When to amend or destroy your sales tax license
Applying for and getting a sales tax license is not a one-and-done deal. Most states require businesses to amend or update their sales tax license if their business details change.
You’ll have to amend your sales tax license after any of the following changes:
- Business name or address
- Business locations
- Owner or officer
Note that some changes require a new license. For example, the state will issue a new license if the business changes its name. Alternatively, when business details change but do not appear on the license, like a business telephone number, the state will not typically issue a new license.
You generally must surrender or destroy your license if, among other reasons, you:
- Stop doing business
- Sell, transfer, or assign your business to another party
- Change the form of your business (for example, from a sole proprietorship to a single-member LLC)
You’re responsible for filing your sales tax returns until de-registration is complete, even though the return will be for zero dollars. Failure to file even a zero-dollar return could result in collection issues or penalties.