IT guys rolled back Microsoft Office on my computer and also disabled Microsoft Office from installing updates.  I was able to run, print and save the report this morning.  


IT turned Office updates back on after I ran the report and Excel is back to the normal version.  


I hope QB fixes this by the time we have to run 2nd quarter reports, but if they don't there is a work around.

krista tuls
Level 2

Export to Excel Failure

Update:  I tried running the QB repair and it failed.  I ended up uninstalling and reinstalling to the latest update of Quickbooks 2019 (I had R5 and downloaded the install file R6).  Side note:  Ever since the December QB update, I was also having issues with the actual QB program not opening!  I would have to restart my computer (sometimes twice) before it would actually open the program.  I had no issues with any other program on my computer.  It finally stopped opening altogether, which is what prompted me to try the repair (which failed) and then the uninstall and clean install.  I was hopeful that all my problems were solved, but alas they are not.  I still am unable to to export the payroll data to excel and am getting the same pivot table error.  In fact, under the State Wage Listing tab, it doesn't even have our employee data--it's just generic.  I have updated my excel program (I am running Office 365).  Still no luck.  I am sure the problem lies in the QB program itself.  Are you any closer to getting this fixed?  It's been 5 months with no solution.

Level 2

Export to Excel Failure


You need an earlier version of Excel, not the most current Office 365.  Talk to your IT department and see if they can revert back to an older version of Excel.  Doing this worked for me today.  Or you can go to the Payroll center and then click on the File Forms tab.  Scroll down and choose the UI Qtd Report - it will give you the same information you need.

krista tuls
Level 2

Export to Excel Failure

This solution did not work for me.

Level 1

Export to Excel Failure

This is what worked for me.


- In Excel

Instead of clicking on the Excel Tab that says "Quickbooks" I went to the tab "Add-ins" there was an option there labeled "QB Payroll Summary Reports" with a drop down menu - Choose "Update Tax Worksheet"


I attached screenshots.



Level 1

Export to Excel Failure

Fresh install of Ent 18 on a new Win 10 Pro and Excel 16 and I still get this Summary report generating a Pivot table error. When is this going to be fixed? Is this something that warrants us moving to Ent 19? Is this problem resolved in v19? 

QuickBooks Team

Export to Excel Failure

I have verified that this issue is still on-going, htrumbull.


Our product engineers are working their best to resolve this issue as quickly as they can. Also, there is no specific time frame as to when this issue will be fixed. 


I'd recommend reaching our Customer Care team to have you included in the list of the affected users. This way, you will receive any updates about this issue via email.


Here's how to contact them:

  1. Go to Help and select QuickBooks Desktop Help.
  2. Click Contact Us.
  3. Enter a brief description of your concern in the Ask a question (or tell us what's wrong) field and click Continue.
  4. Choose an option in contacting our support team.

I appreciate your patience while we are working to fix this for you. I'd also make sure to keep you updated with this.

Level 2

Export to Excel Failure



I just tried to run the 2nd Quarter 2019 Ohio Unemployment report and I am still getting the same error as I did for the 1st Quarter 2019.  

I am wondering why this has not been fixed yet by QB.





Export to Excel Failure

Hello tinahr,


Welcome to the Community. I want to assist you with the Ohio Unemployment report in QuickBooks Desktop.


Can you share with me the specific error message you encounter when you run the report? Are you referring to the Employer's Contribution and Quarter Summary/Reimbursing Wage Detail form? Any additional clarification like screenshots will ensure a timely solution.


In the meantime, I recommend running the payroll updates to ensure you have the latest federal tax tables and tax forms. Having the latest version will help ensure quarterly reports will populate without any issues.


Here are the steps:


  1. Click the Employees tab at the top menu bar.
  2. Click Get Payroll Updates.
  3. Put a check mark on Download Entire Update.
  4. Click Download Latest Update.

I'm also adding a sample screenshot below:

Get Payroll Updates.PNG



For additional insight into the payroll tax table, such as the updating process, I'm attaching an article that I recommend:


Download the latest payroll tax table.


As always, you can reach out to me for any concerns you may have with payroll. The Community will be around to lend a hand.

Level 2

Export to Excel Failure

I am having the same issue as tinahr and most others in this forum. All that we are being advised to do is to update QB, which I do religiously as the updates are pumped out but also ran the payroll update manually today before attempting to create Excel workpapers for payroll quarterly reports. The updates do *zilch* as far as remedying the issue. The lag time on this has been inane; I faced the same problem when prepping to file Q1 reports. Six months in and your team has yet to provide a patch for either users or their IT departments to apply to the program. We aren't asking for much, only for the program to run as it was designed to do!
QuickBooks Team

Export to Excel Failure

Hello, @Melana.


I truly understand the impact of any delay in resolving the ongoing concern with the missing drop-down menu in the State Wage Listing tab when exporting a report to Excel. Our Product Engineers are still working on releasing a permanent resolution to fix this unexpected behavior. 


Although, I can’t provide you with the specific time frame on when this will be fixed. Rest assured, as soon as updates are released it will be applied automatically into your account. Also, you'll be informed about it through an email.


In the meantime, you can run the report from previous quarters. When asked to update select "Yes" and it is able to pull all the data correctly. If that does not work clean install of QB and Excel are possible fixes.


To clean install QuickBooks, here's how:

  1. Make sure a clean install is right for you.
  2. Gather info and back up your data.
  3. Uninstall QuickBooks Desktop.
  4. Use the QuickBooks Clean Install Tool.
  5. Reinstall QuickBooks Desktop.

You can refer to this article for more detailed steps: Clean install QuickBooks Desktop.


Let me know if you have other questions. I'm just a few posts away.

Level 2

Export to Excel Failure

I find it absolutely absurd this is still not fixed. I posted a quick-fix back in January when I first discovered the issue. I didn't get much of a response, but it makes you be able to actually "Summarize Payroll Data in Excel" I've simplified it and posted to my firm's website. If you want to actually be able to use this feature to assist in quarterly reports, see the link below
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