Name: Nicole Davis
Location: Covington, Georgia
Pronouns: She/Her
Business: Butler-Davis Tax & Accounting, LLC
What makes your small business unique from others?
Our differentiator is the client experience. There are thousands of firms that can competently do the work. The client journey is perhaps one of the few differentiators that distinguishes me from other firms. This is why client experience is always top of mind. My firm’s 3E philosophy is to Execute Excellence Every day. This entails all areas of firm management.
Why did you decide to start your own business? How did you get started?
I worked in corporate America for a big chunk of my career. One day, I was sitting at my desk and thought, I could help these corporate giants get bigger… or I could help small businesses, like my dad’s auto repair shop, get better. Thus, I set the wheels in motion to move from employee to employer.
What is the biggest lesson you learned in the first year?
I should have saved more than I projected. I struggled during my first year in business and found a part-time job to make ends meet. My husband’s salary also paid a lot of my firm’s bills for the first few years until I was able to retire him from his full-time gig to come work for me.
What was the most surprising thing about becoming a business owner?
My business was a blank canvas and I could paint it however I wanted. Many times, we get stuck in what others are doing or the way it’s been done and we forget that the path to success has many routes.