Hosting providers authorized by Intuit
by Intuit•5• Updated 5 months ago
Find out what hosting providers are authorized by Intuit to host QuickBooks Desktop.
With Intuit Hosting Program, you can run your QuickBooks Desktop and store your data files on a service provider's servers. This allows you to use your QuickBooks securely, anywhere and anytime.
Authorized third-party hosting providers can host the following QuickBooks versions:
- QuickBooks Desktop Pro
- QuickBooks Desktop Premier
- QuickBooks Accountant Desktop
- QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise Solutions
Authorized hosting service providers
Here are lists of Intuit-authorized hosting providers.
Note: While these companies are authorized to host QuickBooks, Intuit doesn't endorse, certify, sponsor, or guarantee the hosts' services.
Support for hosted QuickBooks
Here is a guide on who to contact regarding specific issues:
Intuit |
Intuit's support policies are the same whether you have your QuickBooks product installed on your own system or choose to have it hosted by one of Intuit's authorized hosts. Depending on your support needs, fees may apply. Note: Due to differences in computer permissions and system environments, we may require your IT administrator and/or a representative from the hosting company to be available on the call. |
Hosting Service Provider |
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