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A state-by-state guide to coronavirus small business relief programs

Last Updated: April 24, 2020

Editor’s note: Coronavirus guidelines, including guidelines related to how small businesses can access relief are changing daily. This guide includes resources for private funding, as well as relief funds available by state, county, and city. Because the number of available programs and resources for relief are dynamic and developing rapidly, this guide is not a comprehensive list of every program that might be available to business in all locations and may not fully reflect the programs that are available. In addition, the information we are providing in this guide is summarized and not all important program information has been included. As a result, individuals should verify the information about the programs themselves. Where possible, we’ve provided links to the programs or the organizations sponsoring Coronavirus relief. We’ll continue to update this list periodically.


Birmingham, Alabama COVID-19 Response Plan

Note: The first round of BhamStrong applications have closed. BhamStrong encourages businesses to join its mailing list for updates on available funding.

The city of Birmingham’s COVID-19 Response plan includes $1 million in funding to a small business emergency loan fund called the BhamStrong Fund. BhamStrong will provide zero-interest loans for the first 180-days to small businesses with fewer than 50 employees. Interest charges accrue for balances after 180 days. The fund targets an average loan of $10,000, with a maximum of $25,000. Loans are intended to prevent staff reductions and offset small business losses related to COVID-19.

North Baldwin Chamber Foundation Small Business Relief Fund

The North Baldwin Chamber of Commerce has created a relief fund for small businesses affected by the coronavirus and awaiting SBA financial assistance. Eligible businesses must have 50 or fewer full-time employees and be located in the North Baldwin Service area. Qualifying applicants can be awarded up to $5,000 to help provide some immediate relief to their business.


Alaska Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

The Alaska SBDC is offering a collection of resources for small businesses affected by COVID-19. Small businesses in Alaska can request assistance from the SBA’s Disaster Loan Program, but the Alaska SBDC may also direct small business owners to other available resources.


Arizona Together

The Arizona Together initiative is a resource center aimed to connect Arizona residents to a number of different programs operating in the state of Arizona. Programs include workforce information and resources, a small business guide to emergency loan assistance, financial assistance for small businesses, information about supply chain and logistics, and more.

Disaster Relief Microloan Program

The Community Investment Corporation, a 501(c)(3) organization, has created an emergency microloan program for small businesses in southern Arizona affected by COVID-19. The maximum amount is $10,000 and includes flexible rates and a repayment term of up to five years.

Growth Partners Arizona

Growth Partners, a nonprofit development financial institution, is offering two loan programs for small businesses: Kiva Tucson and Small Business Success Loans. Both will offer flexible rates and terms, ranging in total from $1,000 to $75,000.


Arkansas Economic Development Commission

The Arkansas Quick Action Loan Program has been funded with $4 million from the Governor’s Quick Action Closing Fund, and an additional $3 million from the Attorney General’s Consumer Education and Enforcement Fund. The program will provide up to $250,000 in financial assistance for qualifying businesses through loan guarantees of up to 80% of the principal balance of a loan issued by participating lenders, as well as direct loans to qualifying businesses. Borrowers will be subject to customary underwriting and collateral requirements, but initial payments may be deferred. The state is prioritizing businesses that are in the supply chain of essential goods and services, including healthcare, food manufacturing, and logistics for these loans and loan guarantees.


Small Business Finance Center (SBFC)

The California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (IBank) and SBFC are offering three loan programs to businesses in affected disaster areas:

  • California Disaster Relief Loan Guarantee Program for COVID-19
  • Farm Loan Program (partnered with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency)
  • IBank’s Jump Start Loan Program

San Francisco COVID-19 Small Business Resiliency Fund

Note: The application form is now closed.

The San Francisco COVID-19 Small Business Resiliency Fund allows small businesses impacted by COVID-19 to access up to $10,000 for rent and employee salaries. To be eligible, businesses must have between one and five employees and demonstrate a loss of revenue by $25,000 or more. They must also have less than $2.5 million in gross receipts and be engaged in activities that are regulated by the City and County of San Francisco. And they must have a license/permit for that regulation. Business owners can apply online.

Stockton COVID-19 Small Business Relief Grant

This grant program, sponsored by Main Street Launch, offers emergency grants of up to $3,000 to qualifying Stockton businesses negatively impacted by COVID-19.

