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Enter a weekly timesheet in QuickBooks Online

by Intuit89 Updated 3 days ago

Learn how to enter a weekly timesheet in QuickBooks Online.

With weekly timesheets, you can enter the total number of hours worked by your employee or vendor for the week.

If you need, you can also learn more about entering a single time activity sheet.

Weekly timesheets are non-posting transactions. This means they don't show on reports like Profit and Loss until you add them to a sale or expense. Without Payroll, timesheets only allow a single hourly rate. If you need to enter multiple hourly rates, set them up in QuickBooks Online Payroll.

Note: If you use QuickBooks Time, you'll track time a different way.

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Depending on the role you've set in QuickBooks Online, you may or may not see certain fields.

  1. Select + New.
  2. Under Team, select Weekly Timesheet.
  3. Using the ▼ dropdown, select the name of the employee or vendor you want to record the timesheet for.
  4. Select a week you want to enter the time for.
  5. Complete the rest of the fields.

    Note: To change the days available and fields displayed, select Settings ⚙ beside Time Total.

    • Customer or project. Select the customer or project you want to bill the activity to, or track expenses.
    • Duration. Enter the number of hours and minutes your employee or vendor worked on this activity.
    • Service. Select the service that represents the activity.
    • Location and Class. Check out how to turn on these features if they're not available.
    • Pay Type. Select the Pay Type from the ▼ dropdown menu.
    • Billable. Select the checkbox and enter the rate, if you want to bill the activity to the customer. Customer is required for billable to be enabled.
      • Billable Rate edits must be made in the Employee Profile.
    • Description. Enter a description of the activity.
  6. Select Save.

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