Understanding the sales funnel
To build a proper sales strategy, you must first understand the sales funnel. The sales funnel is a term most often used by marketing teams to describe how target customers go through the buying process. Your goal should be to have high conversion rates, meaning that a high number of customers completed the sales cycle and bought your product.
Marketing strategies typically make up the first stage of the funnel, which is otherwise known as the “awareness” stage. Here, companies are looking to increase awareness about their new product through marketing campaigns. During this time, businesses should begin to establish customer relationships with the target audience.
Once a company has acquired leads, customers will move into the middle of the funnel, into what’s known as the sales stage. This is the section where a great sales strategy will come into play. You’ll highlight your value propositions, otherwise known as the differentiators that set your company apart.
The sales stage of the funnel may have many dynamics. For instance, you may start by giving a prospect your sales pitch. Then, you may schedule a demo. You and the prospect may negotiate the price a few times before you can finally close the deal and make them a new customer.
You may elect to use different strategies at various points in the sales pipeline. The best sales reps will listen to their prospects, build a relationship, and deliver the sales pitch that best suits the prospect’s needs at the time. The ability to adjust your sales plan will go a long way toward converting leads.