City of Los Angeles Small Business Emergency Microloan Program

The emergency microloan program is providing loans to small businesses with amounts from $5,000-$20,000. It offers options of 0% interest rates for a term of up to 18 months, or 3% for a term of up to 5 years, with options of deferred payments. To be eligible, small business owners must:

  • Have a Business Tax Registration Certificate with the City of Los Angeles’ Office of Finance that was filed prior to March 1, 2020.
  • Have reasonable and responsible personal credit history and an acceptable explanation for any derogatory marks. Bankruptcies and debt write-offs must be at least 12 months old.
  • Show that historical profits were sufficient to service the requested debt and have been impacted by COVID-19.
  • Be located in Los Angeles boundaries.
  • Demonstrate the loan will be used for eligible and reasonable working capital expenses.

Berkeley Business Continuity Grant and Relief Fund

The Berkeley City Council has approved $1 million for the Berkeley Business Continuity Grants, an emergency relief fund with an allocation of $1 million to help mitigate COVID-19 related financial losses that Berkley’s small businesses have suffered. To be eligible, a business must have minimum of one and a maximum of 50 employees, demonstrate at least a 25% reduction in revenues due to COVID-19, and use funds to cover payroll, rent, or working capital for the business to cover operational expenses.

In addition to the city-sponsored fund, Berkley is also running a crowdfunding project with the hope residents will match the funds made available by the city with a tax-deductible donation. Businesses can apply now.

Sacramento Small Business Emergency Economic Relief Loan Program

Note: This program is no longer accepting applications. 

The City of Sacramento established a $1 million economic relief fund for businesses affected by COVID-19 and selected 101 local businesses to receive zero-interest loans. As of April 12, the city was no longer accepting new applications, but stated that, if additional funding became available, the application portal would reopen.

San Diego Small Business Relief Fund

The City of San Diego has established a Small Business Relief Fund (SBRF) to provide grants and forgivable or low- to zero-interest-rate loans to eligible small businesses for working capital. Approximately $6.1 million is available in the SBRF, which is being administered by the City of San Diego Economic Development Department. Small businesses can receive financial assistance in the form of loans or grants between $10,000 and $20,000. A list of FAQs is available online.


Denver Small Business Emergency Relief

The Denver Small Business Emergency Relief fund offers assistance to small businesses and artists who have been affected by COVID-19. The fund totals more than $4 million and “will provide eligible small businesses with grants up to $7,500 or microloans to support their stabilization efforts.” Officials are also asking for those in business and philanthropic communities to add to the fund to further help Denver’s small business owners. Businesses can apply now.

Fort Collins Small Business Relief and Recovery Loan Fund

Note: As of April 12, 2020, the funding window for applications has closed. A second window may open if the program is expanded. 

“The City of Fort Collins approved the creation of a new Small Business Relief and Recovery Loan Fund, in cooperation with Colorado Lending Source, a Denver-based nonprofit community lender.” The loan program will provide small businesses with microloans ranging from $5,000 to $50,000 for businesses that are unable to secure traditional financing. Information on the status of the loan program is available online.

Boulder Chamber COVID-19 Small Business Relief Fund

Note: As of April 20, 2020, the application window is now closed.

The Boulder Chamber has created a small business relief fund for businesses with 2-50 employees. To access the fund, the business must have been significantly impacted by COVID-19, experiencing unexpected expenses, and not eligible for other forms of relief. Businesses may be eligible for up to $2,500 in assistance.


Connecticut Recovery Bridge Loan Program

Note: As of March 27, 2020, DECD is not accepting applications for the Connecticut Recovery Bridge Loan Program.

Connecticut’s Recovery Bridge Loan Program offers no-interest loans for a 12 month term (subject to a 6-month extension upon request) to profitable small businesses that employ fewer than 100 people. Under the program, businesses and nonprofits can apply for a loan up to $75,000 or three months of operating expenses, whichever is lesser. A personal guarantee and credit score are required.

To qualify, the business must:

  • Employ fewer than 100 employees.
  • Be in good standing with the state’s tax department.
  • Have been profitable for 60 days prior to March 10, 2020, with no adverse personal credit reports that were 60 days past due in the last six months.

Business in real estate, multi-level marketing, adult entertainment, cannabis, or firearms are not eligible. State-elected public officials or state employees may not obtain loans, either.

HEDCO Loan Program

The Hartford Economic Development Corporation (HEDCO) has partnered with the State of Connecticut, the CT Department of Economic & Community Development (DECD) and the CT Minority Business Initiative to provide financial relief to minority-owned and women-owned small businesses negatively impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. Under the COVID-19 Business Response Program, a qualifying small business with 20 or fewer employees may apply for a zero-interest Line of Credit for up to $20,000.

