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Level 1

Accountants Copy MAC ?

Currently using Windows Quick Books Desktop version on a MAC w/ Parallels... Not happy with this setup. Would like to go back to the MAC Desktop version. 

From what I am reading there is no accounts copy in QB MAC ?  So when the account needs to audit / make changes in my QB I can only export a backup copy ?? Which means I an unable to use QB's until I restore my backup 

19 Comments 19

Accountants Copy MAC ?

It's my pleasure to have you here, @RLV. Let me share some information to continue work with QuickBooks.


Since QuickBooks Desktop Mac doesn't have an accountant's copy what you've mentioned is correct. You'll have to restore your backup, to use QuickBooks.


If you haven't back up your file, just follow the steps below:


  1. In QuickBooks, select File then Back Up.
  2. Select the folder to store your backup.
  3. Select Start Backup.


Once done, QuickBooks creates a DMG file when you create a backup. This file contains a copy of your company file and other documents you saved in QuickBooks, like forms or PDFs.


For more details, you can click this article: Back up your QuickBooks Desktop for Mac company file. It also contains steps on how to schedule automatic backups of your company file.


Then, you can now restore it, here's how to restore it in QuickBooks.


  1. Double-click the backup file. If you have attached documents in your backup, you should also see a folder called Attachments Library.
  2. Drag the copy of your company file to the folder where you keep your QuickBooks company. If you see Attachments Library, drag the folder to the same location.
  3. Open your QuickBooks for Mac.
  4. Select Browse, then go to the folder where you saved the copy of the company file. Select the company file, then Open.
  5. A prompt lets you know that you are opening a backup file. Select Continue.
  6. Enter a name for the company file, then Save.
  7. Click OK.


See this article for more information: Restore your backup company file for QuickBooks Desktop for Mac.


Also, I'll leave you with a guide to know anything about QuickBooks Desktop for Mac: QuickBooks Desktop Mac User’s Guide.


Let me know if you have follow-up questions about the process. I'm right here to assist you further. Keep safe!

Level 1

Accountants Copy MAC ?

My concern is --- working in QB AFTER I have made the back up copy for my accountant. If Changes are made by my  accountant --- when I restore wont I loose any work I have have done in QB ?


What happens if the accountant takes 3 weeks to audit and return the copy ?


Please advise

Kristine Mae

Accountants Copy MAC ?

That's a good question, RLV. Let me provide you with some information.


While account changes are pending, you can still create, edit, and delete transactions. However, you're unable to edit or delete the existing ones. That being said, you won't lose any work in QuickBooks.


For more information, you can refer to this article: Use the Accountant's Copy.


If you have more questions, feel free to leave a comment below. We'll reply as soon as we can. Take care!

Level 1

Accountants Copy MAC ?

So let me ask this another way....


The windows version of QB and the MAC version of QB - BOTH have the accountants copy --- 

Level 1

Accountants Copy MAC ?

This is available in the MAC DESKTOP.........


Creating an Accountant's Copy is the way to go if you need your accountant to review your books and continue working on your company file at the same time. And with the Accountant's Copy file transfer feature, the file is saved in Intuit server, where you can start secured data exchange with your accountant.


Accountants Copy MAC ?

Thanks for getting back to us, @RLV.


To give some clarification, using the Accountant's Copy feature is only available in QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT). Since you're using the Mac version, you can create a file (.qbb file extension) and send it to your accountant (that is using a Windows version). This process is called Round-tripping.


Please note that you and your accountant must have the same year version of QBDT. If you are using QBDT Mac 2019, your accountant should be on some 2019 version of QuickBooks for Windows.


By the time your accountant returns your company file, you’ll need to convert it to a QBDT for Mac 2019 file (.pb2016 file extension).


For more information about the process, consider checking out this guide and proceed to page 22:


Please post again or leave a comment below if you have any additional questions. I'm always here to help. Have a good one!

Level 1

Accountants Copy MAC ?

So NO accountants copy... Understand

after I send the QBB file to my account ...can I use QB without loosing any entries ? or am I dead in the water still the file is returned ?



Accountants Copy MAC ?

I'm here to clear things out for you, RLV.


You won't lose any transactions after you send the file to your accountant. As mentioned above, you can still create, edit, and delete transactions while your accountant is reviewing the sent file.


However, the new entries you've created won't be included in the reviewed file since .QBB is an ordinary backup file. This means, that you may need to reenter the transactions again after you receive and restore the returned file.


That said, I'd suggest waiting for the .QBB file to be returned so you won't have to recreate the entries. I'm also adding this link to help manage your company in QuickBooks Desktop for Mac: QuickBooks essentials / Your company file.


