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Level 4

Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.

I am reprinting an invoice that is past due. Since being created another invoice on that account was paid. However, the invoice is not taking that into account and showing an incorrect amount due.

How do I fix this mistake?
24 Comments 24

Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.

Hi @NealRM,


I can think of a few possibilities as to why this is so. Let's go through them one at a time.


You mentioned a different invoice was paid. I suggest checking this specific invoice if the payment was recorded correctly.


Here's how:

  1. Highlight the Sales tab.
  2. Select Invoices.
  3. Search for the invoice in question, and click it.
  4. If it's paid in full, leave it as is. 
  5. If it's not paid at all, then you'll need to correct this by transferring the recorded payment from the other invoice showing an incorrect balance.

Follow the steps below to transfer the recorded payment from one invoice to another.

  1. Go to the Sales tab.
  2. Tap Invoices.
  3. Locate the invoice in question.
  4. Under the Paid label, click the link that reads 1 payment made.
  5. Click the date that appears as a link, this will open the Receive Payment window.
  6. Uncheck the incorrect invoice under the Outstanding Transactions section, then put a check on the correct invoice. 
  7. Press Save and close when done.

If you've recently created a credit note transaction for this customer in question, you can follow the same steps I provided above to see if it was automatically applied. In QuickBooks Online, there's a feature that automatically applies customer credits to open invoices. 


If this is the case, you can disable the feature to avoid this from happening again. Here's how:

  1. Go to the Gear icon.
  2. Select Account and Settings.
  3. Tap the Advanced tab.
  4. Search for the Automation section. Uncheck Automatically apply credits.
  5. Click Save, then Done.

Following the same steps above on how to transfer payment, you can uncheck the payment to remove the credit from the invoice.


If your situation is a little bit different than what I provided, I'd appreciate it if you share more details. It's best if you can add a screenshot as well. 


On the other hand, if you have issues locating payments in the Bank Deposit page, you can refer to this article: Find missing payments you want to deposit in the Bank Deposit window. You'll find 2 separate sets of steps, as well as screenshots for your reference.


Feel free to post a comment below, should you have additional queries. I'll be sure to get back to you.


Level 4

Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.

The payment was applied correctly and the balance on the account within Quickbooks displayed correctly. But the balance displayed on the screen did not match the balance printed on the invoice. The balance on the invoice was the balance on the account when the invoice was initially created.


This is extremely confusing to customers. I did a work around of changing the date of the deposit to be before the invoice. But clearly that is not a good solution.

Tori B
QuickBooks Team

Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.

Hey there, @NealRM.


Thanks for following up with us on this concern.


Since the payment was applied to the correct invoice as mentioned as a solution by my colleague, I recommend contacting support as they have the tools available that can look further into this issue for you, such as a screen share. They would then be able to review your invoice and justify what the problem is.


To contact support:


  1. Sign in to your QuickBooks Online company.
  2. Select Help (?) at the top right.
  3. Select Contact Us to connect with a live support agent.


Please know you can always come back here if you have further questions. I'm always here to help. Enjoy your day!

Level 4

Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.

This is still an issue. When resending invoices, the amount due at the time the invoice was created is still being displayed. This is a major mistake, the value being displayed is incorrect


This needs to be fixed and I get the feeling that nothing is being done.

Level 1

Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.

I am having this issue as well. REALLY need a fix ASAP!!


Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.

Hello, @BruiserLS.


To further check what’s causing the error you’re having with the invoice, I suggest reaching out to our Customer Support directly. Their tools can further check what’s causing the error and help you resolve it. 


You can do it by going to the Help icon at the top right of your QuickBooks Online (QBO) account. Follow the steps below: 

  1. Go to the Help icon to connect to a live support agent. 
  2. Click on the Contact Us button and provide some details about this concern.
  3. After adding some insight, click on the Let's talk button. 
  4. Lastly, select the Get a callback button to arrange a call from them.

See this article for detailed guidance: Contact the QuickBooks Online Customer Support team.


I'm awlays here if you have any other concerns. Take care and have a wonderful day!

Level 4

Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.

Following up for those having a similar issue. The workaround is to not use customized invoice templates for resending invoices. You can switch the invoice to using the standard invoice with the "Customize" link at the bottom of the invoice. It appears there is a bug in the customized invoices.   

Level 4

Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.

There is currently a reasonable workaround for this issue. I posted it in my prior comment. QB needs to fix the bug, but that is not something that support needs to repeatedly contact me about. So please, do not contact me anymore about this issue. Four times in four days is enough. 

Level 1

Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.