Hartford Foundation COVID-19 Response Fund

The Hartford Foundation’s COVID-19 Response Fund is providing grants to stabilize nonprofit organizations experiencing lost revenue during the crisis. The Foundation is also supporting the Nonprofit Revolving Loan Fund (NRLF) at HEDCO to provide lines of credit for nonprofit organizations to provide emergency lines of credit up to $50,000, with 0% interest. Nonprofits may apply for grants, loans, or a combination of both here.


Hospitality Emergency Loan Program

The Hospitality Emergency Loan Program provides emergency loans to certain hospitality-related businesses in the state of Delaware. On March 26, the program was expanded to include certain personal care businesses, such as barber shops, hair salons, nail salons, and beauty shops. Eligible businesses making $2.5 million or less can borrow, with no interest, up to $10,000 per month. Loans can cover expenses such as “rent, utilities, and other unavoidable bills but cannot be used for personnel costs. The loans have a 10-year term with payments deferred for nine months.” An application is available online.


Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program

Florida’s Bridge Loan Program is a short-term interest-free loan program. It provides short-term, interest-free working capital loans to small business owners to allow owners to “bridge the gap” between when a disaster hits and when they can secure longer-term loans. Florida has extended the Bridge Loan Program to businesses with between 2 and 100 employees across the state who have been affected by COVID-19-related shutdowns. The program offers up to $50,000 for qualified businesses. The application is available online.


Atlanta Business Continuity Loan Fund

Note: As of April 12, 2020, applications were not being accepted. More funds may become available in the future, and the city may consider reopening applications at that time.

To ensure the viability of city businesses and to help sustain employment, Invest Atlanta has established a Business Continuity Loan Fund (BCLF) with $1.5 million of funding from the City of Atlanta. The fund will offer small businesses zero-interest loans to address a lack of working capital and cash flow as a result of reduced consumer demand, the ability to fulfill product or service orders, and other economic conditions.


Kaimuki Small Business Relief Fund

The Kaimuki Small Business Relief Fund is a mutual aid support created by local businesses in the Kaimuki, Hawaii area. Funds will be raised from donations made by the community and provided to businesses that are in danger of shutting doors for good because of the pandemic. Small businesses can apply for a grant online.


Idaho Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

The Idaho SBDC is offering a collection of resources for small businesses affected by COVID-19. As of April 24, 2020, the state of Idaho did not appear to have a small business loan or grant program, but small businesses in Idaho are eligible for assistance from the SBA’s Disaster Loan Program.


Chicago Small Business Resiliency Fund

Small businesses in Chicago that have experienced a 25% or greater drop in sales due to COVID-19 may apply for working capital loans with an interest rate of 1% for the first 18 months and 5.75% for the duration of the loan. Businesses and nonprofits can access loans for an amount equal to the average of their revenues for the last 3 months of 2019 (up to $50,000) from the emergency fund. The Fund is intended to is structured to complement the new federal Paycheck Protection Program. Small businesses (with 50 or fewer employees and gross revenues below $3 million for 2019) can apply online.

Illinois Small Business Emergency Loan Fund

This fund will provide loans at 3% interest of an amount equal to pre-COVID-19 average monthly revenues (up to $50,000) to help small businesses affected by the coronavirus. This fund is available to small businesses with 50 or fewer employees, located outside of Chicago, that made less than $3 million in revenue in 2019. The loan will last five years, with deferred payments for the first six months. Loan funds must be used for working capital, and at least 50% of loan proceeds must be applied toward payroll or other eligible compensation, with a commitment to hire or retain at least 50% of a business workforce for six months. As of April 10, 2020, nonprofits and farm businesses were not eligible to apply to the Fund.

Downstate Small Business Stabilization Program

The stabilization program was created to help connect rural businesses with local governments offering grants to help them manage through the coronavirus. Small businesses with up to 50 employees may obtain grants for verifiable working capital of up to $25,000, offered on a rolling basis. Funds are offered on a rolling basis.

The Greater Springfield Chamber Business Relief Fund

This relief fund was created by the Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce to help connect small businesses with emergency financial relief through the coronavirus. Businesses can apply now and may receive a grant of up to $2,000, pending additional donations to the Fund.

Hospitality Emergency Grant Program

Note: This program is now closed to applications. 

The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) is partnering with Accion to provide emergency assistance to small businesses in hospitality. The grant will provide $14 million to help hospitality businesses make payroll, rent, and other operational costs, including training for shifting business operations. Grants are available for food and beverage businesses that generated less than $1 million in revenue in 2019. Hotels that generated less than $8 million in 2019 may also be eligible. Grant amounts will be determined on 2019 revenue. Grants range from $10,000 to $25,000 for food and beverage and $50,000 for hotels.


