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Troubleshoot CSV import errors in QuickBooks Time

by Intuit2 Updated 1 year ago

If you get an error when you’re importing a .csv file in QuickBooks Time, don’t worry! 

Sometimes lines in your .csv may have incorrect data, the file isn't recognizable, or it’s missing a field altogether. Most errors are self-explanatory and easy to fix, but here are some tips to help you.

Before you import

  • Always follow the instructions given in the Help tab of the import window to make sure your data is entered correctly. You’ll need the correct header (a header row is required and case sensitive) and format. 
    • Use the sample file as a reference or to add your data to directly for your new import. 
  • Always run a test mode import before running a real time import. It'll catch a majority of possible errors before you run the real import.  

Troubleshoot errors

“Oops! Missing required field: ___” 

  1. Check for missing fields and add in anything you’re missing. 
  2. If nothing is missing, look at the field that has an error and make sure it matches exactly what the instructions say in the Help tab (case sensitive), or in the sample spreadsheet. 
  3. Correct the field header and import again. 
  4. If the headers look correct, but the error is still there, copy and paste the data into a new spreadsheet.
  5. Save the file and try the import again. 

“Uploaded file did not contain any columns where the column name matched the name of a time off code: Nothing for me to do!”

  1. Make sure all the headers and fields match exactly what the instructions say in the Help tab (case sensitive), or in the sample spreadsheet. 
  2. If everything looks correct, copy and paste the data into a new spreadsheet.
  3. Save the file, and try the import again. 

“Problem uploading file: Problem with file upload - not a recognizable CSV upload”

  1. Copy an paste the data into a new spreadsheet and save as .csv.
  2. Try the import again. 

Create a new spreadsheet

If you need to create a new spreadsheet to upload data, use Google Sheets, because it’s easy to use and convert to a .csv. 

  1. In a Google Chrome browser window, select Google apps, then Drive.
    1. Select New, Google Sheets, then Blank spreadsheet
  2. Copy and paste your data into the blank spreadsheet.
    1. If the dates change format, correct it by selecting the Date column.
    2. Select Format, Number, More formats, then More date and time formats.
    3. Choose the matching option and select Apply.
  3. Select File, Download as, then Comma-separated values (.csv, current sheet).
  4. Save your new .csv file so you can import again into QuickBooks Time. 

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