Set recurring schedules
Drag and drop jobs from previous schedules or repeat last week’s schedule with a tap.
Improve communication
Automatic alerts will inform your team when jobs come up or schedules change.
Stay compliant
We’ll automatically store your scheduling records in case you get audited.
Multiple ways to manage schedules
![A mobile phone displaying the add shift screen, which allows and employer or manager to add shifts to their employees' schedules via the Workforce mobile app.](
Assign the right people to the right jobs, pick the time and day, and share shift schedules when you’re ready. Make them recurring with a tap, and alert your team if anything changes.
![A desktop computer displaying a schedule color coded by employee and viewed by customer.](
Select a customer, date, and time before assigning someone to a job. See unassigned jobs at a glance, repeat prior schedules with a tap, and make sure tasks get done on time.
![A mobile phone displaying employees' work schedules, color coded by shift.](
With the QuickBooks Workforce app, you can create schedules by job, employee, or shift. When you’re ready to publish, your team will get notified automatically.**