Indiana Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

The Indiana SBDC is curating a list of known loans and grants that may be available to small businesses.

Boone County Small Business Economic Relief Fund

The Boone County Economic Development Corp (EDC) has created a three-phase response to help citizens and small businesses in the area affected by the coronavirus. Small businesses will be able to apply for microloans of up to $5,000 to help them during the economic downturn. Additional help will be provided through one-on-one business planning guidance, marketing campaigns, and other support.


lowa Small Business Relief Fund

Note: The application period for the Small Business Relief Grant is closed as of 12 PM, March 31, 2020.

Small businesses that have been impacted by COVID-19 may qualify for the Iowa Small Business Relief Fund. Businesses must between two and 25 people and must be located in Iowa. Applications must be submitted before March 31, 2020.


Kansas Hospitality Industry Relief Emergency (HIRE) Fund

Note: All initial funds available through the HIRE Fund have been allocated at this time, although the Kansas Department of Commerce is continuing to collect information from Kansas hospitality businesses on the losses they are facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Kansas HIRE fund is providing bridge loans to Kansas businesses with fewer than 100 employees that are affected by COVID-19. Eligible businesses include restaurants, bars, lodging facilities, conference centers, and event centers. Other hospitality businesses may also qualify. Funds will be awarded based on need and application details.

Helping Others Support Topeka (HOST) Relief Program

The HOST Relief Program will provide up to $2 million to workers who have lost their jobs and small businesses affected by the coronavirus. The program helps connect large-scale donors to small businesses and provides public-sector funds in the form of emergency grants. For-profit, privately held small business (1-100 employees) that maintain a place of business in Shawnee County may apply for grants of up to $5,000 online.


Small Business Continuity Loan Program

The Louisville Housing Opportunities and Micro-Enterprise Community Development Loan Fund, Inc. (LHOME) is providing small businesses with 10 or fewer employees affected by the COVID-19 crisis in Jefferson County, Kentucky up to $25,000 in loans. The loans are at zero percent interest with no payments due for 12 months (the entire amount is due after 12 months). Borrowers must apply for other assistance within 90 days of closing but if they are not able to secure other assistance to pay off the loan, the loan is renewable for an additional 4 years at a 5.0% APR. Small business may apply online.


Gig Economy Relief Fund

The New Orleans Business Alliance (NOLABA) has created a relief fund for gig economy workers affected by COVID-19. Awards are for $500 and will be dispersed based on need. Gig workers can re-apply after 45 days if they’re still eligible.

Greater New Orleans Foundation

The Greater New Orleans Foundation activated their Disaster Response and Restoration Fund in response to COVID-19 in New Orleans. This fund is available to nonprofits in the Southeast Louisiana area and organizations can email for more information. The organization has compiled a list of resources for nonprofits affected by the coronavirus in Louisiana.


Special Loans and Loan Insurance through the Finance Authority of Maine (FAME)

Note: FAME is continuing to accept applications for the Direct Loan Program but it has already received applications requesting in total more than the $5,000,000 that had been set aside for such loans.

FAME has collected a list of loan programs available to small business owners, individuals, and employees who have experienced hardships due to COVID-19. Small businesses that have applied for an SBA loan can apply to the COVID-19 Relief Interim SBA Finance Loan Program , which provides direct loans of up to $100,000 for small business borrowers who apply for SBA financing, until the SBA loan is funded. Small businesses who demonstrate that other sources of capital have been exhausted can also apply to the COVID-19 Relief Business Direct Loan Program for a loan of up to $50,000. The loan term is 12 months, which can be extended if necessary, at a rate of prime minus 1% (fixed at the time of disbursement).


Maryland Coronavirus Emergency Relief Fund Programs

Note: As of 5 p.m. on April 6, Commerce is no longer accepting new applications for its COVID-19 Small Business Relief Grant and Loan Programs.

The Maryland Department of Commerce has authorized $130 million in loan and grant funding for small businesses with fewer than 50 employees and manufacturers impacted by COVID-19. These funds are distributed in the following programs:


Massachusetts Small Business Recovery Loan Fund

Note: MGCC is no longer accepting applications to the Small Business Recovery Loan Fund as of 12:30 PM on March 19, 2020.