We have the same issue and customers hate it.  I just did a payment to an account for a previous invoice, and then checked the invoices we created this morning to see if it will show this new payment and it doesnt.  Quickbooks always displays the current balance on the date/time the invoice was created and doenst take into effect any payments made since.  Can quickbooks do an update that will fix this?  its not an account thing - i feel like its just a quickbooks bug

Level 4

Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.

I have unaccepted the solution because I have found that this not only effects when I manually resend an invoice, but all invoices attached to reminders. As such it is no longer just a minor inconvenience, it is a MAJOR bug.  I can't use customized invoices because of this. Sending out invoices with WRONG amounts due is NEVER correct. 



This was initially posted 6 months ago. That a bug of this level hasn't been fixed in half a year is extremely disappointing.

Level 4

Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.

Two months and this bug is still in place. And to make things even better, I found that even switch over to standard, default invoice doesn't fix the invoices that were already sent. They are still going out with the wrong amount due. Now I will likely have to turn off reminders. You can't send out reminders that have the wrong amount on them.


Why doesn't Intuit care about a major bug in its software????

QuickBooks Team

Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.

Hello, @NealRM.


Let me route you to our Technical Support team so we can request for an investigation on what’s causing the incorrect invoice amount. You can do it by going to the Help icon at the top right of your QuickBooks Online (QBO) account.


  1. Select Help (?) at the top right.
  2. Click the Contact Us button.
  3. Enter a brief description of your concern.
  4. Hit Let's talk.
  5. Select Get a callback or Start a chat to connect to a live support agent.

You can check our support hours and contact us at a time convenient to you.


Thank you for your patience while we're working to resolve this. Please let me know if you have other questions about QuickBooks Online.

Level 4

Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.

Thanks, but I already did that. After reviewing the issue, they determined that there was a problem with customized invoices. Their solution was to not use customized invoices. So I stopped using them, and just use the default. However, it appears that I also have to go back and change all the customized invoices that are still open over to the default format. That is a FPITA. So QB has know that there is an issue since the beginning of Feb 2020 and still has not issued a fix. Thus the reason for the warning post.

Level 3

Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.



We have a problem with the customised invoices too...


The balance shown is the entire balance of the account and not the balance of the invoice as per the correct payment allocation. For example if a customer has 2 invoices and both are part paid (upfront deposit) , when each invoice is sent the balance in the field  <amountdue> is the total balance of the account instead of the balance of each individual invoice.


This is a very basic mistake as the 

<amountdue> field is obviously pointing to the field in the database.......

Please Fix INTUIT......


Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.

Thanks for alerting us, @graham-hogg.

I have a way here that can help resolve your concern.

You can delete and recreate your customized invoice template in QuickBooks Online. Then use it for a test. This way, we can check if it’s still sending with an incorrect amount.

Here are the steps to delete a template in the system:


  1. Go to the Gear icon.
  2. Select Custom form styles under Your Company.
  3. Click the Drop-down arrow next to Edit.
  4. Select Delete.
  5. Click Yes, delete this style to confirm.

Please ensure also that you have updated Adobe reader to enhance security and stability improvements.

If the issue persists, I recommend contacting our Technical Support team to investigate it further. With the help of their tools, they can easily determine the main cause and a fix to keep the details on transactions correct.

In case you have other concerns besides the customized invoices, feel free to comment below. We’ll be here to help anytime. Keep safe.

Level 1

Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.

We're running into the same problem. Everything online looks fine but the printed invoice seems to ignore credit for the last payment even though it shows the payment on my screen. This software is not at all intuitive and this might just be the last straw for my small business. 

Level 1

Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.

It's utterly ridiculous that clearly quickbooks has an issue with partial payments of invoices and every single freaking question directs people to call technical support. Perhaps you could actually fix the issue!  I have the same problem. Partial payments were made but quickbooks clearly shows $807 is still outstanding within quickbooks, but when customer clicks invoice for online payment - it shows zero balance.  FIX THE PROBLEM. I see the exact same issue for the previous 2 years!

Level 1

Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.

I am still having this issue.  Was this ever resolved for anyone?

QuickBooks Team

Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.

Resolving your invoice issue is our top priority, mrocha22.


Most likely, users who are experiencing this issue are those who are using customized invoices. As mentioned by my colleague @MadelynC,  you'll want to delete your customized invoice template and recreate them to resolve this issue. You can follow the steps provided above to successfully delete the invoice template. Once done, create a new template. To this, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Gear ⚙ icon and then select Custom Form Styles.
  2. Select New Style.
  3. Select the type of form you’d like to create a template for.


