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Reports included in your QuickBooks Online subscription

by Intuit152 Updated 4 months ago

Learn which reports are available for your version of QuickBooks Online.

Financial reports give you snapshots of different areas of your business. Most reports are available for all QuickBooks Online users. Some, however, are only available for certain subscription levels. Here's what's available for Simple Start, Essentials, and Plus users.

Note: If you have QuickBooks Advanced, you can run all these reports, as well as create your own reports using Custom Report Builder.

Business overview (reports)SolopreneurSimple StartEssentialsPlus
Audit LogXXX
Balance Sheet ComparisonXXX
Balance Sheet DetailXXX
Balance Sheet SummaryXX
Balance SheetXXX
Budget OverviewX
Budget vs. AccrualsX
Business SnapshotXX
Custom Summary ReportX
Profit and Loss by % of Total IncomeXXX
Profit and Loss ComparisonXXX
Profit and Loss DetailXX
Profit and Loss year-to-date ComparisonXXX
Profit and Loss by ClassX
Profit and Loss by CustomerXXXX
Profit and Loss by LocationX
Profit and Loss by MonthXXXX
Profit and LossXXXX
Quarterly Profit and Loss SummaryXXX
Statement of Cash FlowsXXX
Total Deposits and Payments (Beta)X
Realized Exchange Gains & LossesXX
Unrealized Exchange Gains & LossesXX
Sales and customers (reports)SolopreneurSimple StartEssentialsPlus
Customer Contact ListXXX
Deposit DetailXXX
Estimates by CustomerXXX
Income by Customer SummaryXX
Inventory Valuation DetailX
Inventory Valuation SummaryX
Payment Methods ListXX
Products and Services ListXXX
Physical Inventory WorksheetX
Sales by Class DetailX
Sales by Class SummaryX
Sales by Customer DetailXX
Sales by Customer SummaryXXXX
Sales by Customer Type DetailXX
Sales by Location DetailX
Sales by Location SummaryX
Sales by Product/Service DetailXX
Sales by Product/Service SummaryXXXX
Time Activities by Customer DetailX
Transaction List by CustomerXX
Unbilled TimeX
Unbilled ChargesXX
Who owes you (reports)SolopreneurSimple StartEssentialsPlus
Accounts receivable aging DetailXX
Accounts receivable SummaryXXX
Collections ReportXXX
Customer Balance DetailXX
Customer Balance SummaryXXX
Invoice ListXXX
Invoice and Received PaymentsXXX
Open InvoicesXXX
Statement ListXXX
Terms ListX
Uninvoiced chargesX
Uninvoiced timeX
What you owe (reports)SolopreneurSimple StartEssentialsPlus
1099 contractor Balance DetailX
1099 contractor Balance SummaryX
Accounts payable aging detailXX
Accounts payable aging summaryXX
Bill Payments ListXX
Bills and applied paymentsX
Unpaid BillsXX
Vendor Balance DetailXX
Vendor Balance SummaryXX
Expenses and vendors (reports)SolopreneurSimple StartEssentialsPlus
1099 Transactions detail reportX
Check DetailXXX
Expenses by Vendor SummaryXX
Open Purchase Order ListX
Open Purchase Order DetailX
Purchases by Class DetailX
Purchases by Location DetailX
Purchases by Product/Service DetailX
Purchases by Vendor DetailX
Transaction List by VendorXXX
Vendor Contact ListXXX
Sales tax (reports)SolopreneurSimple StartEssentialsPlus
Sales Tax Liability ReportXXXX
Taxable Sales DetailXXX
Taxable Sales SummaryXXXX
Employees (reports)SolopreneurSimple StartEssentialsPlus
Employee Contact ListX
Recent/Edited Time ActivitiesX
Time Activities by Employee DetailX
For My Accountant (reports)SolopreneurSimple StartEssentialsPlus
Account ListXXX
Balance Sheet comparisonX
Balance SheetXXX
Class ListX
General LedgerXXX
Location ListX
Profit and Loss ComparisonX
Profit and LossXXX
Recent TransactionsXXX
Recent Automatic TransactionsXX
Reconciliation ReportsXXX
Recurring Template ListXX
Statement of Cash FlowXXX
Transaction Detail by AccountXX
Transaction List by DateXXX
Transaction List with SplitsXX
Trial BalanceXXX
Payroll (reports)SolopreneurSimple StartEssentialsPlus
Employee DetailsXXX
Employee DirectoryXXX
Multiple WorksitesXXX
Paycheck ListXXX
Payroll Billing SummaryXXX
Payroll Deductions/ContributionsXXX
Payroll DetailsXXX
Payroll Summary by EmployeeX
Payroll SummaryXXX
Payroll Tax LiabilityXXX
Payroll Tax PaymentsXXX
Payroll Tax and Wage SummaryXXX
Recent/Edited Time ActivitiesX
Retirement PlansXXX
Time Activities by Employee DetailX
Total PayXXX
Total Payroll CostXXX
Vacation and Sick LeaveXXX
Workers' CompensationXXX
Miscellaneous Activities (reports)SolopreneurSimple StartEssentialsPlus
Auto Send ReportsXX
Customize ReportsXXX
Group ReportsXX
Management Reports/CompilationsXXX

Note: Payroll reports are only available if you have a QuickBooks Online Payroll subscription.

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