The Small Business Recovery Loan Fund will provide emergency capital of up to $75,000 to small businesses affected by COVID-19. Eligible businesses and nonprofits should have fewer than 50 employees, and no payments will be due for the first six months. Funds are administered by Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation.

Boston Small Business Relief Fund

Note: The City of Boston is no longer accepting new applications to the Small Business Relief Fund, but will reopen applications if additional funding becomes available.

The Mayor’s Office of Economic Development (OED) has created a Small Business Relief Fund for Boston businesses. Qualifying businesses have fewer than 35 employees, less than $1,500,000 in annual revenue, and have been affected by the Coronavirus. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis, beginning April 6, 2020. Awarded grants will be in increments of $2,500, $5,000, and $10,000, based on business size and average annual income.


Michigan Small Business Relief Program

Note: Grant applications are closed as of April 6, 2020. 

The Michigan Small Business Relief Program is a collection of grants offered by 15 different local and nonprofit economic development organizations. The grants are available to any small business affected by COVID-19. The grants all have various eligibility requirements based on need and the city or county the business is located.

Wayne County Small Business Relief Loan Fund

The Wayne County Commission and TCF Bank put together a relief loan program to small businesses in Wayne county affected by the coronavirus. Loans of $5,000 to $50,000 will be provided by TCF Bank, with terms of 2 years and interest rates of 2% or less. Business must have fewer than 100 employees (or less than $1,000,000 in annual revenue) and in existence for at least a year to qualify.


DEED Small Business Emergency Loans

The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development’s (DEED) emergency loan program helps Minnesota small business owners who need immediate assistance. It accesses $30 million from special revenue funds, according to DEED Commissioner Steve Grove. It allows small businesses to apply for loans anywhere from $2,500 to $35,000 to be repaid over 5 years, with payments deferred for the first 6 months. The loans will be 50% forgivable and offered at a 0% interest rate. Qualifying businesses are those named in MN Executive Orders 20-04 and 20-08.


The state of Mississippi does not have relief programs at this time. Qualifying small businesses within the state may be eligible for SBA disaster relief loans.


The state of Missouri does not have relief programs at this time. Qualifying small businesses within the state may be eligible for SBA disaster relief loans.


Montana Department of Labor expedited unemployment benefits

The Montana Department of Labor and Industry has allowed for the expedition of unemployment benefits, waiving the one-week waiting period for displaced workers. To qualify, workers must have experienced a temporary layoff due to the coronavirus. In addition, individual claims will not be chargeable to a specific employer’s account. The rules also include a provision that could extend the time employers have to file wage reports and pay unemployment insurance contributions delayed by COVID-19. File online for unemployment insurance here (requires creating an account with Montana Works).


Omaha COVID-19 Response Fund

One-time operating grants will fund nonprofit organizations that have deep roots in the community. Eligible nonprofits work with residents without health insurance and/or sick pay, people with limited English language proficiency, healthcare and low-wage workers, and communities of color, among others.

Community Development Block Grant

Nebraska is devoting funds provided to it by a federal Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant to contribute to coronavirus relief efforts. Grant monies are available for (1) businesses that qualify under the Nebraska Advantage Act, including manufacturers, scientific testing, research and development, and targeted exports; and (2) businesses that provide essential services such as grocery stores, pharmacies, and home-improvement stores. Funds from the Block Grant can be used for direct financial assistance, working capital, and the purchase of machinery and/or equipment. Businesses located in the city limits of Omaha, Lincoln, Bellevue and Grand Island are not eligible.

Lincoln COVID-19 Response Fund

The Lincoln COVID-19 Response Fund supports nonprofit organizations in Lincoln that support vulnerable populations impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The first phase of grants will leverage relationships with nonprofits working with disproportionately affected communities.

Mid-Nebraska Community Foundation COVID-19 Response Grants

The Mid-Nebraska Community Foundations is accepting applications for COVID-19 Response Grants nonprofits that serve people in the North Platte area.


The state of Nevada does not have relief programs at this time. Qualifying small businesses within the state may be eligible for SBA disaster relief loans.

New Hampshire

The state of New Hampshire does not have relief programs at this time. Qualifying small businesses within the state may be eligible for SBA disaster relief loans.

New Jersey

Small Business Emergency Assistance Loan

Note: Applications will open the morning of April 13, 2020, at 9 AM, and close April 20, 2020, at 9 AM.

The Small Business Emergency Assistance Loan Program provides a direct loan of up to $100,000 to NJ-based small businesses and nonprofits organizations affected by COVID-19 that have been in existence for at least one-year and has less than $5 million in annual revenue.

