Intuit commissioned an online survey in August 2022 of 3,000 business owners, employees, and self-employed people throughout the US, all aged 18+. Half of the respondents are Hispanic or Latino (1,249 Hispanic and 251 Latino), the other half are not Hispanic or Latino (1,111 white, 218 Black, 75 Asian, 20 Arab, 28 Multiracial, 48 other/unknown). This report focuses on the data provided by Hispanic and Latino respondents. Small businesses are defined as having less than 100 employees. Census data weightings were used to ensure the responses are representative as possible. Percentages have been rounded to the nearest decimal place, so some charts or statistics shown here may not add up to 100% but 99% or 101% instead. Responses were collected in an online survey using Pollfish audience pools and partner networks with double opt-ins, random device engagement sampling, and post-stratification to ensure accurate targeting and results. Respondents received remuneration.
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