Drop me a comment below if you need more help in performing your other tasks. I'll be more than happy to assist you again.

Level 1

Accountants Copy MAC ?

I think I understand the flow......... and the limitations . As soon as I create a QQB file --- anything I do in QB will be overridden by the edited QQB when its restored......   

Tori B
QuickBooks Team

Accountants Copy MAC ?

Hi there, @RLV


You've got it right! Anytime you create or edit in QuickBooks, it will be overridden once you restore a QBB file. As mentioned by my colleague above, I suggest waiting until your QBB file is restored before entering anything in QuickBooks. 


Please let don't hesitate to reach out any time you need a helping hand. Take care and have a wonderful day! 

Level 2

Accountants Copy MAC ?

Does the 2023 Mac version still include the limitation of no accountant's copy? 


Please verify, once I've sent the .qbb file to my accountant I should wait to make any entries or the restore will still overwrite any edits or entries I make.

QuickBooks Team

Accountants Copy MAC ?

Thank you for joining this thread, PPMG.


The Accountant's Copy feature is still unavailable in QuickBooks Desktop for Mac 2023. When your accountant has your file, make sure not to input anything new to avoid losing any records by the time you get it back.


You can go over the following links to learn more about what you'll have to do when your account has your file, including the feature available in your QuickBooks:



Feel free to browse the Community page for tools and information to help you with your accounting tasks. There are articles on handling your cash flow, banking data, and dealing with account-related issues, to name a few.


Keep me posted if you have other QuickBooks related issues or questions about the accountant's copy function. I'd be delighted to respond to them, PPMG.

Level 1

Accountants Copy MAC ?

QB 2023 Has an accountant copy, in the file menu. Is this how I am to save my QB to give to my accountant?

Content Leader

Accountants Copy MAC ?

Thanks for joining us here in the Community, Jhappy.


I'm happy to provide some additional info about the accountant's copy in your QuickBooks Desktop account.


You're correct! According to the Community article, "An Accountant's Copy is the way to go if you need your accountant to review your books, You can continue to work on your company file at the same time. With the Accountant's Copy file transfer service, the file is saved on an Intuit server, where you can exchange data securely with your accountant."


The following link provides even more detail about how to use the Accountant's Copy.


I hope this answers your questions but if you happen to think of anything else please don't hesitate to reach back out. I'll be here to lend a hand.

Level 1

Accountants Copy MAC ?

re checking on the accountants copy feature for MAC....Is this now a feature available in 2024 version . ( Same as Windows version )


Standing by for an answer.



QuickBooks Team

Accountants Copy MAC ?

Hello there, @RLV, thank you for getting us back. Allow me to provide more information about the Accountant's copy in QuickBooks Desktop for Mac.


The accountant copy is still unavailable in QuickBooks Desktop for Mac 2024. If there's a need for your Accountant to have a copy of your file, I highly recommend following the information shared by my colleague, Rasa-LilaM.


Additionally, you can check this out for the Update QuickBooks for Mac to the latest release.


For future help, you may want to check this user guide to learn how to manage and create a backup for your company file: Back up your QuickBooks Desktop for Mac company file.


Feel free to reach out if you have follow-up questions about your Accountant's copy for Mac in QuickBooks. We're always available. Stay safe.

Level 1

Accountants Copy MAC ?

When I was using the MAC version , thats how I would handle accountants reviews . My accountant was not always quick to finish the audit, so being unable to use QB during that time was a real disadvantage.


I would use a USB drive to deliver the files to from our accountant . Is this still the only way or is electronic file transfer available ( Like windows )


Thanks- Rodney


QuickBooks Team

Accountants Copy MAC ?

Welcome back, RLV. It's great to have you here again. Let's dive into how you can send files to your accountant using QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) for MAC.

Yes, at this time, the only way you can transmit data to them is through a USB flash drive. The electronic file transfer or the Accountant's Copy feature in QBDT MAC is still unavailable.

I recommend submitting your suggestion for this functionality to our product engineers. This will help us better understand users' needs and improve their experience. Here's how:


  1. Go to the QuickBooks menu.
  2. Select Preferences.
  3. On the Preferences pane, choose Feedback.
  4. Follow a link to the QBDT MAC Online Forum and/or to an online form for submitting feedback.


I highly value the insights you share with us, as they serve as invaluable guidance in our continuous efforts to meet your expectations effectively. It also plays a vital role in shaping our services and improving our processes to better align with your needs and preferences. I am always available to address any further questions you may have about using QBDT MAC or optimizing your financial record management, RLV. Feel free to reach out to me.

Level 1

Accountants Copy MAC ?

Thank you......


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