New Mexico

New Mexico COVID-19 Business Loan Guarantee Program

The New Mexico Economic Development Department can guarantee a loan or line of credit up to 80% of principal or $50,000. There are no restrictions on the length of term, loan amount, or interest rate.

Local Economic Development Act (LEDA)

Traditionally, LEDA loans help businesses purchase land or infrastructure, but they have been expanded to help businesses affected by the coronavirus. Loans can be used for lease abatement or mortgage assistance. Businesses must be a qualified manufacturing or retail business in a community under 15,000 people.

All Together NM Fund

Public foundations and private philanthropists coordinated the All Together NM Fund to help New Mexico recover from the effects of the coronavirus. The fund will provide a phased response, with the first addressing immediate community needs with grants for affected small businesses and employees.

Buy for Tomorrow Today

The Buy for Tomorrow Today initiative was created to help connect customers with small businesses in New Mexico in need of financial support. Small businesses can register online and sell gift cards and goods for delivery or pickup.

New York

New York City Employee Retention Grant Program

Note: The program is currently not accepting applications due to high volume of applicants.

New York City is offering small businesses with fewer than five employees grants to cover 40% of payroll costs for two months to help retain employees.

Businesses, including nonprofits, must:

  • Be located within the five boroughs of New York City.
  • Demonstrate that COVID-19 caused at least a 25% decrease in revenue.
  • Employ fewer than five employees across all locations.
  • Have been in operation for at least six months.
  • Have no outstanding tax liens or legal judgements.

New York City Small Business Continuity Fund

Note: The program is currently not accepting applications due to high volume of applicants. 

Businesses with fewer than 100 employees who have seen sales decreases of 25% or more may be eligible for zero-interest loans of up to $75,000.

Businesses must:

  • Be located within the five boroughs of New York City.
  • Demonstrate that COVID-19 caused at least a 25% decrease in revenue.
  • Employ fewer than 100 employees across all locations.
  • Demonstrate ability to repay the loan.
  • Have no outstanding tax liens or legal judgements.

North Carolina

NC COVID-19 Rapid Recovery loans

Note: Businesses can complete the application, but applications will not be reviewed until additional funds become available. 

The Rapid Recovery Lending Program is available to small businesses affected by COVID-19. These loans of up to $50,000 will serve as bridge loans for small businesses waiting on support from disaster loans or other relief funds.

North Dakota

North Dakota Development Fund Loans

The North Dakota Development Fund (NDDF) is making funds available for the following:

  • Loans and equity investments for primary sector businesses at below market rates for up to $1 million (businesses that are not yet certified as primary sector businesses can apply for that certification here); and
  • Loans to certified daycares of up to $100,000 at 2.5% interest.

Additionally, the North Dakota Development Board voted on March 19, 2020, to suspend all payments for all outstanding NDDF loans for 30 days.


COVID-19 Small Business Emergency Relief Grant Program

Note: The application period for this program is currently closed.

The Greater Akron Chamber of Commerce will provide $5,000 grants to eligible small businesses in the county.


The state of Oklahoma does not have relief programs at this time. Qualified small businesses within the state may be eligible for SBA disaster relief loans.


NoteThe state of Oregon does not have relief programs accepting applications at this time. Qualified small businesses within the state may be eligible for SBA disaster relief loans.

Beaverton Emergency Business Assistance Program

As of April, 2, 2020, this grant program is no longer accepting applications.

The Emergency Assistance Program provides relief to Beaverton businesses impacted by COVID-19. The program assists with rental or mortgage payments. Eligible businesses have fewer than 50 employees, operate out of a physical commercial storefront in Beaverton, and have verified they’re experiencing economic hardship.

Hillsboro Small Business Emergency Relief Program

Small businesses in the City of Hillsboro can apply to receive up to $3,000 in emergency grant funding during a second round of applications on Tuesday, April 7, between 9 am and 4 pm on our COVID-19 Business Resources webpage . City of Hillsboro staff will be available by phone at 503-681-5260, in English and Spanish, to assist business owners and entrepreneurs who need help. The online applications will also be available in English and Spanish, as they were during the first round of applications in March. The emergency support will help small businesses offset some of the financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jade District-Old Town COVID-19 Small Business Response Fund

As of March 26, 2020, applications are closed. Additional grant opportunities will be available starting Monday, March 30, 2020, through the City of Portland.

