Does it ever feel like the world’s best-performing companies know something you don’t? These companies never seem to lack direction, stay competitive, or know how to keep the customer satisfied. For many of them, the evidence is in their data. These companies don’t depend on gut instinct; instead, they rely on the strategic insights their data shows them.
As Carsten Bange, founder and CEO of the Business Application Research Center (BARC), explains, following the data takes away the need for intuition and replaces it with fact. “Creating a data-driven culture is about replacing gut feelings with decisions based on data-derived facts, be they simple key figures like revenue or profit, results from advanced analytics models, or even qualitative data.”
If you need some convincing, let’s take a look at some of the research. A study from McKinsey shows that organizations who use data to shape their strategies are:
- 19 times more likely to see profitable results.
- 23 times more likely to acquire new customers.
- 6 times as likely to retain their customers.
For today’s businesses, access to data isn’t a problem. The biggest challenge is making sense of it.