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Level 2

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

Anyway you can show me this work-around? Need it soooooooooo bad!!

QuickBooks Team

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

I understand how important this is to you, @PGarcia. I’ll walk you through the process of adding a credit card processing fee to the customer invoices.


You can charge the credit card processing fee to your customer by creating a service item and then manually adding it as a line item to their invoice. This will help you track the standard fee with the detailed description. 


Here’s how:


  1. Go to Sales, then choose Products and Services.
  2. Click on New, then select Service.
  3. Enter the name of your service item. (Example CC Fee)
  4. Select the account you'd use to track our processing fees under the Income account drop-down.
  5. Once done, click Save and Close.


You can add it when creating an invoice or to the existing ones. I’ll show you how:


  1. Create a new or open the customer's invoice.
  2. In the Product/Service dropdown, select the fee item you created.
  3. In the Message on invoice section, you can add a note about the fee.
  4. Click Save and send or Save and close.


I'm also adding this article to learn about personalizing the sales forms you send to your customer for future reference: Customize invoices, estimates, and sales receipts in QuickBooks Online.


Reach out to us if you need further assistance about paying an invoice. The Community is always here to ensure to get you covered.

Level 1

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

Can quickbooks add an automatic charge feature for Credit cards? It's very bad business to send a customer and invoice then change it when they ask to pay with a CC. It would be much more professional it was an automatic thing that was stated on the invoice if they wanted to pay by card. 

Level 2

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

No, this has been an ongoing problem QuickBooks likes to conveniently ignore for years now as other accounting apps and software have blazed past them. 
Literally the only feed back you will get from them is some regurgitated BS excuse about “it’s in the works” or some confusing work around that they still come out on top and charge you fees for no apparent reason. If you scroll back through convos on here you’ll see QuickBooks has been working to resolve it at a blistering pace of at least 6-7yrs now 😆 

I.E. They don’t care, and the longer they ignore it the longer they continue to collect that money from small business owners. There is no benefit in it for them to correct the issue, they view it as your problem not theirs and you’re the cash cow.

Level 2

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

Do you know what platforms do offer this? Honestly may be worth the switch if QuickBooks is going to ignore it. This is a $30,000+ number we are eating each year because we do not have this option.


Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

@TkcContractor @Zshumate 

QB Payments does not provide this feature. If you want to stick with QB Payments, you'll need a third-party connector to do so. Otherwise, you should consider having a third party merchant service to replace your QB Payment.

Alysa W
Level 2

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

For easy math..... lets say we have 1,000.00 dollar invoice.... If I add the credit card fee like you said, as a line item... That would be 3.4% or 34.00 dollars.    So now my invoice is 1034.00 right?  So what is 3.4% of 1034.00?........... 35.16  So If I add the 3.4% CC fee as a line item.... it increases the total and I would therefore lose, $1.16 on this invoice.   Now that doesn't seem like much.........but what about my 50,000 invoice?  3.4% of 50,000 is 1,700.00 in CC fee's.........only now my invoice is 51,700.00  AND 3.4% of this is $1,757.80  So I would lose $57.80.............. COME ONE!! Your advise is trivial and the whole reason why this thread exists!! QB needs to add fee's when a customer pays by CC automatically as the LINE ITEM is a guaranteed LOSS unless I charge and EVEN HIGHER CC FEE which is already super high


How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

I want to ensure your concern is taken care of, @Alysa W.


I know that every penny is vital in running a business. Let me clarify how credit card fees are calculated in QuickBooks Online. This way, we can avoid confusion.


Please note that the Credit card-keyed processing fee is 3.4% + .25 ¢. Based on what I replicated on my end, it looks like you won't lose $1.16 on that invoice.


For example: 


Invoice : $1000

Credit Card fee: 34 + .25¢


Total: 1034.25 x 3.4% = 35.1645



For more information, see this link: What are the fees for QuickBooks Payments?


Don't forget to deposit the funds and reconcile your account. This way, your reports are always accurate. 


Furthermore, check out these articles below on how to add late fees and learn how QuickBooks Payments deposits work: 



I'm always ready if you have further questions while working on the QBO fee. I'll be around to help. Take care.

Alysa W
Level 2

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

You literally just proved my point.  1034 would NOT cover the 35$ and change..................?

QuickBooks Team

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

Hello @Alysa W.


Before we can accomplish your goal for today, can you tell me more about your post upon joining in this thread? Do you have any other concerns or clarification with the solution provided above?


Keep me updated in the comments. Hope to hear from you soon. Take care and stay safe!

Alysa W
Level 2

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

I can't believe you work for QuickBooks.  If you look at your own example, you are charging $35.16 fee but the invoice total is only 1034.25.  You have NOT provided a solution.  There is still a LOSS of .91 cents in your example.  I want to ensure you that my (and many others) concern is NOT taken care of. QB.JPG

Level 3

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

Again, the issue is not "hey, this is how you do this manually on every single invoice by yourself". The issue is "why can't Quickbooks add this feature that hundreds of businesses need and have been asking for over 6 years?"

We all know that as a Quickbooks rep you have to stick to what the company allows you to say and therefore you have to talk like a politician. We get it. Thank you for chiming in.

We understand there are:

A) a workaround by asking each client if they want to pay by CC and then add the CC on each invoice. It's time-consuming and looks unprofessional.

B) There are third-party "connectors" who can handle this. Also time-consuming.

Can you please help and make us feel heard by requesting this much-needed feature from Quickbooks? It seems like all the CC fees you've been collecting should more than cover the R&D cost. Thank you.

QuickBooks Team

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

Thanks for reaching out to us, @Alysa W and @PhilippeMakes. I’ll share some information about adding credit card fees to an invoice in QuickBooks Online (QBO).


You can create a service item, then manually add it to your invoice, to include a credit card processing fee. To begin, these are the steps:


  1. On the left navigational bar, go to Sales then choose Products and Services.
  2. Click on New then select Service.
  3. Enter the name of your service item. (Example CC Fee)
  4. Select the account you'd use to track the processing fees.
  5. Once done, click Save and Close.

Once done, add the credit card fee as an additional item on your invoice when you charge your customers with the processing fee. 


As an alternative, you can search for a third-party tool that can automate the procedure in our QuickBooks App Center . Simply click the profile of each payment processing app once you've logged in to learn more about their main features and how they integrate with QBO.


I recommend sending feedback directly to our product engineers. They will be able to consider this option and assist you with your business demands in this manner.


Here’s how you can submit feedback in QuickBooks Online (QBO):


  1. Go to the Gear icon.
  2. Under the Profile column, click on Feedback.
  3. Share your feedback. Then, click Next.


To learn more about how credit card processing fee works in QuickBooks, please check out this article:A quick guide to Credit Card processing.


Feel free to visit our forum again if you have other questions about creating processing fees. I’m always here to help. Have a good one! 

Level 1

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

Credit card surcharges are optional fees added by a merchant when customers use a credit card to pay at checkout. Surcharges are legal unless restricted by state law. Businesses that choose to add surcharges are required to follow protocols to ensure full transparency.

Level 3

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

@LollyNino_C Thank you for your reply. However, did you read my message? The procedure you are describing has been explained here before (just scroll a few messages up) AND I mentioned in my message that I was aware of this. It's this kind of interactions with members of your team that makes me feel unheard and has me looking for a QBO alternative. I'm not asking for a copy-paste of pre-made answers you have in your manual.

Secondly, why would you ask your customers to reach out to your own team? You work for Quickbooks, why wouldn't you talk to the dev team for us? I use to work for a software company. Never, and I mean NEVER, would we have asked a customer to reach out to our engineers.

Level 1

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

I have set the credit card surcharge and know how to enter it manually. The question I have now is whether or not it is sales taxable under services? Im in Texas BTW

QuickBooks Team

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

Let me share some information about this, @texastreeelite.


If your state allows surcharging customers for a credit card fee, you can add it as another line item on your invoice, like in the screenshot below. Then, feel free to submit a feature request so this will be considered in future updates.


