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Connect your email to QuickBooks Desktop

by Intuit10 Updated 9 months ago

Learn how to set up your email service in QuickBooks Desktop.

In QuickBooks, you can send transactions through Webmail or Outlook. Once you're set up, you can send invoices, reports and more.

Before you get started, make sure you’re using Outlook 2010 or newer and you have an Outlook email profile.

Set up Outlook to work with QuickBooks

Step 1: Contact your internet or email provider to get the following info

  • Username
  • Password
  • Incoming email server address
  • Incoming email server type
  • Outgoing email server address

Step 2: Set up Outlook

  1. Go to the QuickBooks Edit menu.
  2. Select Preferences and Send Forms.
  3. Select Outlook and OK.

Don't see Outlook? See what to do when Outlook is missing.

Set up webmail to work with QuickBooks

Before you get started

  • Verify your webmail servers and port settings with your ISP.
  • Webmail providers require users to enable their account settings for two-step verification.
  • QuickBooks can auto-fill info for some of the most common providers.

Set up webmail

  1. Go to QuickBooks Edit menu and select Preferences.
  2. Select Send Forms.
    A computer screen showing a person on a laptop.
  3. Select Web Mail and Add.
  4. Fill out the Add Email Info and select OK.
  5. Select OK to save your changes.

Your webmail provider's login page will display. Sign in and select to grant Intuit access.

Things to know

Internet Service Provider (ISP) and Port Information

We don't support providers that use a starttls encryption.

ISP (Internet Service Provider)SMTP ServerSMTP Port
1AND1.comsmtp.1and1.com587 (SSL enabled, with password)
AOLsmtp.aol.com465 or 587 (see Note) (SSL enabled for incoming and outgoing mail servers)
BELL SOUTHmail.bellsouth.net110
110 or 587
COX Businesssmarthost.coxmail.com465 or 587 (see Note)
COX CENTRALsmtp.central.cox.net465 or 587 (see Note)
COX EASTsmtp.east.cox.net465 or 587 (see Note)
COX WESTsmtp.west.cox.net465 or 587 (see Note)
EARTHLINKsmtpauth.earthlink.net25 (with password)
 LYCOS smtp.mail.lycos.com 25
MICROSOFT OUTLOOK 365outlook.office365.com587 (SSL enabled)
NETSCAPEsmtp.isp.netscape.com25 (SSL enabled)
PRODIGYsmtp.prodigy.net25 (SSL enabled)
SPRINT PCSsmtp.sprintpcs.com25
VERIZON YAHOOoutgoing.yahoo.verizon.net465

Note: If 465 doesn't work, change the port to 587. Make sure SSL is enabled when trying both ports.

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