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Level 3

DISABLE forced account login.

Enough is enough, seriously.  How do I DISABLE this new login requirement on my admin account?  So you are going to deny access to my data if I don't jump through your hoop?  What about if I choose to only allow my PC on the internet for payroll updates?   


REMOVE THIS FEATURE NOW....  I do not want to create a login for EVERY QB file, besides being a breach of confidentiality it is blatant anti-trust violations.  It's not the little office hackers are after anyway, its the gold mine of data in clueless corporate giants such as Intuit that are the target.


SO, HOW DO I DISABLE THIS and release my company files held hostage??


193 Comments 193
QuickBooks Team

DISABLE forced account login.

This is not the impression we want you to have, @KYCPAFIRM.


Currently, the option to disable the pop-up login to the Intuit account is unavailable. This update is devised to help ensure that the person accessing the company file is authorized. 

I've also included this link of helpful articles for your future tasks with QuickBooks Desktop:


I'll be here if you have other concerns or questions. Please don't hesitate to drop a comment below. Take care.

Level 3

DISABLE forced account login.

So basically it is true though?

If i do not login or create this account, users will not be allowed to login to their company file?

Certainly sounds like data ransom.

Candice C
QuickBooks Team

DISABLE forced account login.



Thanks for reaching back out to the Community. No, you don't have to log into the Intuit account in order to access your data. You only have to log into your company file to access your data. 


You can click the to get away from signing into that screen. 


Learn more about staying logged in to your QuickBooks company file through this link. 


If you have any other questions or concerns, just let me know. Have a great day!

Level 1

DISABLE forced account login.

I agree with KYCPAFIRM. The data is mine and you are holding it hostage! Please disable the Intuit sign on! 

Level 1

DISABLE forced account login.

TOTAL bull. You all are FORCING us to create online accounts so you can blast us with ads and probably sell our info. QB sucks for forcing this on all of us. There is a clear reason we purchase the software so we are not forced into all this crap. Thanks for nothing.

Level 1

DISABLE forced account login.

KYCPAFIRM is absolutely correct.  You are holding our data hostage, however; I no longer care as I have purchased another accounting software package.  Many in my business community also have purchased new accounting software.  If you want to continue to lose people, keep the forced login.

Level 3

DISABLE forced account login.

I couldn't agree more.  I am so sick of Quickbooks interfering in my ability to run my bookkeeping business.  I am also anxious to see how to disable this stupid login the minute it is available!  In the meantime, what other accounting software is available out there, anyone know which is the best?  I'd love to switch.

Looking to leave
Level 2

DISABLE forced account login.

You dont care how you are making us feel!  You don't listen to your customers

Looking to leave
Level 2

DISABLE forced account login.

I looking too.  If you find a good one please post it here!  


Intuit has done too far!   This is not legal to hold us hostage.  I can't wait for the law suit that will come!

Level 2

DISABLE forced account login.

I agree with KYCPAFIRM.  This is the reason I have been using QB desktop.  I don't want my info online.  Now QBs is wanting us to sign up online to migrate us to online QBs. 

Level 2

DISABLE forced account login.

I have reread your QB terms of service and if we don't sign up QBs will hold my data hostage until I pay the ransom of signing in to my Intuit account.  It's like letting QBs hack my data without having to figure out how to get into my data. I am self employed with 1-3 employees.  I do not want my data available to anyone else.  I have total control of my data on my computer.  Now with QBs making us sign up it will become available to all.

Level 1

DISABLE forced account login.

It may not be the impression you want people to have, but it's definitely the impression people have.

You picked the most fabulous time to screw me, too, since I need to work on my tiny NFP's 990 RIGHT NOW.

I will be looking for a replacement ASAP.  So much for 12 years of using QuickBooks as you've tightened your grip on my data more and more.  This will not stand.

Level 2

DISABLE forced account login.

Stephanie ,

This is not just a blatant violation of privacy it is also a blatant violation of trust.

it seems like you are preparing to charge based on how many company files we have. 

I will have to recommend not to pay for the next year and to find a different accounting package to all my clients. some of my clients have given your company amount that are approaching 100k over the last 15 years for a software package that is definitely not worth this much. 5k plus a year is just too much money considering all the limitations this software has. 

suggestions are ignored But now it's just gone way too far. Logging into the account in every of the 10-100 companies my clients have for tax reasons is completely unreasonable. Besides it is none of intuit's business how many LLC's a company has to deal with. this is just another data mining attempt. this software should not even ask to authorize itself all the time once every few months should be sufficient. if a client pays for 3-5-10 or even 30 seats that should be the extent of your involvement with a companies data. (unless it's for the horrible support that has gotten so much worse over the years too).