Then, customize the appearance and the information on your forms. For more complete and detailed steps, I've added this article for your guide: Customize Invoices, Estimates, and Sales Receipt in QuickBooks Online


However, if the issue persists, I recommend reaching out to our support team so they can investigate this further. They have the tools to pull up your account in a more secure way. Here's how to reach them:

  1. Click the (?) Help icon and enter Talk to a human (then type it again when prompted).
  2. When asked by the bot, enter your concern
  3. Select I still need a human, then proceed with Contact us or Get help from a human.
  4. Choose either Chat or Callback.


Moreover, learn how QuickBooks Online downloads the latest bank transactions and categorizes them. Check out this article for your reference: Categorize and Match Online Bank Transactions in QuickBooks Online.


Drop a comment below if you have any questions about applying for invoice payments. The Community is always right here 24/7 to assist your needs. 

Level 1

Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.

I am not on an online format. None of these solutions work for me. I tried them all. Maybe the solution is to try a different accounting program. THIS HAS BEEN AN ISSUE IN THIS STREAM SINCE FEBRUARY 2020. 3 1/2 YEARS!!  THIS IS RIDICULOUS!! 

QuickBooks Team

Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.

Great day, @Treehouse1. First and foremost, we appreciate you for joining this thread. We're with you on this, and we understand that this has become a challenge for you in printing your invoice. Let us be your best help this time.

We see that you're using QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) based on what you mentioned; "You're not with the online format." Please know that there are ways to fix printing issues in QBDT.


Before we start, ensure the checklist below:


  • Update QuickBooks to the latest release.
  • Your computer is connected to the printer.
  • You have the latest printer driver installed.
  • There are no error messages or warning lights on your printer.


Follow the steps below:


  1. Print from another program. You can try to print the Notepad by entering some text. Go to the File tab, then Print. If working correctly, proceed to step 3. If not, follow step 2.
  2. Test the printer setup.
    - Make sure the printer is set up correctly.
    - The printer is the right one.
    - Print to a different printer.
  3. Test your company file and QuickBooks installation. 
    - Print a different form or, if you’re using customized forms or memorized reports, try a standard form or report.
    - If you're printing a batch of forms in QuickBooks, try to print a single form. If successful, try to print smaller batches.
    - Open one of the QuickBooks sample company files and try to print the same type of form or report. If it works, use Resolve data damage on your company file to resolve any data damage in your file and then try to print again.

    If this doesn't work, let's perform step 4.
  4. Run the Print and PDF tool from the QuickBooks Tool Hub.


Feel free to read this article for detailed steps: Fix printing issues in QuickBooks Desktop.



After performing the steps, if the issue persists, I recommend reaching QBDT contact support. They have tools equipped to help look for the root cause of it, and they can also create an investigation for it. 


Additionally, below are handy articles you can utilize to manage your templates: 



Thanks for passing by here. Please know that we're dedicated to helping fix your printing issue. Feel free to tap the reply button for some updates or questions. We'll answer as fast as possible. Thanks again, and keep safe.

Level 1

Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.


Thank you for replying. The problem also appears in the print preview window. I ran the updates including the most recent version of the tool hub before I ever posted. I ran every tool listed on the tool hub. The print printer fixes I ran several times. All drivers are up to speed, although I can't fathom how that would affect the print preview. At this point, I have my client sending screen shots of the invoice instead of sending pdf s. It isn't what I have paid quickbooks for though. I have used this software for 33 years. It seems a shame that the earlier versions were a lot more stable. 

Level 1

Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.


Thank you for replying. I had already updated everything. I had run the updated tool hub several times including the print section. The printer is fine. The problem also shows up in the print preview. That says it is the program not the printer. I went into the listing of invoice examples they have that came with my quickbooks version. I tried each one and they are all infected. My other companies I am in charge of don't seem to have the same problem, although that may only be a matter of time. The online versions I saw take my versions of the invoice template and apply their ideas to that.  It keeps my format. I have been using this program for 33 years. I really wish I could have an earlier version. They seemed a lot more stable. They had functions that we have to pay extra for now.


Invoice printing out with an incorrect amount due.

It's our pleasure to help, @Treehouse1.


Since you're still having an error after trying all the troubleshooting steps, I suggest reaching out to our Customer Support team. They can check your company file in a secure environment and help you with resolving them.  


Follow the steps below on how to reach them:


  1. From your QuickBooks Desktop account, click the Help menu at the top.
  2. Select QuickBooks Desktop Help.
  3. Provide some information about this concern in the search box.
  4. Click the Contact Us link at the bottom of the window.
  5. You'll now be provided with a few support options.


You can check this article for more information about the different types of support we offer and their availability: Contact QuickBooks Desktop support.


From here, here's how you can record customer payments for an invoice in QuickBooks Desktop: Record an invoice payment


Let me know if there is anything else that I can help you with your QuickBooks Desktop.​ I'm always here ready to help. Have a wonderful day!

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