When do you need to issue 1099 forms?
The responsibility of issuing 1099 forms typically falls on businesses or individuals who have made the payments. The recipient of the income, whether it's an individual or a business, should also receive a copy of the 1099 form.
The threshold for issuing most 1099 forms is $600 in a calendar year. If you pay an individual or a business at least $600 for services, rent, or other types of income, you must issue a 1099 form to report those payments.
Different 1099 forms report different types of income. Misunderstanding what 1099 forms are and how to use them is one of the common mistakes made on 1099s. For example, if you pay a contractor or a freelancer for services, you would issue a 1099-NEC form to report their nonemployee compensation. However, if you need to report rent or attorney fee payments, you’ll need to file Form 1099-MISC.
Form 1099-K is a tax form that small businesses receive if they use an online marketplace like eBay or if they use third-party payment applications such as PayPal.
Here is a recap and filing deadlines of the common 1099 forms small businesses either send or receive: