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Level 5

Could you please add a column field for “Ship Date” in the Sales Order form? This will save users so much time.

Hi  –


Here's an improvement request for QuickBooks.   (QB users, if you feel this would be helpful to you, please reply and / or put a “cheer” vote.  Thank you.)


QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise  Request -


QuickBooks -  Could you please add a column for “Ship Date” in the Sales Order form?  Can you implement this change in the next software update?  See attached images.


Please add column for “Ship Date” in Sales Order form.  We’d like to fill out just 1 Sales Order screen if we had a customer PO with various line items and different Ship Dates.  On the SO screen, we’d like Ship Date to be listed as a column that could be updated. Ship Date is an important field because we have reports that are run based on Ship Date. 


(To follow along, here's how to view the "Sales Order" screen in QB Desktop Enterprise:  Go to menu bar Customers - choose Create Sales Order.)




Sales Order Form - Request To Put Ship Date As Column Field.JPG


Sales Order Form - Request To Put Ship Date As Column Field - Just 1 Screen with 10 lines.JPG



Why?  We need a more efficient way from QuickBooks to enter a Sales Order that has various ship dates for product.  Also, Ship Date is an important field we use when running reports.  Having Ship Date as a column field on the Sales Order from will save so much time!



Current Situation:  If a customer submits a PO for product they’d like shipped on different dates, we’d have to make a separate Sales Order for each line item. For example, let’s say customer submits a PO for product to be shipped on 10 different dates.  Then, this involves entering data on 10 Sales Order screens because each of the 10 line items has a different Ship Date.


As you can imagine, if we have 200 large orders with 10 specific dates per order, we’d have to enter data into 2,000 Sales Order forms (200 Sale Order forms* 10 Ship Dates)  vs. just 200 Sales Order forms.  Filling out 2,000 Sales Order forms would be so time consuming and inefficient vs. just filling out 200 forms.


Requested Solution: We’d like to fill out just 1 Sales Order screen that would include a column for Ship Date.  Ship Date is important because that allows us to run reports by Ship Date.  The assumption is that the Ship Date in the column field would be the Ship Date picked up when we run reports.






10 Comments 10
QuickBooks Team

Could you please add a column field for “Ship Date” in the Sales Order form? This will save users so much time.

I appreciate you for sharing your thoughts and opinions, Dav.


I'd be delighted to impart some insights on how to add a Ship Date column in your Sales Order. 


You'll want to customize the form and add the ship date column. However, you'll have to manually enter the date from the column when creating a sales order. Let me show you how.


  1. Go to the Customers menu in your QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT).
  2. Select Create Sales Order.
  3. Go to the Formatting tab.
  4. Select Customize Data Layout.
  5. From the Additional Customization window, select the Columns tab.
  6. Put a checkmark inside the box from the Other 1.
  7. Change the reorder number if need and enter a title for the field. 2.PNG
  8. Then click OK2.PNG


You can also check out this article for more details: Use and customize form templates.


On the other hand, you can send your feedback to our Product Developer team. This way, they can review it and help you with your QuickBooks experience. To submit your feedback, you can follow these easy steps:


  1. Go to the Help menu.
  2. Select Send Feedback Online.
  3. Then click Product Suggestion.
  4.  Enter your suggestions and details then click Send Feedback2.PNG


In the meantime, you can look for a third-party app that let's you personalized your sales order base on the data you need. Just hover to the App Center inside your QBDT or visit our QuickBooks Desktop Apps page for reference.


Once you're all set, you'll want to utilize these resources for reference. These provide details on what to do next after creating a sales order:


In case you have more questions about Sales Order in QBDT, Please let me know in your reply and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. 

Community Champion

Could you please add a column field for “Ship Date” in the Sales Order form? This will save users so much time.

You can use one of the Other fields to do this, as pointed out by @JasroV 


Another way is to set up an item custom field.  When you do this using Enterprise, you can 'type' the field and set it to be a date. You can then include it in detail reports like the built in Ship Date field.

Level 5

Could you please add a column field for “Ship Date” in the Sales Order form? This will save users so much time.

Hi   @JasroV   ,   @BigRedConsulting   ,   and QB Community -


Thank you very much for the feedback.  However, I think the problem I'll run into with these suggestions is that the custom field won't be properly recognized as "Ship Date" when we run our reports. 


I don't believe the custom field will pick up properly as the "Ship Date" in the Sales Order Fulfillment worksheet, Sales Reports,and Inventory Reports.  For example, if we set a date range on a report, I believe the reports are going to pull data based the actual "Ship Date" field instead of a custom field. The "Ship Date" is very important to us because we need it when we review sales and also plan our monthly and quarterly production.


"Ship Date" is a key field in running those reports.


Is there a way to have the actual "Ship Date" as a column field?


Thank you in advance for any  feedback and ideas.


Community Champion

Could you please add a column field for “Ship Date” in the Sales Order form? This will save users so much time.

RE: I don't believe the custom field will pick up properly as the "Ship Date" in the Sales Order Fulfillment worksheet, Sales Reports,and Inventory Reports. 


That's true.


RE: Is there a way to have the actual "Ship Date" as a column field?



Level 5

Could you please add a column field for “Ship Date” in the Sales Order form? This will save users so much time.

Hi @TonyLi3 and @Rustler  -


I think you might be interested in this request regarding Sales Orders with multiple ship dates.

If you support this request, please give it a cheer vote.  If there's more support for a request, it increases the chance it will be implemented.  Thank you.

Level 2

Could you please add a column field for “Ship Date” in the Sales Order form? This will save users so much time.

Agree with this request.  Along the same lines, there really needs to be a Ship Date field in the Sales Order Fulfillment Worksheet.  Otherwise, how do you know WHEN an order needs to be Shipped?   Any work around suggestions are welcome - this is a huge opportunity for QB - otherwise the sales order worksheet is useless to us as our orders come in with many future ship dates and  we have to click into each SO to plan shipping activities.  What am I missing?  

Level 3

Could you please add a column field for “Ship Date” in the Sales Order form? This will save users so much time.

Has this problem been solved yet? A ship date column that can print out on reports is a desperately needed capability. I've never seen an accounting system before that didn't allow you to pick the ship date.

Community Champion

Could you please add a column field for “Ship Date” in the Sales Order form? This will save users so much time.

@DavRE: Is there a way to have the actual "Ship Date" as a column field?


No.  I suspect changing it to work as you want it to, and changing all of the logic on many reports where it can be included, would be a huge change. It would be like changing the Due Date or the Terms or other fields that apply to the entire transactions so that they're applied to each line item. It'll probably never happen, IMO, especially as Intuit reduces their emphasis on Desktop and tries to push everyone to the Online version - where reporting is a dismal mess.

Level 3

Could you please add a column field for “Ship Date” in the Sales Order form? This will save users so much time.

Given how we live for reports at my company, we'll be staying with the Desktop version.

Level 1

Could you please add a column field for “Ship Date” in the Sales Order form? This will save users so much time.

Until Intuit addressed this issue with a real solution not a bandaid as suggested here, the Enterprise Manufacturing and Wholesale Quickbooks will remain just a financial software and will not replace a true ERP system.  The specific ship dates requirement for individual line items is a foundantional requirements for manufacturing and/or wholeseller.  To not addressed that issue, Intuit is showing their ignorance in real world of day to day operation of a this industry segment. 

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