Intuit Data Protect backup incomplete: Files did not backup because they were open or not reachable
by Intuit•3• Updated 2 years ago
Intuit Data Protect (IDP) is a subscription service that helps protect your QuickBooks data file from loss or damage. You may receive these errors when IDP is unable to back up open files :
- The QuickBooks company file is open via a mapped network drive during the time backup occurs.
- IBuEngHost.exe is running as the local user instead of the user SYSTEM.
- Your Windows File System is not NTFS.
To resolve these errors, use the following troubleshooting steps accordingly.
Solution 1: If the QuickBooks Desktop file is open via network drive
Note: In this case, Intuit Data Protect will not be able to backup the file if it is open.
- Close the QuickBooks company file.
- Right-click the Intuit Data Protect icon in the system tray (next to the system clock), and choose Open Intuit Data Protect.
- Select Back up now.
Solution 2: Verify IBuEngHost.exe is running as the System user and not the local user
- Right-click on your Taskbar and select Start Task Manager.
- Locate the process IBuEngHost.exe and look at the user listed in the User Name column. You may need to select 'Show processes from all users' in order to see IbuEngHost.exe. Note: If the users showing is anything other than System, IDP will not be able to back up opened files.
- To correct this, verify QBIDPService.exe is started and reboot your system.
- To check if QBIDPService.exe is running open the Services Console from the Windows run line by typing in Services.msc and hitting Enter.
- QBIDPService.exe should show with a Status of Started. If it is not, start the service, then restart your PC.
Note: QuickBooks should be installed with an Admin user in order for Intuit Data Protect to install and run properly. If none of the steps above resolve the issue, you may need to uninstall and reinstall QuickBooks with a Window Admin user.
Solution 3: Check the drive file system to verify it is NTFS
If the file system is anything other than NTFS, IDP will be unable to back up open files.
To check what file system is in use on the drive:
- Open My Computer. Right-click on the C drive, then select properties.
- Verify NTFS is the file system listed.
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