$140,000 in grants has been made available for businesses in the Jade District of Portland. The Jade District Steering Committee contributed another $50,000. Up to $190,000 will be available for disbursement. Small businesses located in the Jade District or Old Town Chinatown are encouraged to apply, with priority given to Asian- and Pacific Islander-owned businesses..

Prosper Portland

Note: As of April 1, 2020, applications are no longer being accepted. .

The Prosper Portland Small Business Relief fund will provide grants and no-interest loans to support Portland small businesses experiencing COVID-19-related hardships. The fund provides immediate relief by helping business owners retain their businesses and their employees until additional state and federal resources become available.


Philadelphia COVID-19 Small Business Relief Fund

Note: Businesses can complete the application, but awards will not be made until additional funds become available.

The COVID-19 Small Business Relief Fund is intended to bring immediate relief to small businesses affected by COVID-19. The funds will be available as microenterprise grants intended to help small businesses continue to pay employees and avoid predatory lenders. Businesses must have an annual revenue below $500,000. The maximum grant award is $5,000.

COVID-19 Working Capital Access Program

As of April 2, 2020, the COVID-19 Working Capital Access Program is now closed.

The Working Capital Access Program is available to small businesses with 100 or fewer employees. Funding will be provided as a loan, with a maximum loan amount of $100,000.

Support Easton Small Business Relief Fund

Note: The first round of applications closed on April 12, 2020. Depending on the availability of remaining funds, there may be a second round of applications.

The city of Easton, PA, is partnering with the Easton Area Industrial Land Development (EAILD) to raise $300,000 for small businesses and nonprofits in need in Easton. Interested businesses can email for information and an application. The city has also created a list of small businesses offering delivery, pick up, online classes, and other remote resources. Small businesses interested in joining the list can contact the city of Easton .

Rhode Island

Rhode Island Gift Forward Program

Small businesses can partner with the program in exchange for selling gift cards to customers interested in supporting their businesses. The program will connect small businesses and customers, advise customers on businesses open for delivery and take-out, and build community awareness around supporting small businesses during COVID-19. Business can register online.

Pawtucket COVID-19 Emergency Loan Program

The Pawtucket Business Development Corporation (PBDC) is providing emergency loans of $10,000 to small businesses (in the retail, wholesale, service, entertainment, and restaurant/bar industry) affected by the coronavirus. Qualifying businesses must have 25 or fewer employees and must demonstrate a 30% or more loss of revenue due to the coronavirus. Loans come with a 2% interest rate, are deferred for the first 12 months, and must be repaid within 2 years after repayment begins. Loans can be used to pay for operating expenses, such as payroll and rent. Small businesses can apply now.

South Carolina

Columbia Small Business Stabilization Forgivable Loans

The Resilient Columbia Small Business Stabilization Forgivable (SBSF) Loan Program is designed to provide short-term loan relief to businesses within the corporate limits of Columbia that are seeing a reduction in revenue because of COVID-19. SBSF loans of up to $10,000 will be made at zero interest for two years to qualifying small businesses . Such small businesses that remain in good standing are eligible to have up to 50% of the loan forgiven at each anniversary of the loan. Additionally, the Resilient Columbia Economic Stabilization Non-Profit Program is providing grants of up to $10,000 to impacted non-profits. Both small businesses and nonprofits can apply for their respective programs online .

South Dakota

South Dakota Small Business Relief Fund

The South Dakota Small Business Relief Fund exists to aid South Dakota businesses that need assistance to help make ends meet. For-profit and non-profit businesses based in South Dakota, established prior to March 2020, with fewer than 250 employees, with a written acknowledgement that the applicant’s business has suffered a material negative impact from the COVID-19 pandemic, and with sufficient credit, are eligible to obtain an interest-free loan of $5,000 to $75,000 at 0% interest. No payments are due on the loans for the initial 6 months, and the loans may be repaid at a term of up to 60 months. Applications are available online.


The state of Tennessee does not have relief programs at this time. Qualified small businesses within the state may be eligible for SBA disaster relief loans. Launch Tennessee provides a robust resource center for small businesses and startups.


The state of Texas does not have relief programs at this time. Qualifying small businesses throughout the state may be eligible for SBA disaster relief loans. Texas has created a comprehensive resource center with answers to common questions around payroll, unemployment, and more.


Salt Lake City Emergency Loan Program

Note: The Program is not currently accepting applications.

The Salt Lake City Emergency Loan Program is intended to help businesses keep their employees and stay afloat during this time of economic hardship. They encourage business owners who need help making payroll, paying bills, or keeping operations going to apply.

