I'm here to make sure you can renew your QuickBooks subscription,@ocd-electrical-i.
I have a few troubleshooting steps you can perform to check if this is a ca...
Hi @FROG2,
Thanks for reaching out to the Community. I'm also an employee and I would also wonder if my billable rates are not reflecting accurately. I've reac...
Hi shglegal,
Let's perform some troubleshooting steps to convert your QuickBooks Desktop company file to QuickBooks Online (QBO),shglegal.
Most of the tim...
Hello, dale-lowther,
The powerful invoicing tools in QuickBooks Online are user-friendly, and mistakes can easily be corrected. I'd be happy to help you corre...
Hi there @tc2,
Let’s go to the vendor/contractor’s profile and add the social security number.
You’re correct. You need to enter the number in the Busines...