And I quote:


"You may not add any tax or surcharge to transactions unless applicable law expressly allows or requires you to impose such tax or surcharge. If any tax or surcharge amount is allowed or required, such amount must be included in the transaction amount and shall not be collected separately."


On the other hand, if you like reading articles about QBO and QB Payments, feel free to check them out on the main support page, and choose the said products.


Please know that you can always get back to us if you have other questions. We're always here to help.

Tucker Carlson
Level 1

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

Wait a minute....


So you're suggesting that "I" as "The Customer" given the numerous responses submitted here by others, still have to reach out to your "Product Engineers" directly because the QuickBooks Team has no ability to either  collaborate or relay this information internally?


Engineering wise, this is a simple change, could be done in 1 day in a small company, 1-2 weeks in a company the size of Intuit. Most certainly on the next product release within Agile teams.


This thread was started about 3 yrs ago. There's more to this simple change not clearing the product roadmap. Perhaps not Intuit does not want to boost cc fees for CC processors given the amount of customers they have unless getting something in return.


Just a thought :)

Level 1

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?


Would you be willing to share the steps to set that up with me?

Level 1

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?


Would you be willing to share the steps to set that up?

QuickBooks Team

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

Thanks for asking us here in the thread, @Isabelle4. I'll be glad to share with you the steps to add another line item on your invoice for the credit card fee which my peer @

Maybelle_S provided.


Here's how: 


  1. Go to Sales, then choose Products and Services.
  2. Click New,  then select Service.
  3. Enter the name of your service item. (Example CC Fee)
  4. Select the account you'd use to track our processing fees under the Income account drop-down.
  5. Once done, click Save and Close.


From there, add the CC Fee as an additional item on your invoice each time you charge your customers with the processing fees.


However, if you're refering to something else, let me know the detail of your concern so I can help you some more. 


Attaching here the article link in case you need some steps in managing customer-related tasks: Sales and Customers.


I'm looking forward to hearing again from you at any time if you need additional guide. 


Level 1

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

but doesn't this line item method method just raise OUR cc processing fees' that we pay to Quick Books? 

QuickBooks Team

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

Hi there, @jimbo3.


Thanks for joining this thread. Let me provide additional information about adding another line for processing fees.

Each time you process a transaction, QuickBooks Payments charges a fee. While we don't have an option to allow a customer to pay for the fee, we use this line item method as a workaround. By doing this, it offsets the processing fee that you incur.


Additionally, ensure your correct payments and processing fees accounts are selected. You may refer to these articles:



Please let me know if you have further questions about this. We're always available here to answer them for you.

Level 3

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

Why don't you have the feature to allow the customer to pay the credit card processing fee?? This is the Question.

We all want this feature and have been asking for it. You keep regurgitating the same answer that does NOT in any way solve the problem and in fact makes it even harder as there is no automation.

It's been mentioned before that unless we know for sure that the customer is going to pay with a credit card we can not use the answer that is being regurgitated throughout this post AND we will get charged an even higher cc processing fee due to adding another item to said invoice. Then the answer is not even does that make it streamlined?

Just add a box that we can check to include the credit card processing fee should the customer pay with a credit card.

How hard is that?

QuickBooks Team

How do I charge customers credit card processing fee on an invoice?

I hear your sentiments, @JuliaFitzgerald.


I recognize the convenience to allow the customer to pay the credit card processing fees in QuickBooks Online (QBO). I also understand that you want to make some changes and improvements to QBO to meet your business needs. However, this option is unavailable in QBO.


As mentioned by my peers above, we can only use adding a line item to an invoice as a workaround.


I’m unable to provide a defined time frame for when this functionality becomes available. For now, I suggest sending a feature request to our Product Development Team so they can review it and might consider implementing it in the future. Follow these steps to submit them directly from your account:


  1. Go to the Gear icon at the top.
  2. Select Feedback.
  3. Enter your comments or product suggestions. 
  4. Click Next to submit them.


Furthermore, I'm attaching this link that can efficiently guide you in supervising your account: Learn about QuickBooks Online with how-to videos.


Please know that you're always welcome to post a reply in this thread if you have any other questions about your QBO account. I'll be more than willing to assist you. Keep safe!

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