Utah Leads Together Small Business Bridge Loan

Note: The second round of loan applications will be accepted from 8 a.m., April 13, until 12 p.m., April 16 (MDT).

The Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Development is offering bridge loans to qualifying small businesses and 501(c)(3) organizations affected by the coronavirus. Applicants must have been established before January 1, 2020, have 50 or fewer employees, and use the proceeds of the loan for such purposes as payroll, rent, and utility expenses, among other conditions. Loan amounts range from $5,000 to $20,000 (up to 3 months of demonstrated operating expenses) at 0% interest to be repaid over up to 60-month (with no payments for the first 12 months).


The state of Vermont does not have relief programs at this time. Qualified small businesses within the state may be eligible for SBA disaster relief loans.


Central Virginia COVID-19 Response Fund

The Central Virginia COVID-19 Response Fund, activated by the Community Foundation and the Emergency Management Alliance of Central Virginia, is providing grants to non-profits and public agencies that are meeting the needs of individuals and families most affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Organizations can share their needs for funding through filling out a Google form.

Virginia 30 Day Fund

Small businesses based in Virginia that employee 3 to 30 people that have been operating for at least 1 year can apply for a forgivable loan of up to $3,000 that only needs to be paid back if the applicant wishes to do so. The forgivable loan is intended to provide immediate financial assistance and applications will receive responses within at most three days. Businesses can apply online.


Amazon Neighborhood Small Business Relief Fund

Small businesses in Seattle and Bellevue may be eligible for Amazon’s Neighborhood Small Business Relief Fund. To be eligible for this grant, recipients must have fewer than 50 employees or less than $7 million in annual revenue. Eligible businesses must also be service or retail establishments open to the general public. The fund is a grant rather than a loan. Retail locations owned by publicly traded corporations do not qualify. Businesses can apply online.

SharedWork Program

The Washington State Employment Security Department SharedWork program allows small business owners to reduce workers’ hours from between 10% and 50% while allowing full-time employees to collect unemployment. Business owners can apply now.

Small Business Stabilization Fund

Note: The deadline to apply for funds was March 25, 2020, at 11:59 PM.

To mitigate barriers to capital for Seattle’s most vulnerable businesses, the City of Seattle is committing approximately $2.5 million in Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to the Small Business Stabilization Fund. The Small Business Stabilization Fund is an emergency fund that provides working capital grants in amounts up to $10,000 to qualifying small businesses.

  • Business owners must have a low- or moderate-income (≤80% of the Area Median Income).
  • Businesses must have five employees or fewer.
  • Businesses must have a physical establishment.
  • Businesses must have experienced a loss of income due to COVID-19.
  • Businesses must be located within Seattle.

Seattle Arts Recovery Package

Note: The application is closed as of April 2, 2020, but individuals may still submit applications to be on the waitlist, in case additional funds are secured.

This $1.1 million funding package invests directly in creative workers and arts and cultural organizations financially impacted by COVID-19. The Mayor’s Arts Recovery Package is composed of two key initiatives:

  1. $100,000 in immediate relief for artists and creative workers.
  2. $1 million Arts Stabilization Fund to invest in arts and cultural organizations to help mitigate revenue losses due to the moratorium on events and public gatherings.

West Seattle Junction Small Business Relief Fund

West Seattle Junction has is collecting donations to help raise funds for small businesses in West Seattle struggling due to the stay-at-home orders across the city. Donors can make tax-deductible contributions and direct the funds to the small business of their choice.

Kirkland Small Business Relief Fund

Note: Although the first round of applications is closed, additional funds are currently being raised for future rounds. .

In partnership with Google, the City of Kirkland, and the Greater Kirkland Chamber of Commerce, this fund aids small businesses with fewer than 25 employees. Qualifying small businesses and nonprofits may be awarded grants between $1,000 and $5,000.

West Virginia

The state of West Virginia does not have relief programs at this time. Qualifying small businesses within the state may be eligible for SBA disaster relief loans.


Wisconsin Small Business 20/20 grants

The Small Business 20/20 Program provides grant funds to approved community development financial institutions (CDFIs). Approved CDFIs will award grants up to $20,000 to existing loan clients to assist with cash flow challenges resulting from COVID-19. Businesses that are not currently CDFI clients are not eligible to access these funds, but the sponsor is working to expand access to funding through other programs as more resources become available.


The state of Wyoming does not have relief programs at this time. Qualifying small businesses within the state may be eligible for SBA disaster relief loans.

Relief programs are evolving regularly. Please visit state and federal websites, and  for the most up to date information.

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