Intuit will be losing millions if I read the vibe correctly among my peers (it techs) we all are about fed up with how much we have to baby your software. Moving to a subscription model was bad enough, but I am tired of justifying to multiple bosses why they should be paying 5000+ a year plus payroll and now you want to violate my clients privacy as well????

I'm done being yelled at by these bosses tired of being blackmailed into paying year after year and month after month for a product that is getting worse every year. (mind you the software has not really improved or gotten worse, but having to wait over an hour (which btw the wait used to be like 2 minutes max and the techs were a lot more helpful 10 years ago)  for support you are forced to pay for is.



Level 2

DISABLE forced account login.

candice saying we can click an x is a bold face lie!

We will be forced in a certain number of days

and you don't click an x you lie to the software and tell it your not the admin

privacy concern aside did you guys hire 20k it security professionals ? I think I would have heard of this.

There is no way this makes things more secure, it's the other way around this means you have to keep a list of passwords associated intuit accounts and one bad actor could get this list then hack into any local network and reset the password on the user files.

btw don't think 2 way authentication makes this more secure because guess what if you have the skills to get into other peoples network you have the skills to retrieve saved e-mail passwords

yeah this is a fail all around .

stop lying to your customers this is not an attempt to make this more secure, this is an attempt to get more data about your customers and their employees.





Level 3

DISABLE forced account login.

So, adding to the frustration of the forced sign in is the fact that I've had a client lose their internet connection, and they cant get passed the intuit account login because without a login it says the "navigation to the webpage was cancelled" and there's no "X" on the built in browser once that happens.

Level 2

DISABLE forced account login.

No if I give users access to "sensitive" information they too have to have a QB login.  THIS IS NONE OF INTUIT'S BUSINESS.  If I have a desktop edition, what right do you have to force a connection to you with my employees?  Who are you to track who I allow into my software? 


HOW DO WE DISABLE THIS???????????????????????

Level 2

DISABLE forced account login.

I agree with the others.  This is not right.  And what happens when my internet goes down (yes that happens here, I can have electricity and no internet) and I can't login at all??  This is unbelievably atrocious to require this of us. Also, how is this going to work when I'm restoring a client's backup? I see nothing but nightmares and a complete invasion of data privacy here.

I have some clients on QBO - and that's great if that's what they want.  I have other clients who do NOT want these excess connections to online.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do away with this requirement.  I'm not sure it's going to be worth continuing to use QB if you don't.


Level 2

DISABLE forced account login.

Please tell us the alternative.  I'd love to be done with this nonsense!

Level 2

DISABLE forced account login.

The canned response from Intuit doesn't "soothe" people as intended.  It just makes us angry that Intuit is pretending to not *understand* the objection.  They understand it perfectly, they just have much to gain by forcing it on us.  This is *ransomware*, plain & simple.  If/when there is a class action to address this, please put me at the top of the list of complainants.

Level 2

DISABLE forced account login.

It's a load of crap. They are trying to turn desktop into a subscription with their greedy corporate hands in control of letting us in or out of software we own. Pure crap.

Level 2

DISABLE forced account login.

There is NO x to cancel the screen. Your locked in. Again. Pure crap on Intuits greedy corporate thugs.

Level 1

DISABLE forced account login.

after over 3 hours on the phone on a payroll day I finally got back in. No matter how many times I try to sign in with a password or change the password in Intuit I can not sign in through Intuit and they finally saw that when they look in while I was doing it.  I finally broke down in tears from frustration. I finally got in when the page that comes up at sign in says administrator or not administrator trying to sign in I choose not administrator it let me in. I then went to Edit, preferences and then chose integrated applications, then company preferences then checked off dont allow any other applications access to this company file. now I can log in like before. I will be looking for a new book keeping program if this happens again. I have been with QB over 25 years and I hate change but I will not be forced to go online to sign in and especially when there is a glitch that will not allow me to no matter if I reset the password. I am looking into other programs.

Level 2

DISABLE forced account login.

I also have another issue with signing in online to my Quick Books Desktop account.  The issue is that if I am unable to connect to internet or my internet is down for hours and I need to get into my account, what I am I to do?  I am pissed!  Intuit are you listening?

QuickBooks Team

DISABLE forced account login.

Hello, philr!


I also am having internet issues sometimes so I know how it feels. The purpose of this new update is to protect your data and avoid unauthorized access to it.


You can visit for more info on how we keep your data secured.


Also, you can check these links to what’s new and improved in the latest available release for your version:

I'm here to help you if you have additional concerns. We'll respond as soon as we can.

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